Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] Under construction]

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   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

O you the posterity of Iesraa'eel, recall that specific favour of Mine which I had bestowed upon you people,   and/whereupon I granted you distinction and individuality upon others [Pharaoh's nation]; [2:47]

 [Recurrence: (1)2:48(2)2:123=2]

Moreover, you people make yourselves cautiously mindful and afraid of that day when one man will have no avail of any sort from another man. 


Neither recommendation/pleading shall be accepted [nor pleading by others will benefit him] and nor compensation/offer of fine from him will be accepted. Mind it that they all will never ever get help [from anyone who could help]. [2:48]

 [Reverting from parenthetic to favour of exodus from Egypt] Moreover, recall when We delivered you from the fold of Pharaoh. They used to remain in search of subjecting you people with the horrible torment.

They remained in search to cause the murdering of your [newly born] male children, they had consciously, and purposely decided to let your females live. Of course, a tremendous trial was inherent therein from your Sustainer Lord. [2:49]

And recall/visualize when We made distinct/emerged [the dry passage, central passage like line in human skull], for you, the sea/gulf of Suez [refer 20:80], thereby/with this cause We delivered/rescued you keeping safe and above [skeleton like dried passage/emerged fringing reef-see 26:63] and We caused the drowning of the Pharaoh-folk [army equipped with arms] while you people were watching [from other bank of Gulf of Suez after having crossed over the emerged fringing reef that served as bridge/dried passage]. [2:50] [This is the last scene of the Exodus, the entire episode is depicted afterwards in the Grand Qur'aan in such manner that one can see/visualize it; read "The Exodus of Bani Iesraa'eel from Egypt-Eye witness account"]

Keep listening about past that when We had appointed forty nights for Musa [alai'his'slaam], whereby after a lapse of time of his absence, having left [for forty nights], you had deliberately and consciously adopted the [hand made/sculpted] Calf (as  iela'aha), while you people were in a state of being unjust/wrong-doers/distorters of fact. [2:51]  

Afterwards [confronting you to simple evident facts about sculpted calf-refer 7:148; 20:89 you recognized that you had erred, and repented seeking forgiveness-refer 7:149)] We overlooked/pardoned you people, after this happening, so that you people might acknowledge and express praises/thanks. [2:52]

Remain attentive and refer to that point in time when [he came leaving you behind] We gave Musa [alai'his'slaam] the Book, as/i.e. the Criterion [to distinguish between right and wrong] so that you people might consciously and heartily guide yourselves aright. [2:53]

And recall when [on his return having been told by Us about your doing in his absence] Musa [alai'his'slaam] said for/to his people, "O My Nation, You people have indeed wronged yourselves by having consciously and willfully adopted the sculpted calf.

For this reason/therefore [for absolving] turn to your Creator for seeking forgiveness, thereat feeling ashamed/penitently yourselves; that will be better for you people in the sight of your Sustainer Lord.

   [You acted on his advice-7:149] Thereupon He turned towards you in forgiveness. It is a fact that He is the One Who is repeatedly forgiving/pays attention, The Merciful. [2:54]

And recall when you said: "O Musa! We will not accept your word till such time that we may see Allah, manifestly with naked eye". [similar excuse/argument is raised by those who do not believe in Last Day-25:21] Thereupon thunder storm seized you [to the point of death] while you were consciously watching it. [2:55] [This incident is prior to and different from that of the earthquake-7:155]

Afterwards, We revived you people to life after your death so that you people might acknowledge and express praises/thanks. [2:56]

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