Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              019

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          



































































































































And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] mention from the Book about Maryam [Siddiqa] when she had consciously and purposely decided to seclude herself from her household/family members in the eastern part of house;

whereby she adopted apart from them a partitioned seclusion.


Thereupon We sent Our Messenger [Gibraa'iel alai'his'slaam] whereupon he assumed for her appearance of a well proportioned human being. [19:17]

She [seeing a man in her privacy] said, "I seek protection from Ar'Reh'maan, if you have reverence and fear of Him". [19:18]

He replied, "I am only the Messenger of your Sustainer Lord so that I may confirm to you the bestowing of son intellectually elevated. [19:19]

[her this exquisiteness also in 3:47]

She argued, "How for me could be a son when till now no man has touched me [not being married]


and till now I have never been debauch [in human beings these are the two ways a child can born]". [19:20]

[Same reply in same words to Zakariyya [alahissalam in 19:09]

He told her, "bearing a son without having been touched by a man is because that your Sustainer Lord has said it, that [quote] "it is for Me quiet easy;

and so that We may make him an unprecedented physically demonstrative sign for the people [to understand that Allah is beyond the limitations of causality], and a mercy from Us;


And this is a finally concluded matter/decision/command" [19:21]

Accordingly she uplifted him [Easa son of Maryam, invisibly-in pregnancy] for which reason she left along with him for a remote place. [19:22]

Thereafter/for reason of matured pregnancy the pains of childbirth drove her towards the truck of one female date-palm tree.


She [having given birth to child] pensively cried, "I wish I were dead before this happening and I had become an oblivion the forgotten entity" [19:23]

Thereupon he called her from her side by that, "Do not grieve;


your Sustainer Lord has made water-stream beneath you [water level raised to ground surface in oasis where she was at that point of time] [19:24]

and you shake the trunk of female palm-tree towards you it [she] will drop upon you fresh ripe dates. [19:25]

Thereupon eat fresh dates and drink water and you cool your eyes [by looking at your son].

For reason if you come across any one human being


then you indicate, "I have vowed for Ar'Reh'maan to refrain/avoid therefore today I will not orally talk with the human beings". [19:26]

Thereby [realizing and recalling the promise/word of Allah that the newly born son will talk to people] she came along with him [newly born Easa son of Maryam] to her nation/people in the state  she was physically carrying him.


They [on seeing her after long time lifting a newly born son] said, "O Maryam, of course you have come exposing an unexpected/strange thing; [19:27]

O you the sister of Haruen, [it was not expected of you] your father was not a bad man and nor your mother was debauch". [19:28] [Their statement shows that at this point of time her father and mother both are dead. In such situation a young unmarried woman is addressed either by her name or with reference by the living brother].


[in response to their ill conceived perception of debauchery reflected subtly in manner of being shocked] Thereby she pointed them towards him/infant son. They exclaimed, "How can we converse/question-answer with the one who is yet milk sucking infant in the mother's lap". [That is their foundation-a conviction-a time tested reality and causality known to human beings-if it proves wrong they are left with no argument but to accept the word of Siddiqa about fatherless birth of her son] [19:29]


He/infant Easa son of Maryam spoke to them, "I am the allegiant/servant of Allah;

He has given me the Book, and He has declared me the Chosen and Elevated Servant [19:30]

And he has declared me securely established/safe and sound at whatever place I am present [in my life]


and He has enjoined upon me to persistently adhere as long as I am alive to performing Ass-sa'laat and paying Az-Zakat [19:31]

[Note the difference in same statement for Yahya alaihis'slaam in 19:14]

And to remain rightful/dutiful in conduct with my mother,


and He has not made me harshly pervasive. [19:32]

[Same statement about Yahya alaihis'slaam in 19:15]

And tranquility/safety is upon me the day I was born, and the day I die natural death and the Day I am revived as living one". [19:33]

This is Easa, the son of Maryam [Siddiqa]


The fulfilled/accomplished/established word/promise [given to Syeda Maryam before his birth], the one in whom people are inquisitive. [19:34]

It is not befitting for Allah that He should adopt from any son.

[Same response in 2:116;4:171;6:100;9:31;10:68;16:57;19:35;21:26;39:04]

He is above such needs/support/weakness. Infinite Glory is for Him/His pleasure is the focus of all effort;

[Same information in same words in 2:117;3:47;40:68]o

 When He finalizes/decides about any matter/thing the sequel is that He orders for that to become evident/come into existence and resultantly that thing/matter get physical execution/appearance/existence. [19:35]

[His same statement in same words in 3:51; similar in 5:72;43:64]

[On attaining manly maturity and appointed Allah's Messenger, Easa son of Maryam addressed Bani Iesraa'eel] "And indeed Allah is my Sustainer-Lord and your Sustainer Lord, therefore be subservient/allegiant to Him alone,

[His statement in same words in 3:51;43:64]-also at 36:61;43:61]o

  this is the Path that keeps leading safely and straight to the destination of peace and tranquility" [19:36]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 43:65]

Thereby different groups of people differed amongst themselves.

[Similar pronouncement in 43:65;51:60]o

 For reason/thereby woe/regret is for those people who persistently refused to accept/believe upon witnessing/confronting the Great Day. [19:37]

You listen and visualize [what is being stated] about them the day they will be brought to Us [for accountability],

[Same information in 31:11]o

but today the distorters/unjust people are in manifest heedlessness. [19:38]

And you the the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] admonish them about the Day of Impeachment and Regret when the matter would have been decided/concluded; and [today] they are unmindful and they do not accept/believe. [19:39]

Indeed We will own the Earth and whoever is on it; and towards Us they will be forced/turned [for accountability] [19:40]

