Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


 Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.          





































































































































O you the Elevated and Chosen One [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say to your wives two extremities [for indirect guidance of believers also], "if you wish the worldly life and its attractions,


in that case you come to me I will provide for you the wherewithal and seclude you, most respectful seclusion. [33:28] [Please mind it he is not asked to use the word divorce, only seclusion. The Messenger cannot divorce his wife since she has already become the mother of believers, and a believing divorced woman cannot marry a non believer]

and if you wish Allah and His Messenger and the Home of Hereafter


then be sure Allah has certainly prepared for the proportionately poised of you a great reward" [33:29]

O you the Wives of Elevated and Chosen One, "Anyone of you who is manifestly oblivious [on arrival of your husband who is Firstly Our Messenger, then your husband], for her displeasing affliction will be doubled two fold"

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:30,169;33:19]o

And this has always been an easy matter for Allah. [33:30]

and anyone of you who stands  for Allah and [is not oblivious rather] stands and withholds taking precedence in speaking for His Messenger

and she acts righteously We will give her reward on two occasions;


and We have prepared for her a par excellence provision/sustenance. [33:31]

O you the Wives of Elevated and Chosen One! You all are not like even a single one from whole of the women [Declarative-You are remarkably distinct-no woman matches you].

Since you have remained mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct therefore you also do not let your speech be soft/limber

lest the one is moved in whose heart is a disease

[Same advice in 4:05,08]o

and you speak a sentence/statement in words of recognized unambiguous import; [33:32]

and you keep mostly staying at your homes and thus avoid prominent appearance outside as was the tradition of prominence in the old days of emotionalism.

And you all keep maintaining Ass-sa'laat and you pay Az-Zaka'at [this reflects their personal strong financial position]

And you all listen and accept the word of Allah and His Messenger;

[don't feel any offence by this address of Allah and his Messenger in 33:28 onwards, purpose being] Allah certainly intends only that He may remove away from you all [Messenger and you his wives] the brain scattering/disconcert/fidgeting/commotion/ruckus, O you the companions of the House, [here singular specific house is mentioned as against plural mentioned earlier, since the Messenger can be in one house at one point of time, hence and his household is the addressee]


and intends that He may synchronize you [hearts and mind of Messenger and you his wives] in the manner of making the relationship void of  brain scattering/disconcert/fidgeting/commotion ruckus. [33:33] [for common believer such complete harmony in relationship of spouses will be only in Paradise]

And you all [address to wives] remember and mention that which is recited word by word in your houses from the Aa'ya'at of Allah and/i.e. the pearls of wisdom;


It is a certain fact that Allah is eternally Aware/Knowledgeable au fait of all niceties and delicacies/ subtlety/refinements". [33:34]

The Muslim men and the Muslim women; and the Believing Men and the Believing women; and obediently standing Men and obediently standing Women; and the Truthful Men and the Truthful Women; and the coolly persistent and perseverant Men and the coolly persistent and perseverant Women; and the humble Men and the humble Women; and the generously donor Men and the generously donor Women; and the Fasting observing Men and the Fasting observing Women; and the Men guarding their chastity [genitalia] and the Women guarding their chastity; and the Men who frequently remember and mention Allah and the Women who frequently remember and mention Allah; Allah has prepared for them the cause of forgiveness and great reward [in wait]. [33:35]

And for a believing man and a believing woman there is no provision when Allah and His Messenger has concluded/decided about a matter/issue [in Aa'ya'at of the Qur'aan]

that there be left for them the discretion/option in their matter [except to say "We have listened and affectionately and wholeheartedly accepted].

[Same information in same words in 4:14;72:23]

 And whosoever does not accept the words of Allah and His Messenger [recited from the Qur'aan],


thereby he has certainly perished/lost himself to the manifest destructive end of neglectfulness. [33:36]

And when you were saying to the one, upon whom Allah had bestowed favour and you had bestowed favour upon him, after he had divorced his wife, "You hold back your divorcee wife to you [being the first and desirable option given by Allah to husbands in case of divorce], and you be cautious and afraid of Allah"

And you had the fear in the heart of your heart that [fact of divorcing may not become public] which Allah was going to make public; and you were apprehensive of people [disliking of an undesirable act by Messenger's adopted son], and [in principle] Allah is more deserving that you fear Him.

Thereat when Zaid [Allah is pleased with him] conclusively fulfilled all after requirements [of divorce-exhausting determined waiting duration and final separation] from her

We caused the marriage of her with you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] so that [the firmly held undesirable tradition of considering sons of others as own sons is abolished once for all as directed in 33:04-05] henceforth there remains no harm and embarrassment for the believers in the matter of wives of so called sons when they have separated from some of them after fulfillment of divorce requirements/laid down formalities.

[Same information in same words at end 4:47]o

And [remember it] the command/decision of Allah is bound to take physical existence/get executed. [33:37]

There is nothing wrong and objectionable upon the Elevated and Chosen One in doing that which Allah has prescribed with time frame for him.

[Same information in same words in 33:62]

This has been the tradition of Allah amongst those who have passed in earlier times;


and the affair/command/matter of Allah is always very well measured and organized; [33:38]

who were conveying and passing on the Messages of Allah while fearing Him and used not to fear anyone except Allah.

[Same information in same words in 4:06]o

And Allah is All-Sufficient for reckoning. [33:39]

 Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] has not been the father of single one from amongst your men, and he in fact is the Final Messenger of Allah and The Finalizer of the series of Distinct, Elevated and Chosen Ones of Allah [from whom Allah had taken the Covenant-3:81]

[Exactly same 48:26; similar pronouncement in 4:32;33:54]o

And Allah is Ever All-Knower/Aware of each and everything. [33:40]

