Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              005

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

































































































































[Read with 7:06-07]

The day when Allah will assemble the Messengers then He will enquire from them, "What response did you have"

They replied, "We do knot have the knowledge of that

[Same statement in same words 5:116; similar information in 9:78;34:48]

indeed only You have the knowledge of all that exists which is not within the reach/focus of others" [The question was not restricted, it was wide open covering response to the Message delivered by them in time and space upon which they were not corporeally witness. Messengers do not utter a single word unless they possess the complete and absolute knowledge about that thing] [5:109]

[Same address in 5:116]

The day when Allah said, "O you Easa son of Maryam!

[Similar information in 2:87,253]

You recall My favour/blessing upon you and upon your mother when I strengthened/protected you through Angel Gibraa'iel [RoohulQudd's, in migration defeating the murder conspiracy].

[This was promised to his mother before his birth 3:46]

you spoke/conversed with people in cradle/as milk sucking baby in the lap of your mother and in later part of your life/old age [This confirmed the sanctity and chastity of her mother and she found him talking in later part of his life only because Allah saved her from grief when saved him from murder conspiracy and thus fulfilled the word/promise given to her before his birth. In between and , both qualifier of age, is that shows the news of continuity of life on earth till old age of her son yet to born. The veracity and sanctity of a news is established only when it is proved to the person whom news was given. She saw both these news turning into reality. This has been reminded  on the Day of Judgment as grace/favour upon his mother Syeda Maryam; it could be grace/favour upon her only because she witnessed both things happening in her life. On the Day of Judgment there is no mention that he had come to world second time, he lived only once]

[This was also told to mother before birth 3:48]

and when I made you learn the Book and wisdom [contained therein] i.e. At-Tor'aat and Al-In'jeel;

[See 3:49]

and when you cast/sculpted from clay bird-like structure with My permission then you blew in it then for reason of My permission it became living bird,

[Read 3:49]

 and you with My permission/will healed those suffering from blindness and vitiligo

[Read 3:49]

and when you restored to life the naturally/clinically dead with My permission/will;

and when I restrained the hands of Bani Iesraa'eel from reaching you/saved you from their hands

[Read with 61:06]

[what was the occasion of restraining their hands] when you brought to them evident/distinct unprecedented demonstrative Signs then those/one group amongst them who refused to accept said, "this is nothing except an evident illusion". [this is when you apprehended from them open and persistent rejection-3:52] [5:110]

And when I communicated [through you-they accepted what was sent 3:53] to Al-Hawariyun that believe in Me and in My Messenger,

[See their response in 3:52]

    they responded [to you] "We have believed and you be the witness that we keep conducting on Islam". [5:111]

When Al-Hawariyun [the believing group of Bani Iesraa'eel made a dramatic request] said, "O Easa son of Maryam! Is it possible for you that you ask your Sustainer Lord that He may send to us from the Sky food set on dining tray "

    He replied, "Be mindful of Allah if you people are truly the believers" [5:112]

They clarified to him, "We want that we may eat out of it and our hearts are convincingly at ease

 and we see that in the recent past what you have said to us is certainly the truth and on this [unprecedented event of food landing from the sky set on tray] we may be the witnesses". [5:113]

[Being satisfied of their intention] Easa son of Maryam prayed,

"O Allah our Sustainer Lord; send from the Sky upon us food set in the tray

so that it is celebrating occasion indeed for us firstly and our posterity and it be an unprecedented demonstrative sign from You.

And feed us sustenance and You are the best of the suppliers of feeding needs. [5:114]

Allah responded, "I am sending that to you people".

Therefore after this [honoring your request and seeing this unprecedented happening] anyone from amongst you who refused

thereat I will requite him with such punishment which I have not given to a single one in the worlds.  [5:115]

And when [on the Day of Judgment] Allah said, ""O Easa son of Maryam!

Did you say to [for] people this "Adopt me and my mother as two iela'aha other than Allah"

He replied, "Glory is for you alone, it was not befitting for me that I should say something which was not a fact about me.

Had I said that then undoubtedly you would have known it. You know what is in my heart but I do not know what is with Your person.

[Same statement in same words 5:109; similar information in 9:78;34:48]

indeed only You have the knowledge of all that exists which is not within the reach/focus of others" [5:116]

I said to [for] them nothing except what You had commanded me

that you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, My Sustainer Lord and your Sustainer Lord.

and I kept observing them so long I physically remained between them,

then for reason when You segregated/alienated me [to the hilly place to defeat their murder conspiracy and later on because of natural death] You were for ever the Observer upon them,

and You are upon each and everything the Ever Witness/Observer. [5:117]

If You would punish them it is legitimate since indeed they are the servants of You;

and if You would mercifully decide forgiveness for them

[Similar pronouncement in 2:129;40:08;60:05]

for reason/since certainly You are the All Pervasive and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded." [5:118]

Allah said, "This is the Day wherein the truthful people will benefit from their truthfulness;

for them are gardens with streams flowing underneath/side by wherein they shall reside permanently and perpetually,

[Same pronouncement in same words 9:100;98:08; without tashdid 58:22]

Allah is pleased/has approved/appreciated them and they are admiringly happy with Allah

[Same information is at end of  9:89,100; 61:12;64:09;with in 4:13;similar 9:72,111;10:64;37:60;40:09;44:57;57:12]

This [approval and appreciation of Allah] is the greatest/grand achievement/success. [5:119]

For Allah is the dominion/sovereignty of the Skies and the Earth and what is in them.

[Same pronouncement in same words 11:04;30:50;42:09;57:02;64:01;67:01]

And He has eternally the power over each and every thing to set them right/fix them in measure. [And He has eternally infinite power over each and every thing/matter] [5:120]

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