Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              025

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.            




























































































[Read with 21:08]

And We did not send before you, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] from amongst the Messengers

except that indeed they certainly used to eat meals and they walked in the markets.

And We have declared some of you for some others as liquefying trial, would you people remain patiently determined?


And your Sustainer Lord is eternally watchful, everything is under His focus. [25:20]

[Read their conduct also in 10:07,11,15]

And those/members of elite ruling class who do not expect to be held accountable before Us said to people;

"Why is it so that the Angels have not descended upon us or we see with our eyes our Sustainer Lord".

[Read with 40:56]o

Certainly they made themselves feel obsessed with pride of grandeur in their selves and behaved insolently showing extreme insolence. [25:21]

The Day they will see the Angels with eyes that Day there will be no cause of happiness for the criminals;


and they will say to Angels, "provide us protection, refuge" [25:22]

And We will proceed to whatever they did in acts whereby We will declare that as dust dispersed. [25:23]

The [designate] Companions of Paradise that Day will be taken at best place and excellent resting point. [25:24]

The Day the Sky with lower clouds is made porous


and the Angels are descended in succession; [25:25]

that Day it will manifestly be evident that the Dominion and Sovereignty is for Ar'Reh'maan.

[Read with 74:08-10]o

And that Day [on first blow in Trumpet] was difficult and heavy upon the non believers. [25:26]

And [on resurrection after second blow in Trumpet] that Day the unjust/distorter/imbalanced will in extreme distress biting on his hands will regretfully exclaim to himself,

[Read with their statement in 33:66]o

 "Alas, I had adopted the path along with the Messenger [25:27]

Woe to me, alas I had not taken such and such person as intimate friend. [25:28]

Of course he made me forgetful and strayed from the Reminder/Admonition/the Book-[622 AD onwards Qur'aan], after that it had reached to me;


 and [today he has deserted me like] Shai'taan for man has always been a deserter. [25:29]

  • And the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] said,

  • "O My Sustainer Lord! Truly, it is a fact that My Nation had surrounded and withheld this-the Qur'aan restricted roping away-limiting its efficacy [with conjectural fascinating stories made popular]" [25:30]

[Read in conjunction 6:112,123;11:116;25:31;34:32]

And this is the reason that We have declared for each and every Chosen and Elevated Servant of Allah [Nabi; this includes  خاتم النبين] as his enemy from amongst the criminals. [who fabricate innovatively fascinating deceptive myths, conjectural sayings to restrict efficacy of the Book]


And your Sustainer Lord suffices as the Guide and the Helper. [25:31]

And those/members of elite group who refused to accept/believe said/questioned to people, "Why is it so that the Qur'aan has not been sent to him [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] all at once/one complete statement".

The reason for this is that We may keep with that [gradual communication] your heart and mind strengthened-persistently in state of calm and tranquility.

[Advice to Messenger to follow same pattern-73:04]o

And We have/got it-Grand Qur'aan recited distinctly [making every syllable, vowel, pause prominent], in the manner of excellently arranged flow of thread structuring the most beautiful compact web. [25:32]

And [gradual revelation for people helps keep your tranquility maintained] they will not come to you with a preposition/example/question except that We would have already brought to you, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the factual information


and the best breaking news about that. [25:33]

Those who will be gathered on their faces towards the Hell-Prison

[Same pronouncement in same words in 5:60]

They are the people who have a worse abode/position [in the end as against their perception 19:73]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 17:72; similar 25:44]o

And they are comparatively more unmindful/neglectful/lost away from the middle/straight path to destination. [25:34]

25:35-50                  Main Page/Index
