Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              041

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          























































































[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:87;11:110;23:49;25:35;28:43;32:23;41:45]

And most certainly We had given Musa [alai'his'slaam] the Book,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:110]

then/for reason differences arose therein.

[Exactly same information in same words 10:19;11:110]

And had a word/promise/decision [of a duration to culminate on determined moment] not preceded from your Sustainer Lord the matter would have indeed been adjudged/resolved between them

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:110]

And indeed they are certainly in doubt/skepticism regarding it, that doubt/skepticism which causes disconcert/duality of thought/disquiet. [41:45 and Replica/Mirror 11:110]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 45:15; read with 30:44]

And whoever conducted perfectly, resultantly such people are certainly acting [smoothening and softening] for their selves;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 45:15]

and who conducted evil then the resultant effect is upon its own self,

and/since certainly your Sustainer Lord is never unjust even slightest to His created ones. [41:46]

[Read with 31:34]

Towards Him is referred and related [query about] The Knowledge of the Appointed Moment.

And from amongst fruits nothing comes out from their coverings/wrappings,

and no female uplifts/conceives and nor gives birth except with His prior knowledge.

[Same information in same words 28:62,74]

And the Day He will call them [who adopted sculpted idols as partners]

 "where are My those partners about whom you thought and publicly pronounced as partners"

They said, "We pronounce before You that there is none amongst us as witness to testify" [41:47]

and that lost/vanished from them what they kept calling earlier in worldly life;

and they evaluated that for them there is no escape. [41:48]

The man does not feel boredom praying for seeking the betterment,

and if the infliction/adversity has touched him thereat he feels disappointed despairing. [41:49]

[Read with 10:21;11:09]

And when We make him taste affluence and pleasantness from Us, after the affliction which had affected him,

he will certainly say [boisterously], "this is for me, and I do not think that the Last Moment will happen.

And even if I am returned towards my Sustainer Lord, certainly for me from Him shall be the best"

Thereat it is certain that We will definitely inform those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept/believe about that which they people kept doing.

And it is certain that We will definitely cause them taste from severe compacted torment. [41:50]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 17:83]

And when We bestowed graces upon the man he knowingly refrained [feeling obliged and thankful] and he tilted to his own side/vested interests.

And when liquefying adversity touched him thereat he has the habit of making lengthy supplication. [41:51]

[Same pronouncement in 46:10]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Have you people thought/considered/ reflected/seen that if this Qur'aan is from Allah and thereafter you have refused to accept that,

  who is more neglectful than the one who is in a determined/prolonged opposition for retaining separate identity". [41:52] [Read in conjunction 2:137,176;22:53;38:02;41:52]

[Read with 27:93]

We will henceforth keep visually exposing Our tangible-physical realities prevalent in the Universe and in their own bodies, to the eyes of those who do not accept the Qur'aan, in order that it may become self evident/manifest for them that this Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact.

[reverting to their conduct] Do you think that your Sustainer Lord has not yet been considered to suffice as ultimate observer? The fact is that He is the One and only Who is the Observer-the Omnipresent upon each and every thing/whole time and space. [41:53]

But the fact is that they are certainly in suspicion regarding confronting the accountability by their Sustainer Lord.  

[Similar pronouncement in 4:126;65:12]

And fact of the matter is that He always encompasses/encircles/in absolute command of each and every thing. [41:54]

42:01-12                   Main Page/Index
