Relative Pronoun, third person, masculine, plural

  • They are the people who heartily accept and believe in the presence of the Unseennot in their sight: their Creator: Allah the Exalted.

Its singular is: Relative Pronoun, third person, masculine, singular.

Relative Pronoun in English language:

Definition: Relative pronouns are used to refer to a noun mentioned before and of which we are adding more information. They are
used to join two or more sentences and forming in that way what we call "
relative sentences".

Relative pronouns: Subject or Object: As the relative pronouns relate to another noun preceding it in the sentence, they connect a dependent clause to an antecedent (a noun that precedes the pronoun.) Therefore, relative pronouns acts as the subject or object of the dependent clause.

Referring to people: Who, Whom, Whoever, Whomever
These pronouns take a different case depending on whether the relative pronoun is a subject or an object in the dependent clause.

Subjective case
Use the subjective case when these relative pronouns are the subject (initiating the action) of the dependent clause: Who, Whoever

Objective case
Use the objective case when these relative pronouns are the object (receiving the action) of the dependent clause: Whom, Whomever

Referring to a place, thing or idea: Which, That
When using relative pronouns for places, things or ideas, rather than determining case, the writer must decide whether the information in the dependent clause is essential to the meaning of the independent clause or simply additional information.

When information is critical to the understanding of the main clause, use That as the appropriate relative pronoun and do not set the information off by commas.

When information is not critical to the understanding of the main clause, use "Which" as the appropriate relative pronoun and set the information off by commas.

When referring to more than one place, thing or idea use these relative pronouns: Whatever, Whichever

Relative Pronoun in Arabic:

A relative pronoun in Arabic is called: الاسم الموصول  and relative clause is called: صلة الموصول, Relative pronouns are as they are in whatever role they are used (subject of nominal sentence or verb; predicate or object of verb or preposition, second noun of possessive phrase) in the sentence, meaning their case ending remains the same. mmmm

Relative Pronouns (ضَمائرَ الوصل)are used as conjunctions, meaning "that, which, who, whom, whichever, whomever". They serve the purpose of joining nouns, pronouns or verbs to other nouns or verbs. They are used to introduce subordinate adjectival clauses and therefore create complex sentences. The choice of such pronouns depends on the antecedent's number and gender.


""A noun of the connected [الاسم الموصول]". Being nouns, relative pronouns have the characteristics of nouns, namely gender, number, and grammatical case. Relative pronouns are always definite words.

Its usage has two specific rules: it agrees with the antecedent in gender, number and case, and it is used only if the antecedent is definite. If the antecedent is indefinite, no relative pronoun is used. The former is called jumlat sila (conjunctive sentence) while the latter is called jumlat sifa (descriptive sentence).

The purpose of the Relative Noun is to make two expressions relative to one another. The Relative Noun is placed between two expressions. The expression following the Relative Noun is linked to the expression preceding it by a pronoun embedded in the second expression.

The Relative Noun can be thought of as a bridge between two expressions. In terms of grammar, its purpose is to make the second expression relative to the first expression in meaning. The second sentence is required to have a pronoun which refers to the first sentence. This pronoun is termed [عائد] and it relates the second expression to the first. The second sentence becomes a relative clause [صلة الموصول] for the first clause. The Relative Noun also has a concealed pronoun which also refers to the same word in the first sentence.

The Relative Pronoun: is third person, masculine, plural that is referent for definite plural antecedent noun. Though it generally introduces subordinate clauses functioning as adjectives, but is also used as subject of independent sentence. When it initiates an independent sentence it is followed by the relative clause and the predicate; an instance:

  • Those whom We had earlier given the Book recognize him (the Messenger) as they conveniently recognize their sons.

  • However, fact remains that certainly a group-elite-clergy of them persistently conceals-withholds the infallible truth from public.

  • They do so deliberately as they know-understand it. [2:146]

Relative clause can be elided:

  • O you the Mankind, listen attentively;

  • You demonstrate subservience and allegiance to your Sustainer Lord. He the Exalted has created you people and those who existed in times before you

  • So that you might protect yourselves.  [2:21]

The prepositional phrase after the Relative Pronoun relates to the elided relative clause (صلة الموصول); and the entire clause links to the preceding verb as object in accusative case. In the following ayahs, the linkage/relative clause is elided, yet it is conspicous:

(1)2:21(2)2:118(3)2:181(4)2:253(5)4:87(6)4:26(7)6:148(8)7:64(9)7:72(10)8:52(11)8:54(12)9:69(13)9:70(14)10:39(15)12:109(16)13:42(17)14:09(18)14:09(19)16:26(20)16:33(21)16:35(22)24:55 (23)24:59(24)30:09(25)30:42(26)31:11(27)34:45(28)35:25(29)35:44(30)39:25(31)39:45(32)39:50(33)39:65(34)40:36(35)40:49(36)40:82(37)42:03(38)44:37(39)47:10(40)48:29(41)51:52(42)58:05 (43)59:15(44)60:04(45)67:18=45

Elided relative clause (صلة الموصول) elided can be estimated from 10:102;24:34;33:38;40:21.

The pronoun [عائد] in the relative clause can also be elided when it is object:

  • And know; declaration of her [Kaa'aba as Qib'la'tae: Focal Point for all] was indeed heavy - momentous except for those whom Allah the Exalted had guided.  [Refer 2:143]

Recurrence: 974 - 137 = 837

Other 137 grammatical units - phrases with Relative pronoun: :


: (1)2:171(2)2:214(3)2:261(4)2:265(5)14:18(6)29:41(7)62:05=7

: (1)59:15=1

: (1)2:157=1

: (1)47:11=1

: (1)3:55=1

: (1)3:55=1

: (1)3:181(2)9:30=2

: (1)3:187=1

: (1)3:196=1

: (1)4:26=1

: (1)4:69(2)16:128(3)18:28=3

: (1)4:84=1

: (1)5:05=1

: (1)5:33=1

: (1)6:113=1

: (1)7:72=1

: (1)9:40=1

: (1)9:70=1

  : (1)14:09(2)64:05=2

: (1)10:60(2)38:27=3

: (1)10:89=1

: (1)12:109(2)30:09(3)30:10(4)30:42(5)35:44(6)40:21(7)40:82(8)47:10=8

: (1)13:35=1

: (1)17:45(2)60:07=2

: (1)21:97=1

: (1)22:54=1

 : (1)67:27=1

: (1)2:273=1

: (1)3:151(2)8:12(3)57:27=3

: (1)30:59=1

: (1)11:29=1

: (1)14:45=1

: (1)22:72=1

: (1)29:49=1

: (1)40:25=1

: (1)2:59(2)2:89(3)2:143(4)2:181(5)2:183(6)2:184(7)2:286(8)3:72(9)5:93(10)6:69(11)6:125(12)6:146(13)9:91(14)9:92(15)9:93(16)10:33(17)10:100(18)16:99(19)16:100(20)16:118 (21)16:124(22)28:05(23)40:06(24)42:42=24


(1)2:96(2)2:101(3)2:166(4)2:212(5)3:55(6)3:100(7)3:127(8)3:186(9)3:186(10)4:46(11)4:51(12)4:160(13)5:05(14)5:14(15)5:23(16)5:41(17)5:41(18)5:107(19)8:65(20)9:28(21)10:95 (22)24:34(23)27:41(24)30:32(25)30:47(26)57:10(27)57:15(28)73:20(29)90:17=29


: (1)11:37(2)23:27(3)24:19(4)33:38(5)33:62=5

: : (1)70:26=1


Progressive number of grammatical units: = 12,527 + 837 = 13,364


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