
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


















Lane Lexicon

Classical Lexicons





































































































































































































































Root: ب ص ر

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 148 

b) No of constructions: 50

It occurs in 139 Ayahs in 62 Suras

Nouns: 38 Recurrence: 115   Verbs: 12 Recurrence: 33 [Form-I: 3; Form-II: 1; Form-IV: 29]

Classical Lexicons stated:

بصر (مقاييس اللغة)

الباء والصاد والراء أصلان: احدهما العِلْمُ بالشيء؛ يقال هو بَصِيرٌ به.

البَصَرُ (القاموس المحيط)
البَصَرُ، محرَّكةً: حِسُّ العَيْنِ،

بصر (الصّحّاح في اللغة)
البَصَرُ: حاسَّةُ الرؤيةِ.

والبَصَرُ العِلْمُ.
بالشيء: عَلِمْتُهُ. قال الله تعالى: "بَصُرْتُ بما لم يَبْصُروا به".

That it is stirring - stimulating by the sense of eye that yields knowledge-mental perception.

Eyes are sensory organ while the basic perception signified by the Root is mental perception, the perspective faculty of heart and brain.

Sense of sight is signified by Root: ن ظ ر  and when eyes - fovea are focused on object and mental perception - mental picture is obtained it is the domain of Root: ب ص ر.  Mental perception can also be obtained independently of sight by eyes. Therefore, it also signifies enlightenment.

The difference between seeing - looking (ن ظ ر) and observing, vision -  mental perception - enlightenment embedded in Root: ب ص ر is rendered explicit in Grand Qur'aan by contrasts:

  • Moreover, You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] find them that they are looking towards you while they are not observing. [Refer 7:198]

  • And the Blind and the Man of Vision equate not reciprocally[Refer 35:19; 40:58]

The equation in not literal between a physically blind person - visual impairment but between blindness and enlightenment. A blind man could be an enlightened person.

  • Is it for reason that they have not yet traversed in the world - land [seeing archeological evidence of past history]

  • Whereby the hearts may become such that they could with it reflect to differentiate - draw conclusion;

  • Or ears become such that with them they could truly listen [the facts of past being narrated to them].

  • [they do not respond] Thereby, the fact is that it were not "the vision: neurological signals stored in memory after interpretation of the image seen" that become blind but it are the hearts, which are in the chests, that become blin.  [to recall/retrieve/again see the stored fact]. [22:46]


  • Realize it; Allah the Exalted brought you people out of the bellies of your respective mothers in a state that you were not aware of matter: something possessing dimensions, material realities.

  • Moreover, He the Exalted have rendered for you people the listening - acoustic faculty; and the observing - optical faculty; and of Processing-Integrating-Perceiving: Baking establishment: the Brains.

  • This realization might enable you people to express praises-thanks. [16:78] [let us respond الحمد لله

The second faculty assigned for acquiring knowledge is: plural of . This sensory faculty; unlike: hearing or listening; signifies the percipient desire of a person because it does not refer to mere seeing-glancing. Seeing is more of a passive process. Attention to a particular detail or details within the visual scene for the extraction of salient information and its further evaluation is : the observation. It signifies focused attention to discriminate one thing from all others, whereby it gets recorded in the memory with its distinct features, dimensions,  traits, description; or is assigned a tag-code-folder-file name in relation and contrast to surroundings-related things. Moreover, it needs visible light that makes the object: : observing, spectator, one that makes itself perceptible-observable to : the faculty of observation.

And eyes have been designed for them; but they do not observe by using them. [Refer 7:179]

  • And if you wishfully call them towards : the Qur'aan-the Guidance; they do not listen.

  • Moreover, You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] find them that they are seeing towards you while in fact they are not observing. [7:198]

Listening and vision constitute a "pair", and when integrated they yield information-knowledge. The percipient listening and observation activates the conscious brain to work. Attention is the signaling of person's intention and is in fact a command to the brain to accord priority for processing of given data into information and to carefully secure it for quick and easy retrieval. The Logical brain is henceforth in full command of other two brains-Emotional and Survival, rendering all three at the service of the owner person-the "I" in the human body. The  distraction is only in response to serious threat stimuli-signal from the surroundings.

