Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     




























































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Beating wives NOT allowed. Root: ض ر ب









































































































O you who declare to have accepted!

O you who say to have believed! Do not usurp and consume the wealth/assets of others through deceit/fraud/ cheating/fabrication/scumming/scamming;

 except that the commercial/trade activity between you people should be with mutual consent/ approval/agreement.

And by illicit usurpation of other's wealth do not make your selves abhorred/repugnant/hateful in society's eye resulting in distancing.

[Similar pronouncement in 17:66]

  Indeed Allah is ever Merciful to you people. [4:29]

And whoever from you does that usurpation by transgressing/rancour and by distorting the fact/ deception/fabrication/scumming/scamming, for reason of this crime We shall soon force him into Hell.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:169;33:19,30]

And this has always been an easy matter for Allah. [4:30]

[Similar information in 42:37;53:32]

If you keep avoid committing major and grave sins [that cause serious and deep rooted disturbance in society], which you are being specifically warned to refrain from,

 We will absolve [delete from your record book] you of your omissions and commissions,

and We will honourably enter you in the place of par excellence. [4:31]

And you people do not covet in what preference/peculiarity Allah has given to some upon others. [this may nurture feeling of jealousy]

 For men is the return what they have earned and for women is the return what they women have earned. [women can earn worldly sustenance through business and other lawful professions]

And you people keep asking Allah for bestowing from His bounty.

[Similar pronouncement in 33:40,54;48:26]

though indeed Allah is Ever All-Knower/Aware of each and everything. [4:32]


And for each and every one [deceased man and woman] We have appointed heirs/relations in what is left behind by parents and the near ones;

 and those people with whom you had made solemn pledge therefore for reason of payable obligation give them their due.

[Same information in same words in 33:55]

It is certain that Allah is Ever Witness/Observer over each and everything/matter/agreement. [4:33]

Men are protectors/caretakers [they stand for the respect/honour/dignity/rights] of women [here it should be noted that the specific word wives is not used but all women, daughters, sisters, mothers are included who are called the protected ones because of having such protecting men] with/because of what Allah has bestowed peculiarity/individuality to some over some and [for wives, husbands are protectors] for reason that they have spent their wealth. [ is from Root"ق و م" in which the basic perception infolded is to stand, in a balanced mode. For deeper understanding see 4:135;5:08]

Therefore righteous women remain sincerely straight; they themselves guard, [dignity/rights of men/husbands] in the absence of them when they are away from sight, what Allah has protected;

[It may be other way also 4:128]

And those wives whose untoward/inappropriate conduct is making/makes you fearful

then for this reason politely and lovingly advise such of them,

and distance/shift them away from yourselves inside the bed rooms.

and you husbands distance/migrate/shift them away within the bed rooms.  [this will retain the matter of dispute and strained relations restricted to bed room between wife and husband. Except Allah, other members of the family will not know it and they will continue to have the general perception/understanding that both keep performing natural matrimonial association]

and [if things do not improve] you people make them surfaced/evident/move them out from the bed rooms [عن المضاجع so that the strained/suspended matrimonial relations become known/apparent to entire family. In whatever manner and for whatever purpose the words emanating from the Root   "ض ر ب" are employed the most striking and prominent feature/perception is to make that thing surfaced/apparent/visible/distinct/known/seen. It is used for giving example which means to make that thing apparent/distinct/vivid; similarly it is used for moving out in the earth from home which makes that man visible/apparent/surfaced for people. And "ض ر ب" for beating can be used only when there is a vivid sign/mark of such beating visible on the body of beaten person. It should be remembered that Allah and His Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam has not permitted in the Qur'aan physical beating of wives.  نُشُوزَهُنَّ  is too small an "offence" as compared to such wives who are عَدُوّا , enemy like, but read what Allah expects from believing husbands which will vividly indicate that a wife can never ever be physically beaten or maltreated. 64:14].

Resultantly/therefore/for reason if they accepted your word [in response to any of aforesaid options given to you] then do not pursue to find excuses against them.

 [Remember always that above you] Indeed Allah is eternally The Most Exalted, The Greatest. [4:34]

And if you people [on surfacing of strained/suspended matrimonial association on the exiting of wife from the bed room] apprehend that it might result in partition/separation between them two coupled,

 then for reason of attempting reconciliation you people appoint a revivalist from husband's family and one reconciler from wife's family so that if they two have the intention of straightening the affairs Allah will foster harmony amongst the two.

[Similar pronouncement in 31:34;49:13]

 Indeed Allah is Eternally The Knowledgeable and Aware of what is secreted and manifest. [4:35]

And you people remain exclusively subservient/allegiant to Allah [His Will/Command/ Book] and you people never join/associate anyone/anything with Allah.

[Same direction in same words in 2:83;6:151;17:23]

And conduct with affectionate kindness with your parents,

[Same direction in 2:83]

and with kindred/family/clan/relationship of affinity, and orphans and those in need/destitute;

and with the neighbour who is close relative and with the stranger neighbour in vicinity; and with the companion/colleague and the wayfarer and with your domestic servants under your protection/service.

[Similar pronouncement in 31:18;57:23]

     Indeed Allah does not appreciate/approve such person who is conceited, the arrogant, and the boastful; [4:36]

[Same information in same words in 57:24]

[Allah does not appreciate and approve] Those who are themselves stingy and miser and [to justify their act] instruct other people to miserly withhold the worldly wherewithal [from spending in the cause of Allah]

[Similar pronouncement in 3:180]

and conceal from people what Allah has bestowed upon them out of His Bounty [they should not consider it something better for them-3:180].

[Same warning in same words in 4:151]

  And We have prepared for persistently denying people a humbling chastisement, one of humiliation. [4:37]

[Their parable in 2:264]

And [Allah does not appreciate and approve] those who spend their wherewithal only for pomp and show off to people

[this evidently reflects that in fact] and they neither believe in Allah nor in the Last Day.

[Read in conjunction 41:25;43:36-38;50:27]

 And whoever has made Satan a close comrade/given him the control of mind and heart then/for reason it is the worst association. [4:38]

And what burden would it have caused them if they believed in Allah and the Last Day

and had spent from the sustenance which Allah has bestowed upon them [for seeking His appreciation and approval]?

And Allah is Ever Aware of them. [4:39]

Certainly Allah does not do a wrong even equivalent to an atom.

And if it be a decent/appropriate deed He will double it

and give from His Own Par excellence reward. [4:40]

Therefore [visualize] how shall it be when We bring forward from each and every generation a witness [from amongst the Umte Wasta]

and We bring you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], as witness upon them. [4:41] [Read in conjunction with 2:143;16:89;22:78; and 50:21]

That day those, who persistently denied [until their last moment] and refused to accept the word of/ recited by the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], will desire

that the Earth was leveled along with them [they engulfed as dust].

And they not hide any thing new from Allah. [4:42]


