Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              036

       Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.










































































And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] strike for them example of the conduct of the residents of the locality when their came the Messengers. [36:13]

when We sent towards them two Messengers whereupon they contradicted both two of them, thereat We dominantly strengthened them with a Third Messenger whereupon they said to them, "Indeed We are sent as Messengers towards you people". [36:14]

They/the ruling elite replied, "You are none except human being like us.

And Ar'Reh'maan has not sent any thing,


you people are but lying" [36:15]

They said, "Our Sustainer Lord fully knows that We are certainly sent as Messengers to you people.


[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;4248;64:12;72:23,28]

And upon us there is no responsibility except to deliver/convey/pass on the message manifestly" [36:17]

[Read with 7:131;27:47]

They/the ruling elite replied, "We have found/seen that the cause of our adversities/problems are certainly you people.

[Read with 19:46;26:116]o

It is certain that if you people did not desist [from creating problems for us] We will definitely stone you and certainly a painful affliction will meet you from us" [36:18]

They said, "Your bad omen is with you. [permanently fixed in necks-17:13]

Is it for reason that you are admonished/reminded.


Nay, the fact is that you are the people who are transgressors". [36:19]

[Same words in 28:20]

And there came a man from farthest end of the city running,


He said, "O my people, you physically follow the Messengers in letter and spirit; [36:20]


you people make yourself physically follow, they do not ask from you people any remuneration/ worldly payment and they are the rightly guided. [36:21]

And what is for me not to be subservient and allegiant for the One Who has created me I

[Same information in same words in 2:245;10:56;11:34,28:70,88;36:83;41:21;43:85; Except 29:17]o

   and you will be presented before Him [on day of Resurrection] for accountability. [36:22]


Should I adopt for myself other than Him as various iela'aha? If Ar'Reh'maan intends any harm to me their recommendation will not avert any thing from me and nor can they escape me. [36:23]


It is certain that the moment I do that I will definitely be in manifest straying. [36:24]

I have accepted and believed in your Sustainer Lord, therefore, you people listen to me" [36:25]

[this was their cause of concern and trouble that they were being tutored by men whom they considered ordinary; they arrogantly martyred him while endeavoring in cause of Allah] It was said, "You enter into the Paradise"


He said, "I wish my nation comes to know this [36:26]

that for me my Sustainer Lord has granted forgiveness and He has made me amongst the honored ones" [36:27]

And We did not send upon his nation after him [his alive alienation because of murder in the cause of Allah] from forces from the Sky and nor were We to send down, [36:28]

it was nothing except a single blast sound whereupon at that point in time they were extinguished. [36:29]

36:30-47                  Main Page/Index
