Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              037

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           













































































































Thereat [having conveyed these facts] you ask them to resolve it for themselves, "Whether they are stronger in creation or others whom We have created"

[for comparison they should remember] Indeed We have created them from the clay that acts as adhesive. [37:11]

Nay, in fact you were surprised while they were derisive/taking them mockingly. [37:12]

And when they are orally reminded/facts are narrated to them they do not save those in memory/ resultantly do not take heed. [37:13]

And when they people saw an Ayat in writing [of Qur'aan written on paper] they amongst themselves amuse mockingly, [37:14]

[Same assertion in same words in 5:110;6:07;11:07;34:43;37:15; similar 27:23;43:30;46:07;61:06]

and they said, "this [statement in Qur'aan] is nothing except an evident illusory lie; [37:15]

[Same information in same words in 23:82;Similar in 17:49,98;56:47]

is it possible that when we would have died and would have become dust and bones are we certainly going to be revived/resurrected [37:16]

[Replica/Mirror 56:48]o

or our forefathers of remote earlier periods?" [37:17]

[Read with 27:87;37:26]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Yes, you all will be resurrected, and you people will act humbly and submissively" [diametrically opposite to present day derisive conduct] [37:18]

[It is complete verse 79:13]

Thereat that would only be one Big/Mighty Bang

[Read with 79:14]o

whereupon at that point in time they will be seeing; [37:19]

and they said, "O! Woe is for us, this is the Day of Judgment" [37:20]

[Same pronouncement in same words 77:38; Read with 44:40;77:13;78:17]

[it will be affirmed, yes] "This is the Day of Separation/Compartmentalization;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 32:20;83:17]o

the One that which you people kept contradicting publicly" [37:21]

[Read with 25:17]

[Angels who recognize by marks and signs will be commanded] "You collect and gather those who did wrong and their spouses/likes; 55:41

[Same information in 25:17]o

and those/sculpted idols which they worshipped/proclaimed allegiance; [37:22]

[Same information in same words 25:17]

apart from Allah;

[Read with 19:86;20:102]o

where after you take them on the road of the Hell-Prison" [37:23]

 [they seized them by their forelocks and chained their legs, and are heading them towards Hell by slashes on faces and back] And make them stop [on way], certainly they are to be asked [this is not about their crimes-28:78] [37:24]

"What is the matter for you people that you are not mutually helping each other" [37:25]

[Read with 37:18]

Nay, they are on this/today reflexively submissively surrendering. [37:26]

[Replica/Mirror 52:25]

And some of them turned confronting others face to face questioning each other's conduct; [37:27]

they said, "Indeed you, it were you who used to come to us with authoritative possession" [37:28]

They replied, "No, the fact of the matter is that you were never believer; [37:29]

and for us there was nothing from authority upon you people,


nay, rather actually you were a people who over brim in transgression. [37:30]

Resultantly the Word of Our Sustainer Lord has become incumbent upon us;


it is certain that we are definitely going to be the sufferers, [37:31]

[Read with 28:63]

for reason we divagated you people as indeed we kept our selves divagating". [37:32]

[Read with 43:39]

Therefore/in consequence indeed they on this Day are equal share holders in the affliction. [37:33]

[Same pronouncement in 77:18; also read 7:40;10:13]

Indeed this is how We act with the criminals. [37:34]

Indeed they were the people who when it was said for [to] them,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 47:19]

"there is absolutely no iela'aha except Allah"


they used to make themselves demonstrate arrogance of grandeur, [37:35]

  • And they used to say amongst themselves, "Should we must become abandoners of  our various iela'aha for a delusions possessed poet?" [37:36]

  • No, they falsely slander, he is neither possessed nor a poet, the fact of the matter is that he has come with a Statement of Proven-Absolute Fact [Grand Qur'aan].

  • And he-Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] has affirmed-authenticated-sanctified all those who were sent as Messengers to various nations in timeline. [37:37]

[reverting from parenthetic to the Day of Judgment] "Indeed you people are going to certainly taste the painful punishment. [37:38]

[Same pronouncement negation particle La in 36:54]

And you people are not being recompensed except for that what deliberate and willful acts you people used to perform". [37:39] [Read with 10:52;27:90;36:54;37:39;45:28;52:16;66:07]


37:40-60              Main Page/Index
