
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 417
b) No of constructions:
The preposition " "
designates distance, motion away from, or departure from a place or
beside a person. It is used after verbs denoting flight,
avoidance, caution, abstinence, self defense, guarding and setting free,
and in general to express the doing of something for or on behalf of
preposition, with added vowel for reason of cluster of two successive
vowel-less consonants.
(1)2:189(2)2:217(3)2:219(4)2:220(5)2:222(6)3:97(7)3:104(8)3:110(9)3:114(10)3:134(11)3:185(12)4:107(13)5:02(14)5:91(15)6:106(16)6:147(17)7:157(18)7:163(19)7:165(20)7:187(21)7:199(22)8:01(23)8:34(24)9:67(25)9:71(26)9:96(27)9:112(28)11:116(29)12:110(30)13:33(31)15:70(32)15:94(33)16:48(34)16:90(35)17:73(36)17:85(37)20:105(38)22:38(39)22:41(40)23:03(41)23:17(42)23:74(43)25:29(44)26:212(45)27:24(46)29:06(47)29:38(48)29:45(49)30:07(50)31:17(51)32:16(52)33:63(53)34:32(54)37:28(55)40:37(56)42:25(57)43:37(58)48:18(59)48:25(60)50:17(61)50:17(62)53:03(63)58:08(64)60:08(65)60:09(66)70:37(67)70:37(68)74:41(69)74:49(70)78:02(71)79:40(72)79:42(73)102:08=73 حرف جر |
Separable preposition. حرف جر |
Separable preposition حرف جر |
phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed pronoun: third person, singular,
masculine, in genitive state.
(1)4:31(2)4:55(3)4:161(4)5:119(5)6:16(6)6:26(7)6:26(8)6:28(9)7:166(10)8:20(11)9:100(12)10:12(13)11:88(14)12:13(15)12:24(16)12:34(17)12:61(18)17:36(19)20:100(20)26:05(21)28:55(22)34:03(23)34:30(24)37:90(25)38:68(26)44:14(27)51:09(28)58:08(29)58:22(30)59:07(31)64:09(32)65:05(33)69:47(34)80:10(35)92:11(36)98:08(37)111:02=37 جار و مجرور
= حرف جر + -ضمير
متصل مبنى على الضم
فى محل جر/واحد
مذكرغائب |
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed pronoun: First person, Plural; in genitive state(1)2:286(2)3:193(3)7:37(4)7:134(5)14:21(6)25:65(7)35:34(8)40:47(9)40:49(10)40:74(11)44:12=11 جار و مجرور
= حرف جر + -ضمير متصل في محل جر-جمع
متكلم |
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed pronoun: Second person, singular, masculine; in genitive state.
(1)2:120(2)4:61(3)5:110(4)9:43(5)19:42(6)45:19(7)50:22(8)94:02=8 جار و مجرور
= حرف جر + -ضمير
متصل فى محل جر/واحد
مذكر حاضر |
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed
pronoun: second person, plural, masculine; genitive state.
جار و مجرور = حرف جر
+ ضمير متصل في محل
جر-جمع مذكر
حاضر |
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed pronoun: second person,
plural, masculine; genitive state.
جار و مجرور = حرف جر
+ ضمير متصل في محل
جر-جمع مذكر
حاضر |
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed pronoun: second person, plural, masculine; genitive state + Vowel sign
for reason
اجتماع الساكنين
of cluster of two vowel-less consonants. (1)33:33(2)43:05=2
جار و مجرور = حرف جر
+ ضمير متصل في محل
جر-جمع مذكر
حاضر |
phrase: Separable preposition + Suffixed pronoun: third person, singular,
feminine, masculine, in genitive state. (1)2:36(2)4:121(3)5:101(4)5:101(5)6:04(6)6:157(7)7:40(8)7:136(9)7:146(10)7:187(11)12:105(12)15:81(13)18:53(14)18:57(15)18:108
جار و مجرور
= حرف جر + ضمير متصل في محل جر-واحد مؤنث
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed
pronoun: third person, singular, feminine, masculine, in genitive state. with prolongation sign.
جار و مجرور
= حرف جر + ضمير متصل في محل جر-واحد مؤنث
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed pronoun: third person, plural, masculine; genitive state +Vowel
for reason
اجتماع الساكنين
of cluster of two vowel-less consonants. (1)2:86(2)2:162(3)3:88(4)7:135(5)11:08(6)17:28(7)38:63(8)43:50=8
جار و مجرور
= حرف جر+ ضمير متصل في محل
جر-جمع مذكر
غائب |
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed pronoun: third person, plural, masculine; genitive state.
جار و مجرور
= حرف جر+ ضمير متصل في محل
جر-جمع مذكر
غائب |
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition + Suffixed pronoun: third
person, dual, masculine; genitive state, with prolongation sign.(1)4:16=1
جار و مجرور
= حرف جر+ ضمير متصل في محل
جر-جمع مذكر
غائب |
(1)7:20(2)7:27(3)66:10=3 |
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed pronoun: First person, singular, masculine; in genitive state.
جار و مجرور
= حرف جر+ ضمير متصل في محل
متكلم |
Prepositional phrase: Separable preposition
+ Suffixed pronoun: First person, singular, masculine; in genitive state,
with prolongation sign.(1)11:10=1
جار و مجرور
= حرف جر+ ضمير متصل في محل
متكلم |
2) Separable preposition. (1)2:48(2)2:123(3)2:130(4)2:142(5)2:217(6)2:217(7)2:217(8)2:233(9)3:99(10)4:04(11)4:29(12)4:46(13)4:149(14)4:153(15)4:160(16)4:167(17)5:13(18)5:15(19)5:54(20)5:60(21)5:63(22)5:77(23)5:79(24)5:91(25)6:116(26)6:117(27)6:153(28)6:156(29)7:17(30)7:22(31)7:45(32)7:86(33)7:154(34)7:166(35)8:36(36)8:47(37)9:09(38)9:29(39)9:34(40)9:66(41)9:114(42)9:120(43)9:120(44)10:61(45)10:88(46)10:101(47)11:19(48)11:53(49)12:23(50)12:26(51)
6) Separable preposition
19 taken above