Listening and observation provide data. Percipient listening is in fact the verbal image of observed object. Processing and development of data into information is a coordinated relationship between verbal imagery and actual objects, each discerned and distinguished-discriminated from others along with their mutual relations. This information needs to be stored in folders and files for easy access and retrieval. All these functions are the domain of:  the processors and integrators of data inputs: baking establishments: bakers; brains.

: It is feminine broken plural of paucity. Plural of paucity can be called as individualized plural. It is derived from Root "ف ء د". The basic perception and signification described by lexicons is that of heat of ashes and is used to portray baking of dough: a soft elastic mixture of flour and water, often with other ingredients such as oil, butter, salt, and sugar, that becomes bread or pastry when baked. Raw material is like data and the yield of the process, the baked product, is like the information obtained by integration of data input.

Grand Qur'aan has nowhere suggested or even hinted that: and : the hearts are synonym, synonymous or interchangeable. : It is made from Root "ق ل ب".  Renowned lexicons describe that this Root leads to the perception of purity, sincerity and worthiness of a thing; and secondly turning-revering-inverting-changing of a thing, its mode or manner of being. It denotes turning over and over, or upside down, or to revolve repeatedly a thing to investigate, scrutinize or examine  to know or determine its inner self; and what might be the issues and affairs. The turning over and over is exemplified like the sweltering of a serpent on hot sand of desert.

Therefore, refers primarily to that faculty and establishments in human body that corresponds to the basic perception infolded in its Root. Each word of text is unique. Every word is essentially different from another notwithstanding its proximity in some aspects. The choice of words in the text of Qur'aan must not be altered or substituted by another Arabic word for convenience of translation in the target language. It must be avoided particularly when intention is to co-relate it with generally held perceptions and beliefs of majority of people at any given point in time. We do not have the absolute knowledge of Universe nor of our own bodies. We will remain in the process of learning till the blow of Last Sound in the trumpet, the real big bang. Moreover, no one adopts such sort of attitude and behaviour with any other book of the world, therefore, why this attitude is met to Qur'aan which too is the Book.

Man is moved out of the embodiment of mercy: the womb of mother: "his first world of calmness and warmth; synonymous to guest in Paradise" with a clean slate with regard to knowledge of "Matter-circumstance-environment-stimuli-events of outer world". However, he was moved fully equipped with machinery and gadgetry to acquire that he lacked: the Knowledge of new World.

; and: are three faculties inserted in human body for acquiring knowledge to rise from the initial: : the age of unaware feebleness towards Strengthen-Knowledgeable Personality of  Passion, Reason, will and distinct exponent. Thereat, he gets the status and appointment:: self-governor enjoying freedom, discretion and executive authority of will and self rule-decision. He is however advised:

  • And you should not individually pursue-track that course, idea or thought, knowledge about which has not been in your access.

  • It is a fact that the faculty-sense of processing sounds and verbal information; and the visualizations; and the faculty of Processing-Integrating-producing Knowledge: Brain/Mind, each will be subjected individually to questioning-scrutiny. [17:36]

The knowledge-collectors will be subjected to scrutiny in their individual capacity. It is thus evident that the function performed and data collected and processed by Listening and Observation is individually saved; and the information integrated by: is also saved enabling scrutiny and accountability of each of three faculties in future. Therefore, : are such Locus-"Baking Establishments" which are distinguished by its ability to think and create in addition to simply quickly processing the given data. Not only the "Raw Material-data" [Data-Latin "datum" means that which is given]"; like the inputs: flour, water, oil, butter, salt, and sugar for baking bread; is retained separately but the "Baked Product-Information-Knowledge" also remains secure and saved for all times. Baked product can also be checked reversibly. It is like such hash function of a computer which is reversible. 

However, this baking like process needs transfer of heat by convection. As more and more input is given for baking loafs of bread the baking establishment will become hotter and hotter. It will cause agitated state in the surroundings. Similarly when we give more and more information to computer, the processor has to work harder and harder as more tasks are put upon it. Thereby, it becomes hotter and hotter and resultantly does not perform efficiently. We therefore cool the computer down by means of convection. If we do not care cooling it down, it will shut down.


