Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              004

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     






















































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And those of your women who are alleged to have indulged in illicit sexual activity [lesbianism; al fahisata is illicit sex not involving intercourse with mutual consent of a man and a woman not being married to each other]

 then for reason of alleging, you produce from amongst your people four witnesses to testify the allegation against them;

 then if those witnesses testified [in the court of law establishing their guilt] then for that reason [of conviction] you people [their family] restrict/restrain them in their houses,

till such time the death may cause the act of their segregation/alienation from other people;

or Allah makes some other course for them [refraining their meeting with other lesbians may help them get rid of this lustful disease]. [4:15]

And from amongst you those two men who commit such illicit sexual activity [homosexuality, sodomy, lewd act] then for this reason [of having been noticed mutually indulging in sex relationship] you slightly punish both two of them [as laid down in the law framed by the society];

consequently/for reason if they both two repent/return from this illicit habit and both two have adopted proper conduct then for that reason you people divert attention from both two of them.

Indeed Allah is repeatedly forgiving/pays attention, The Merciful. [4:16]

[Read with 6:54;16:119]

Indeed Allah has made it a right for acceptance of repentance/approval of reversion for those people only who when do an act of evil [including sexual intercourse] under the spur/dominating influence of emotionalism/passion,

thereafter in the near future they repent [and mend their ways] then in response such are the people for whom Allah pays attention with forgiveness.

[Same information in same words in 4:92,104,111,170;48:04]

And Allah is the All Knower and The Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded. [4:17]

 And of no effect is the repentance for those people who by design keep persistently doing evil deeds

 until when death faces one of them he says; "Now I repent'';

 nor the right of reversion/pardon is for those who die and they were till that time in the state of refusing/disbelieving.

They are the people for whom We have prepared a painful torment. [4:18]

O you who say to have believed! It is not permissible for you people that you coerce woman against their will/despite their disliking/hatred to remain under your control/inheritance;

 and nor you husbands should restrict/restrain/harass them with the objective of taking some part of what you have given them [which you cannot take back if you initiate divorce, by forcing them to a point where they seek divorce on surrendering/giving back some wealth as recompense-2:229]; an exception for restraining them is only for reason if they indulge manifestly in illicit sex [refer instruction in 4:15].

And you people let them live in your company in accordance with the generally accepted/known norms of society.

  For some reason [marriage is on apparent considerations, many thing emerge only after intimacy] if you husbands develop disliking for them then there is every possibility that something you dislike for apparent reason while Allah may have kept in that abundant good [which may become manifest for you after a while]. [4:19]

And if you have decided to replace a wife with another wife

and you had given, to one of intended to be left wives, an excessively large wealth, then for reason of having implementing the decision do not take back a single penny from that paid wealth.

[in desire of replacing with a new wife] Would you acquire that wealth by alleging false accusation/ calumny against her and manifest/exposing dilapidating-sin? [4:20]

[By the way] And how can you take that money back when you have since maintained "deep-association" with them and they had taken from you a solemn covenant, a binding pledge? [4:21]

And you people do not marry women whom your fathers had earlier taken into Nikah/married; [this command shall take effect prospectively] except what has already happened in the past before this injunction [revelation of Grand Qur'aan].

 Surely this act was obscene, vile, and abominable and an evil way/conduct. [4:22]

