Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window]

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   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy         

Know it that the moment, when your Sustainer Lord said for [to] the Angles, "Be informed of the fact that I am moving/placing/declaring [Adam] in the Earth as self governor-enjoying freedom-free will of self rule/choice/decision",

they opined saying, "Are You granting the freedom of act/free will therein to him who would create therein imbalance/mischief/disquiet and he will shed bloods/talk floating vanity and conjecture; while we keep celebrating Your praises [or, we with Your Praise, persistently remain active in executing work, as commanded] and we keep narrating the Glory of You".

 He replied, "The fact is that I know that about which you people do not have the knowledge". [2:30]

    Be informed that He/Allah-the Exalted taught Adam the particular/peculiar names of things, all of them. Afterwards He caused those things put at view before the Angels;

  whereupon/for reason He asked them, "You tell Me the names of these things put at your view, if you people were those who narrate the truth-authentic-accurate statement/news"  [2:31]

They said, "[We always repetitively narrate that] The Sublime Glory is alone for You; absolute knowledge is not [exhibited/evident] for us; except that only which You have taught/caused us to know. Certainly You are truly the All Knower and the Infinitely Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded." [2:32]

He said, "O Adam! tell them, make them aware/knowledgeable about the names of these things". In compliance, when he had told them the names of those things,

Allah said: "Did I not tell you that I know absolutely the secrets/for you invisibly existing things of the Skies and the Earth, and I fully know what you people reveal and what you people withheld from saying?" [2:33]

Know the history of that point in time when We had said for [to] the Angles, "You people pay obeisance for Adam". Consequently in compliance they did pay obeisance; but Ieb'lees [in response to the command given to him separately] demurred while he made his own self obsessed/puffed with pride of grandeur and superiority; and so became amongst those who refuse the command. [2:34]

Be cognizant, [about your earlier elevated stature] We had said, "O Adam, stay-be the guest of Paradise, you and your wife; and both eat of abundant variety there from, wherever you both wish and like.

 However, you both should not go near this/peculiar/identified female tree/taste its fruit, failing which/lest-whereby you both may become/be considered amongst those who interrupt/use things without right/permission" [2:35]

Thereat/for reason [by deceptively telling two conjectural and sensational myths about the tree which veiled the command for Adam] Shai'taan caused for both of them slip driving away from that given advice. Thereby he caused the ouster of both of them from the state of felicity/affluence/comfort in which they both had been, since We had directed, "You go down to the Earth all". Some of you people are enemy for some others.

[Recurrence: 7:24]

    and the dwelling-place and means of livelihood are arranged in the Earth for you people up to an appointed time. [2:36] 

Thereby [recognizing the wrong/regretful ness caused] Adam learnt/met/acquainted himself, from his Sustainer Lord, with verbal words for expressing regrets. Thereupon, on expressing words of regret seeking overlooking it, his Sustainer Lord focused mercy upon him. It is a fact that He is the One Who is repeatedly forgiving/pays attention, The Merciful. [2:37] 

 We said, "You go down out of this place [to Earth] jointly/together. Thereby (do not feel disappointed/frustrated), when Guidance/Guide comes to you people  from Me; thereat  whoever acted upon My Guidance [given in Aa'ya'at of Book], in letter and spirit without there being some third party intervention,

consequently,, for reason of this conduct, neither fear shall overshadow/haunt upon them; nor shall they ever have cause to grieve. [2:38]

    Remain mindful that those people, who deliberately refused to accept and vehemently contradicted in public with regard to Our Aa'ya'at [unitary verbal passages presenting information, facts and knowledge in the Book], they are the ones who will be the residents/companions/subjects of  scorching heat/in Hell-Prison. They will abide therein permanently. [2:39]

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