Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              043

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     


















































Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine; active; [Form VI]



























Indeed the convicts/criminals will suffer the punishment of Hell-Prison abiding therein permanently. [43:74]

It will not be alleviated for them and they will be for that in a state of frustrating hopelessness. [43:75]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:101;16:118]

And We did no injustice to them

but in fact they were persistently the unjust/distorter/creators of imbalances and oppression. [43:76]

And they loudly addressed their respective Angel Warder, "O you the Angel Warder, pray to the Sustainer Lord of you to put an end upon us"

He replied, "Indeed you people will survive in this condition for ever". [43:77]

[Similar pronouncement in 4:105,170;5:48;6:05;16:102;23:70;29:68;37:37;39:02,41;42:17;43:78;50:05]

[No, what he tells them are not delusions] Indeed the fact of the matter is that We have brought to you people the Statement of Fact

[Same information in 23:70]

but most of you people are aversive for "The Fact" [since it demolished their fabricated system/status quo jeopardizing their worldly interests] [43:78]

Or/in fact they have consolidated their affair/conspiracy [against the Messenger to murder etc], in response/thereat [they must realize] indeed We are the organizer of affairs. [43:79]

Or do they think that We do not listen their secret whispers and counsels in isolation.

Their perception is false, the fact of the matter is that We do listen all their secret talks, and Our sent ones are by their sides who are recording everything in writing. [43:80]

[Despite simple and straight forward teachings of Easa alai'his'slaam people have concocted myths; for emphatic negation] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for everyone, "If for Ar'Reh'maan there had been a son, then in that case I [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, being first to know about it] would have been The First of the subservient/allegiants. [43:81]

[Similar pronouncement in 6:100;21:22]

 Infinitely Glorious and Elevated and above such needs/support/weakness is the Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth and the Sustainer Lord of Throne of Absolute Sovereignty from all that they people conjecturally attribute". [43:82]

[Replica/Mirror 70:42]

   Then having told them, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] leave them playing in their conjectural discourses till they meet/encounter the Day, the one which is being promised to them. [43:83] [Similar advice in 6:91]

[Read with 6:03]

And He is The One Who is in the Sky Iela'aha and Iela'aha in the Earth 

[Same pronouncement in 51:30;66:02]

And He is eternally The Wise, The Knower of all evident and secreted. [43:84]

[Read with 67:01]

And the Omnipresent, Perpetual, Absolute is the One for Whom is the Dominion of the Skies and the Earth and all that which is in between two of them.

[Read with 7:187;33:63;31:34;41:47;43:61]

and with Him is The Knowledge of the Appointed Moment;

   and you people will be presented before Him [on Day of Resurrection] for accountability. [43:85]

And other than Him/Allah those whom they people call do not hold the capacity for the Intercession

except [the Messengers of Allah] the one who deposed on the basis of fact while they conclusively know [all record having been told to them]. [43:86]

And if you ask them as to who created them they will certainly answer "Allah created them"

Then how they get deluded? [43:87]

And [recall Noah ] his saying, "O my Sustainer Lord, indeed these are a people who do not believe/accept" [43:88]

[Read with 15:85]

Therefore/for reason [having known the conduct of earlier people and information about these present people] you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] overlook and distance them and say "peace".

[Same pronouncement in same words in 15:03,96;29:66;37:170;40:70;43:89]

[you leave them] then/for reason soon they will know. [43:89]

44:01-16                           Main Page/Index