Related Roots:

Root: ن ظ ر

Root: ع ى ن


Root: ع م ى



Noun: Definite; Broken Plural; Feminine; Nominative. (1) 21:97=1

                                                                                                                        اسم: مرفوع-جمع مكسر-مؤنث



Noun: Definite; Broken Plural; Feminine; Accusative. (1)46:26=1

                                                                                                                       اسم: منصوب-جمع مكسر-مؤنث



Possessive Phrase. Noun: Definite; Broken Plural; Feminine; Accusative + Possessive Pronoun: Second Person; Broken Plural; Masculine;  Genitive. (1)6:46=1

              الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: منصوب-جمع مكسر-مؤنث/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر حاضر في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Possessive Phrase. Noun: Definite; Plural; Feminine; Nominative + Possessive Pronoun: Second Person; Plural; Masculine; Genitive. (1)41:22=1

              الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مرفوع-جمع مكسر-مؤنث/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر حاضر في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; Broken plural; Feminine; nominative + Possessive pronoun: First person; plural; in genitive state. (1)15:15=1

                          الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مرفوع-جمع مكسر-مؤنث/مضافضمير متصل-جمع متكلم في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; Broken plural; feminine; nominative + Possessive pronoun: Third person; Singular; Feminine, genitive state  (1)79:09=1

              الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مرفوع-جمع مكسر-مؤنث /مضاف + ضمير متصل واحد مؤنث غائب  في محل جر-مضاف إليه



  Possessive Phrase. Noun: Definite; Broken Plural; feminine; Genitive + Possessive Pronoun: Third Person; Plural; Masculine; Genitive. (1)2:07(2)2:20(3) 16:108(4)24:30=4

               الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مجرور-جمع مكسر-مؤنث/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Possessive Phrase. Noun: Definite; Plural; feminine; Accusative + Possessive Pronoun: Third Person; Plural; Masculine; Genitive. (1)2:20(2)6:110(3) 47:23=3  الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: منصوب-جمع مكسر-مؤنث/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Possessive Phrase. Noun: Definite; Broken Plural; feminine; Nominative + Possessive Pronoun: Third Person; Plural; Masculine; Genitive. (1) 7:47(2)41:20(3)46:26(4)54:07(5)68:43(6)70:44=6

                الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مرفوع-جمع مكسر-مؤنث/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; Broken plural; feminine; genitive + Possessive pronoun: Third person; plural; feminine; in genitive state. (1)24:31=1

              الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مجرور-جمع مكسر-مؤنث/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مؤنث غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Noun: Definite; Broken plural; feminine; genitive. (1)3:13(2)24:44(3)38:45(4) 59:02=4                                                                                                           -اسم: مجرور-جمع مكسر-مؤنث



Noun: Definite; Broken plural; feminine; nominative. (1)6:103(2)14:42(3) 22:46(4)24:37(5)33:10(6)38:63=6                                                                    -اسم: مرفوع-جمع مكسر-مؤنث



Noun: Definite; Broken plural; feminine; accusative. (1)6:103(2)10:31(3)  16:78(4)23:78(5)32:09(6)67:23=6                                                                 -اسم: منصوب-جمع مكسر-مؤنث



Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; genitive. (1)16:77=1

                                                                                                                  اسم:معرفہ باللام-مجرور--واحد مذكر



Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; accusative. (1)17:36(2)67:03(3) 67:04=3                                                                                                 اسم:معرفہ باللام- منصوب--واحد مذكر



Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; nominative. (1)53:17(2)67:04(3) 75:07=3                                                                                                      اسم:معرفہ باللام-مرفوع--واحد مذكر



Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; nominative. (1)6:50(2)13:16(3)17:01(4) 35:19(5)40:20(6)40:56(7)40:58(8)42:11=8        اسم :[بر وزن فَعِيلٌ بمعنى فاعل] معرفہ باللام-مرفوع-واحد مذكر



Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; genitive. (1)11:24=1

                                                                            اسم :[بر وزن فَعِيلٌ بمعنى فاعل] معرفہ باللام-مجرور-واحد مذكر



Prepositional Phrase + Possessive Phrase: بـِ Inseparable  preposition + Noun: Definite; Plural; feminine; genitive + Suffixed Personal  Pronoun: First person; plural; in genitive state. (1)68:51=1                  جار و مجرور + الإِضَافَةُ

       بـِ حرف جر + اسم: مجرور-جمع مكسر-مؤنث/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه   



