Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              037

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           
































Passive Participle: definite; plural; masculine; [Form IV]. Root: ن ذ ر








For like of this, therefore having known the outcome, the living performers of acts should conduct. [37:61]

[Read with 44:43;56:56]

Is this hospitality [before settling in Paradise] better or the Tree of Az-Zaquem? [37:62]

Indeed We have made that tree as irritation for the unjust evil mongers. [37:63]

It is a fact that it is a female tree which emerges in the bottom of Hell-Prison; [37:64]

fruit bearing spikes/spadix of it are as if it were the heads/neck hoods of Cobras. [37:65]

Thereat they will certainly eat from it to satisfy hunger by filling their bellies with it. [37:66]

Thereafter for them upon meal is certainly a mixed drink of hot water [difficult to drink even by sip] [37:67]

Thereafter, this "hospitality" indeed their place of final return is to the Hell-Prison. [37:68]

It is certain that they have found their forefathers astray; [37:69]

whereupon they on their left over effects and legends are passionately attached. [37:70]

And it is a fact that most of earlier people before them went stray in their manifest destructive end of neglectfulness, [37:71]

and certainly We had sent within them the Admonishers/Awakeners/Revivalists. [37:72]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:73]

Therefore/for reason [to take a lesson, you the Messenger tell everyone to travel in land and] you see how was the conclusion/end result of those who were duly admonished and awakened. [37:73]

[Replica/Mirror 37:40,128,160]

Except the sincere servants/allegiants of Allah [37:74]


37:75-113                 Main Page/Index
