

O you the Mankind, listen
demonstrate subservience and allegiance to
your Sustainer Lord.
He the Exalted has created you people,
and them who existed in times before you.
This demonstrative allegiance
acknowledging your selves as subjects might
let you adopt rational conduct
avoiding unrestrained moves
in reverence and fear of your Creator and Sustainer Lord. [2:21]
Your Sustainer
Lord had
rendered the Earth
spread out
for you people
as a floor-carpet;
And the Sky stretched in the manner of an overarching
Moreover, He
the Exalted descended water from the Sky.
Thereat, with this
Water, He the Exalted brought out a variety of fruits-shrubs, as
means of subsistence for you people.
Thereat having seen
the world around you as integrated whole you people
should not ascribe participators with reference to Allah the Exalted;
While you people have logical
understanding of there being none alike [realization
of universe as a coherent unit manifesting Sole Creator].



And listen:
Provided you
are perturbed: cast in disconcerting duality of mind regarding
authoring- compilation
of that:
Qur'aan, which We have gradually revealed upon Our Sincere
The best course to get out of disconcerting
duality of mind
on this point
is that
one Surat: Segment authored in semblance of a Segment
of it: Qur'aan.
For the needful, you invite-get help of all your
friends-helpers-lawyers available to you other than Allah the Exalted.
Try it, if you were truthful in
perplexity about
source of Qur'aan.
Sequel to this effort, if you people have not yet been able to do it;
and let it be
mentioned that
certainly in future too never ever will you be able to do it;
[since Qur'aan is neither authored-compiled by
the Messenger nor can be authored except by Allah the Exalted-10:37]
you people be consciously cautious of the
Heated Hell-Prison.
This Heated Hell Prison is
whose "Fuel"-
charred- affected
by it
are the People and
Heated Hell-Prison has
been prepared for those who are the deniers- non-believers.
And you the
give glad tidings- guarantee to those who have heartily accepted- believed, and performed
deeds-acts righteously-moderately:
[as directed in the Book]
That gardens are in wait- prepared- promised for
them where streams flow on lower side by
Every time they are fed variety of fruits there from as sustenance, they said:
"This fruit is alike which was given to us aforetimes".
And they are given
things in resemblance of their perceptions.
Moreover, spouses of purified- clean
hearted as companions-mates are assured for them therein.
Take note; they will abide therein
permanently. [2:25]

It is a fact that (what to
say of explaining with gigantic similitude, given earlier)
Allah the Exalted considers it not a matter of
that He might strike
typical example of a female mosquito, thereby highlighting that which
exists besides her.
as for those who have since
accepted-believed, they know that it is certainly the established
infallible fact
disclosed and communicated by the Sustainer Lord of them.
However, as for those are concerned who have
rejected-refused to accept the Message (Qur'aan-call of Messenger)
they in response-purposefully question others,
"What is that which Allah has intended by this example-similitude?"
He, by such revelation, exposes-proves many as neglectfully straying
[who wish to remain
He the Exalted guides with it- revelation- simplification many [who
seek/wish guidance].
Realize it that
He the Exalted by it
does not let anyone remain
neglectful- straying, except those who
dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints
[ defined
and portrayed hereafter]. [2:26]
They [ ] are
those who in time and space keep
breaking- distorting- absolving- disowning the Covenant of Allah the Exalted,
after its having consented as firmly established and
they cut- distance away from that which Allah the Exalted
has commanded that it
might be
approached- joined- maintained.
[Allah's Book].
Furthermore, they keep creating
disturbance- disquiet- confusion in the society.
opposite ones
These are truly those who cause- earn loss to their
in time-line.


How could;
[being men of intellect]
it is so surprising, you refuse to acknowledge Allah the Exalted,
while knowing that you were
pieces of matter whereby
[determined purpose,
by design/will]
the Exalted made you people living
[created you from matter
After a period [respectively determined of your life
He the Exalted will cause you to die.
[lapse of
time and second blow in the Trumpet]
He the Exalted will revive you all to life.
Thereafter, you will be presented before Him
the Exalted for
accountability (on your turn to tell you what you did in worldly life). [2:28]
He the Exalted is the One Who
has created for you people; all together- entirely, whatever is present
on-in the Earth.
After a lapse of time, He turned to the one Sky,
thereby, applying
of stretching proportioned them into seven skies [layer upon layer].
Realize it;
He the
Exalted is
intrinsically and eternally the Knower of
all the physical realm. [2:29]

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