Prepositional Phrase + Possessive Phrase: بـِ Inseparable  preposition + Noun: Definite; Plural; feminine; genitive.  (1)24:43=1

                                                                     جار و مجرور= بـِ حرف جر + اسم:معرفہ باللام مجرور-جمع مؤنث



Prepositional Phrase: بـِ Inseparable  preposition + Noun: Definite; Singular; Masculine; genitive. (1)54:50=1                جار و مجرور= بـِ حرف جر + اسم :معرفہ باللام-مجرور-واحد مذكر



 Noun: Indefinite; broken plural; masculine; nominative. (1)6:104(2)7:203=2

                                                                                                                                   اسم: مرفوع-جمع -مؤنث



Noun: Indefinite; Plural; masculine; nominative. (1)45:20=1 اسم: مرفوع-جمع -مؤنث



Noun: Indefinite; broken Plural; masculine; accusative. (1)17:102(2)28:43=2

                                                                                                                             اسم: منصوب-جمع -مؤنث



Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite, singular; masculine; genitive +  Possessive pronoun: Third person; masculine; singular, in genitive state. (1)45:23=1

                           الإِضَافَةُ-اسم:مجرور واحد-مذكر/مضافضمير متصل-واحد مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Adjective Resembling participle on the measure of فَعِيْلٌ: Indefinite;  singular; masculine; nominative. (1)2:96(2)3:15(3)3:20(4)3:163(5)5:71(6)40:44(7)49:18=7

                                                                                                                   الصفة المشبهة : مرفوع-واحد-مذكر



Adjective Resembling participle on the measure of فَعِيْلٌ: Indefinite; singular; masculine; nominative. (1)2:110(2)2:233(3)3:156(4)8:39(5)8:72(6)11:112(7)22:61(8) 22:75(9)34:11(10)35:31(11)42:27(12)57:04(13)60:03=13                       الصفة المشبهة : مرفوع-واحد-مذكر



Adjective Resembling participle on the measure of فَعِيْلٌ: Indefinite;  singular; masculine; nominative. (1)2:237(2)2:265(3)31:28(4)41:40(5)58:01(6)64:02(7)67:19=7

                                                                                                                 الصفة المشبهة : مرفوع-واحد-مذكر



Adjective Resembling participle on measure of فَعِيْلٌ: Indefinite; singular; masculine; accusative. (1)4:58(2)4:134(3)12:93(4)12:96(5)17:17(6)17:30(7)17:96(8)20:35(9) 20:125(10)25:20(11)33:09(12)48:24(13)76:02(14)84:15=14                الصفة المشبهة : منصوب-واحد-مذكر



  Adjective Resembling participle on the measure of فَعِيْلٌ: Indefinite;  singular; masculine; accusative. (1)35:45=1                                 الصفة المشبهة : منصوب-واحد-مذكر



Noun: Indefinite; Singular; feminine; genitive. (1)12:108=1 اسم:مجرور واحد-مؤنث



Noun: Indefinite; Singular; feminine; nominative.(1)75:14=1 اسم:مرفوع- واحد-مؤنث



Verbal noun: Indefinite; accusative; [Form II] (1)50:08=1           مصدر:منصوب



Prefixed conjunction فَ which shows cause/reason and effect + Possessive Phrase. Noun: Definite; singular; Masculine; Nominative + Possessive  Pronoun: Second Person; singular; Masculine; Genitive state.  (1)50:22=1

        حرف فَ +  الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مرفوع-واحد-مذكر/مضاف + ضمير متصل-واحد مذكر-حاضر في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Active Participle: Indefinite; singular; masculine; accusative;(1)10:67(2)27:86 (3)40:61=3                                                                                                       اسم فاعل: منصوب-واحد مذكر



  Active Participle: Indefinite; singular; feminine; accusative; (1)17:12(2)17:59 (3)27:13=3                                                                                                     اسم فاعل: منصوب-واحد مؤنث



Active Participle: Indefinite; sound plural; masculine; nominative; (1) 7:201=1                                                                                                        اسم فاعل: مرفوع -جمع سالم مذكر


Active Participle: Indefinite; sound plural; masculine; accusative;  [Form-X]. (1)29:38=1                                                                          اسم فاعل: منصوب-جمع سالم مذكر


