Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          

























































































































And [during a journey] when Musa [alai'his'slaam] said for [to] his [accompanying] servant,


"I will not discontinue until I cross over to the point where two rivers meet admixing [Khartoum-White Nile and Blue Nile junction point] even if I may have to continue for long period". [18:60]

Thereafter when they both reached at the point of admixing between both of those two rivers [Not Seas which do not admix to become one] they both two forgot/neglected caring for their fish,


thereby [for reason of their neglect] that found its way into the river [singular, the point where two rivers have since admixed fully turning into one river] liberating into the water wave. [18:61]

Thereafter when they had passed away that point he said for [to] his servant, "Bring us our early lunch, indeed we have suffered/faced fatigue in our present journey". [18:62]

He replied, "Do you recall when we rested on the rock, then/for reason [tiredness] I forgot the fish;

and none made me forgetful except Shaitaan that I should have mentioned that to you; that fish found its way into the river in an amazing manner" [18:63]


[ignoring his amazement] He said, "That is the point We were seeking to find". [ignoring his amazement] He said, "That is the point which We were seeking to find". Thereby they both made themselves carefully return upon the track/footprints of both, in the manner of tracing step by step. [18:64]

Resultantly they both two found out the man from Our allegiant servants whom We had blessed mercy from Our Grace;


and We had made him known [few things] as knowledge from Our Grace. [18:65]

Musa [alai'his'slaam] said for [to] him, "May I follow you that you may let me know out of what you have been made to know to arrive at true conclusion" [18:66]

He replied [rather straight forward to the stranger visiting him for the first time], "Indeed you will never be able to find control to withhold with me patiently. [18:67]

[clarifying his observation he added that he means] And how can you exercise patience on something about which you are not yet comprehensively aware". [18:68]

Musa [alai'his'slaam] said, "You will find me, if Allah so wills, patient and I will not go against you in any of your affair". [18:69]

He said, "Then/for purpose if you followed me you will not thereby ask me about anything until I reveal/present to you describing about that " [18:70]

Thereby they both two [leaving behind the servant] moved out [remaining silent] until they had both embarked the boat and he had made a hole in it


he, Musa [alai'his'slaam] said, "Have you holed/perforated it/the boat so that you might drown its passengers? Apparently you have certainly done a strange thing" [18:71]

 [Same observation in 18:75]

He replied, "Had I not said that you will certainly not find control to withhold with me patiently" [18:72]

He/Musa [alai'his'slaam] said, "You do not hold me accountable for what I forgot and nor prevail upon me in my affair harshly" [18:73]

Thereby they both two set out [keeping silent] until when they both met a boy whereupon he killed him/boy,

he questioned/objected/said "Have you killed an [apparently] innocent boy without being in requital for a person/murder.


Indeed you have done a thing unpleasing" [18:74] [He will meet a similar incident on his return 28:15]

[Same observation in 18:72]

He replied, "Had I not said to you that you will certainly not find control to withhold with me patiently" [18:75]

He/Musa [alai'his'slaam] said, "If I asked you a question about anything after this then you keep me not in company;


indeed to you have reached  from my side an excuse". [18:76]

Thereby they both two set out [keeping silent] until they both arrived to the people of town; they both two asked its inhabitants food/meal, in response they people refused to offer them both hospitality.

Thereafter they both two found/saw in that locality a wall which was about to collapse, thereby he/ the learned man set that wall straight.


He/Musa [alai'his'slaam] said, "If you wished certainly you could have taken for that a remuneration/labour reward". [18:77]

He said, "This is the point of parting ways between me and between you.


[before we go our ways] I will just inform you about the cause and meanings/effect of those acts upon which you could not find control to withhold patiently. [18:78]

As for the boat, that is for reason that it belonged to poor people who worked in the sea;


thereby/for reason [to avoid its seizure] I intended that I may cause it apparently defective and on other side of them was the ruler who was seizing each and every boat by force. [18:79]

And as for that boy is concerned, that is for reason that his parents were true believers, thereby we feared that he might over prevail both of them harshly with transgression and disbelief. [18:80]

Therefore we intended that their Sustainer Lord may substitute them with a son better than him in character uplift and nearer in affection and sympathy. [18:81]

And as for that wall is concerned, that is for reason that it belonged to two child orphans in the locality and beneath it was saved the treasure for both two of them;

and the father of both two was a perfectionist/righteous person.

Therefore/for reason your Sustainer Lord decided that they both two cross over to their strengthen maturity and they both take out their treasure, the mercy from your Sustainer Lord

and I had not done that on my own accord/decision.


This is the cause and meanings/effect of those acts upon which you could not find control to withhold patiently" [18:82] [Hereafter Musa alai'his'slaam went back and entered Egypt-28:15]

