Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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      Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.         


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And indeed We had sent towards Sa'mued their brother Saleh [alai'his'slaam]

 [may ask them] "you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah"


In response, when he told them, at that point in time they became two groups [one believers the other rejecters] mutually disputing/exchanging heated arguments. [27:45]

[Read with 13:06]

Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! Why you people seek the punishment/adversity to be hastened  before arising the good/pleasant situation?

Why not you seek forgiveness from Allah

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:132;6:155;7:63;7:204;24:56;36:45;49:10]o

 so that you people are dealt/subjected with mercy. [27:46]

[Read with 7:131;36:18]

They/the ruling elite replied, "The cause of our adversities are you and he whoever is with you".

Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said, "The cause of your adversities is from Allah.


Nay, the fact is that you are the people who are subjected to a liquefying trial". [27:47]

And there in the city used to live a group of nine men,


 they were in habit of creating distortions and imbalances in the society/Earth and they did not reform. [27:48]

They said, "You people mutually swear by Allah that we will surely attack him by night and his household;


afterwards the attack we will certainly emphasize for his heir that we had not witnessed the destruction of his household and indeed we are certainly truthful in our statement" [27:49]

And they devised the conspiracy and We planned a plan


[We fully knew their conspiracy] and they had no idea/perception/clue of that plan. [27:50]

Resultantly, give a thought, how was the eventual fate of their ill-design,


that We We destroyed them by forceful entrance and their nation, altogether. [27:51]

Resultantly their houses are veiling the devastation/dilapidation/ruins upon their roofs for being persistently unjust;

[Same pronouncement in 27:86]o

indeed in this [ruins, archeological evidence] is certainly a demonstrative sign/lesson so that people may know [the eventual effect of being persistently remaining unjust] [27:52]

[Same information in 41:18]

And We had saved/rescued those who believed and they persistently remained cautious, heedful and avoided un-restrained conduct in reverence and fear. [27:53]

27:54-58               Main Page/Index