Verbs Form-I


Verb: Perfect; First Person; Singular; Masculine; تُ Subject pronoun,  nominative state; مصدر-بَصَرٌ Verbal noun. (1)20:96=1

                          فعل ماضٍ مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير الرفع/التاء-ضمير متصل  في محل رفع فاعل واحد متكلم



Prefixed conjunction فَ which shows cause/reason and effect + Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; feminine; Subject pronoun hidden; Feminine  marker; مصدر-بَصَرٌ Verbal noun. (1)28:11=1

                         حرف فَ +   فعل ماضٍ + تَاء التانيث الساكنة/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هِىَ-واحد مؤنث غائب



Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Jussive evident by elision of  "نَ"; and [و] Subject Pronoun, in nominative state: مصدر-بَصَرٌ Verbal  noun (1)20:96=1                                                               فعل مضارع  مجزوم  بِلَمْ  و علامة جزمه حذف النون

                                                                        و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع مذكر غائب


Verbs Form-II


Verb: Imperfect; third person; plural; masculine; Passive; Mood Indicative evident by "نَ"; [Form-II]; [و] Proxy subject pronoun, in nominative state; Suffixed Object Pronoun: Third person; masculine; plural, in accusative  state; مصدر تَبْصِيرٌ Verbal noun. (1)70:11=1

فعل مضارع مبنى للمجهول-مرفوع بثبوت النون/الواو ضمير متصل في محل رفع نائب فاعل-جمع مذكر غائب/باب تَفْعِيل

                                               ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم في محل نصب مفعول به / جمع  مذكر غائب


Verbs Form-IV


Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine; active; [Form-IV];  transitive; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-اِبْصَارٌ Verbal noun(1)6:104=1

                                      فعل ماضٍ مبني على الفتح/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد مذكرغائب/باب افعال



Verb: Imperative; Second person; singular; masculine; [Form-IV]; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-اِبْصَارٌ Verbal noun. (1)18:26(2)19:38(3)37:179=3

                                                                        فعل أمر/الفاعل ضمير مستتر فيه-أَنتَ-واحد مذكرمخاطب/باب  افعال



Verb: Perfect; First Person; Plural; [Form-IV]; Subject Pronoun: in nominative state;مصدر-اِبْصَارٌ Verbal noun.  (1)32:12=1

           فعل ماضٍ مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع فاعل/جمع متكلم /باب افعال  



Verb: Imperative; Second person; singular; masculine; [Form-IV]; Subject pronoun hidden + Suffixed Object Pronoun: Third person; masculine;  plural, in accusative state; مصدر-اِبْصَارٌ Verbal noun. (1)37:175=1

                                                                      فعل أمر/الفاعل ضمير مستتر فيه-أَنتَ-واحد مذكرمخاطب/باب  افعال

                                              ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم في محل نصب مفعول به / جمع  مذكر غائب



Verb: Imperfect; Second person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative; [Form-IV]; [و ] Subject Pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-اِبْصَارٌ Verbal noun. (1) 21:03(2)27:54(3)28:72(4)43:51(5)51:21(6)52:15(7)56:85(8)69:38(9)69:39=9

                               فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و-ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرحاضر/باب افعال  



Conjunction particleفَ  [Cause and effect indicative] + Infixed particle سَ which shows futurity and recurrence + Verb: Imperfect; Second person; singular; masculine; Mood Indicative Subject Pronoun hidden; مصدر-اِبْصَارٌ Verbal noun (1)68:05=1                                                                                                      حرف فَ + حرف سَ

                                فعل مضارع مرفوع بالضمة-الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:-أَنتَ/واحد مذكر-حاضر/باب افعال



Verb: Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; [Form-IV];  Mood: Indicative; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-اِبْصَارٌ Verbal noun. (1)19:42=1

                                   فعل مضارع مرفوع بالضمة/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد مذكرغائب/باب افعال 



Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; Mood Indicative evident by "نَ"; [Form-IV]; [و] Subject Pronoun: Nominative state; مصدر-اِبْصَارٌ Verbal noun (1)2:17(2)7:179(3)7:195(4)7:198(5)10:43(6)11:20(7)32:27(8)36:09(9)36:66(10)37:175 (11)37:179(12)68:05=12

                                 فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرغائب/باب افعال



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