Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              041

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          
















































































  • Know it that those-members of ruling elite who knowingly refused to accept the Book, advised others;

  • "You people should not be attentive for listening this Qur'aan.

  • Instead, you devise and spread conjectures-palavers about it for roping away-limiting its efficacy.

  • The objective is that it might enable you people retain the controlling dominating authority by rendering it nugatory" [41:26]

Consequently it is certain that We will definitely cause those taste the severe punishment who persistently denied;

and certainly We will definitely requite them the bad effect of that which they people kept doing. [41:27]

This, the Requital and reward for the enemies of Allah the Exalted is the Hell-Prison.  

The permanent abode is reserved therein for them.

 the requital for that which they people deliberately and knowingly kept denying Our Aa'ya'at. [41:28]

And those who knowingly and deliberately refused to accept said,

[Read with 7:38;26:99;33:67]

"Our Sustainer Lord, You show us, those who caused us the forgetful straying, from amongst the species Jinn and humans,

we will crush them both under our feet so that they become the most abased".  [41:29]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 46:13]

It is true that those who said, "Our Sustainer Lord is Allah"; and thereafter they persistently kept themselves firm in this belief,

upon them the Angels will descend for the purpose to say, "you people may not have any fear and nor anything will make you grieve,

and accept congratulation for the Paradise, the one which used to be promised to you people. [41:30]

We were your companions/caretakers in the life of world and are so in the Hereafter,

[Read with 21:102;43:71;52:22;56:21;77:42]

and for you people therein is all that which your selves desire,

and for you is therein that which you may ask for, [41:31]

hospitable gift from the Oft-forgiving, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy" [41:32]

And who is more appropriate and evenly poised in oral utterance than the one who called upon Allah,

and conducted righteously,

and said, "I am from amongst the Muslims-the ones who conduct their life in accordance with the Prescribed Code and Procedure Islam" [41:33]

And the appropriate and evenly poised conduct and conduct of evil import are not alike.

[Same advice in 23:96]

You repel/avert evil/misconduct with that which is better and appropriate generous conduct;

thereat the one, between you and between whom is animosity, will bent like as if he is your intimate friend. [41:34]

And this approach is not adopted/confronted except by those who remained coolly perseverant;

and this approach is not adopted/confronted except by the holder of a great fortune. [41:35]

[Same advice in same words in 7:200]

And if [against those people] a partitioning/ill will thought/inspiration is caused by the Shaitaan,  

thereat/then in that case you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] make yourself seek protection with Allah [by remembering/recalling Him against their conjectural assertions deliberately spread in society]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 8:61;12:34,44:06; Verse 26:220]

Indeed He is the eternally All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. [41:36]

41:37-44                Main Page/Index
