Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          




























































And indeed We did confer upon you a favour at an earlier occasion [20:37]

[Read with 28:07]

when We communicated to your mother that which was communicated to her [20:38]

[When was it to be done 28:07]

that "Place him in the chest and thereby place him in the river [Nile]

then let the river place him on the bank, an enemy to Me and enemy to him will take/adopt him".


And I placed apparent love/attraction upon you from Me and so that you are brought up under Mine eye/affection [20:39]

[Read with 28:12]

at the time/when your sister was following, for reason [you were not sucking milk of any woman] she said, "May I lead you people towards the one who will nurse and rear him".

[Same information in 28:13]

Thereby We returned you [as per Our promise to her] to your mother so that it may cool her eyes and so that she may not grieve.

And you killed a person whereby We rescued you from the disturbing situation and We subjected you to troubles/difficulties in liquefying manner.

Then you lived for years amongst the people of city Madyan.


Afterwards you have reached to the measure/point in time [for appointment as Messenger] O Musa [20:40]

and I have prepared you for My Self/assignment. [20:41]

You go, you as well as your brother with My unprecedented demonstrative signs and you two do not slacken in My remembrance" [20:42]

[Same information in 20:24;79:17]

[when both two had met, they were directed] "You both two go towards Fir'aoun/Pharaoh, indeed he has over brimmed in transgression. [20:43]

Thereby/on reaching him you both say for him talking softly and gently; perhaps he takes heed or [at least] he becomes apprehensively cautious". [20:44]

They submitted, "Our Sustainer Lord! Indeed We feel apprehensive that he may misbehave with us or he may transgress" [20:45]

He told, "You both be not apprehensive. Indeed I am with both of you, I am listening and seeing" [20:46]

Therefore you both go to him whereby on reaching there you both say, "Indeed We both two are Messengers of your Sustainer Lord, therefore [in compliance to His message] you send with us Bani Iesraa'eel and you do not torment them.

Indeed we have come to you with an unprecedented demonstrative sign from your Sustainer Lord;


and peace/tranquility/salutation is upon the one who followed the Guidance. [20:47]

Indeed it has been communicated to us that infliction is upon the one who contradicted and turned away from the Guidance". [20:48]

