Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              005

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.




























































































































[Purpose also stated in 2:125;3:96;3:97;22:26]

Allah has appointed/declared the Sanctified House Al-Ka'abata enduringly a place of assembly/stay/ congregation for the people

and appointed the sacred month, and the sacrificial mammals and the garlands that mark them [as the symbolic emblems of Allah-5:02 to serve for the assembly and stay of people].

This is for you people to know and remember

[Same pronouncement in same words in 58:07;similar 49:16]

that indeed Allah knows whoever/whatever is in the Skies and whoever/whatever is in the Earth

[Except same information in same words in 2:231]

      and that Allah has indeed eternally the knowledge of each and every thing [visible and infolded]. [5:97]

[With same information in same words in 2:196;8:25]o

You people should know/be aware that Allah is watchful/examines matters minutely till conclusion.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 5:34]

 and that [simultaneously] Allah is indeed repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking and the Merciful. [5:98]

[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;4248;64:12;72:23,28]

The communication-delivery/passing on/conveying/handing over/make reach people [orally and in writing] the Message is the only responsibility upon the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-he is not accountable for the response]

[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in 24:29]

 and knows what you people reveal and what you people conceal/withhold from saying?" [5:99]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce "There is no similarity/equality /relationship between and ; though the abundance of   may seem surprising/astonishing/apparent to you".

[Same advice in same words in 65:10]

Therefore remain cautious and mindful of Allah, O you the men of wisdom,

[Same probability in same words 2:189;3:130, 200;5:35,90;7:69;8:45;22:77;24:31;62:10]

so that you people attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [5:100]

O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen

You should not ask questions/seek answers about such matters that if those are made open/ disclosed for you it may cause you embarrassment/trouble.

And if you ask about those during the period the Qur'aan is being sent gradually that will be made open/disclosed for you; Allah has overlooked from those.

[Same information in same words in 2:225;similar in 2:235;3:155]

    And Allah is eternally imperturbably over looking/forgiver [of unintentional faults/wrong doings]. [5:101]

Indeed a people before your times asked such questions; afterwards they emerged with that as rejecters/deniers. [5:102]

Allah has not appointed/declared anything of the sort as a Bahīra, and nor a Sā’iba, and nor a Wasīla and nor a Hām,

but those who have deliberately refused to accept/believe they keep conjecturing lies attributing it to Allah

fabricate/concoct falsehood upon Allah

[Similar pronouncement in 29:63;49:04]

and most of them do not use intellect/differentiate between conjecture and fact. [5:103]

[Same information in same words 4:61;63:05]

And when it is said [for] to them, "You people come to self-elevation

[Same invitation in same words in 4:61]

towards what Allah has since sent and towards the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]"

[Similar response in 2:170;31:21]

they say; "For us suffices that upon what we find found our forefathers had been".

[Instead ofيَعْلَمُون  َ the word يَعْقِلُون  in 2:170]

 [how irrational/illogical is the response, without refuting the fact] Would they keep following their forefathers despite the fact if they did not have information/knowledge about something and nor they got guided/arrived at conclusion? [5:104]

O you who declare to have accepted/believed! Upon you are your selves/you are responsible for your selves. The one who is lost/forgetful/straying can do no harm to you people when you have adopted the guidance [the Book Grand Qur'aan since people can harm you only if you listen to their conjectural assertions other than that written in the Book and for which there is no tangible evidence from knowledge].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 5:48]

Towards Allah you people will be turned altogether [on the Day of Judgment for accountability]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 5:105;9:94,105;39:07;62:08]

[Similar pronouncement 6:60,108;10:23;29:08;31:15]

 then He will tell you what deliberate and willful acts you perform. [5:105]

O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen

When natural death approaches anyone of you people, make two witnesses of just repute from amongst you [family, kinship] when making a bequest [in compliance of Allah's injunction 2:180]

 or witness two strangers/alien men [from amongst other than of you people/family, tribe] if you were journeying in land whereat the trouble of natural death has reached you.

If you people feel irritating suspicion about oral communication of bequeath by the aliens then hold the two after As-sa'laat and let swear them by Allah, "We wish not in this disclosing the bequeath of the deceased any worldly gain even if the beneficiary be our near one, and nor we will withhold/ conceal the testimony in the name of Allah otherwise in that case we will be among the sinners" [5:106]

For reason of it becoming evident that they two sinned then let two men stand nearest from the kin/tribe who claim a lawful right then let them swear by Allah, "Indeed our testimony is stronger fact/truth  than testimony of both two of them; and we two have not transgressed beyond truth in which case indeed we would have been amongst the transgressors/distorters of fact" [5:107]

This mode of verification will prompt that they give the testimony exactly on its face/as was said by the deceased or else they would fear that it may be rejected by other oaths taken after them.

and you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and and fear of Allah and you people listen [attentively the injunctions of Qur'aan]

[Same pronouncement in same words in5:108; 9:24,80;61:05; similar 63:06]

And Allah does not guide those people who are aberrant/the promise breakers and transgressors who go out of the prescribed bounds. [5:108]

5:109-120                    Index/Main Page              Urdu Books
