Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     




















































3:169 Detailed Analysis












































Indeed Allah had conferred beneficence/indebtedness upon the [] Believers when He appointed a Revivalist/re-Awakener as Messenger from amongst them [already Muslims/believers in Iesma'eile's  progeny; whom Book was not given in many earlier generations-62:02];

[Same information exact in these words 62:02]

He recites upon/for them His Aa'ya'at, word by word/syllable by syllable, and he uplifts/ sanctifies/ elevates them [by removing shackles of all conjectural myths/belief] and he educates/instructs/ teaches them [all Aa'ya'at of] the Book and [thus reveals the knowledge about invisible, i.e.] wisdom/the invisible information/data [contained in Aa'ya'at of ].

[Same information exact in these words 62:02]

and in times before this [the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam and Grand Qur'aan] they were in manifestly evident negligence/un-mindfulness. [3:164]

But why is the concern to say, when a single disaster smote you, and you had earlier smote them with one twice as like this, "how/why has this happened?".

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them, "It is from yourselves [by your omission you let it be caused, though if Allah willed, despite cause it may not have happened since],

[Same information, mirror 2:20, 109, 148;16:77,24:45; 29:20 and 35:01]

Certainly, Allah has eternally power over all things to set them right/fix them in measure. [Indeed, Allah has eternally infinite power over all things] [3:165]

And what you people suffered on the day the two armies had met, that was for reason of [your grave strategic omission] prior permission of Allah,

and for reason that Allah may show/expose [prove to people] those who are persistently true believers; [3:166]

and that he might expose/made known those who kept options open,

and it was said to them, "you come to fight in the way of Allah or defend yourselves".

They said, "Had we known that war will take place we would certainly have followed you".

They were that day nearer to disbelief, from amongst them, than to faith,

[Similar information in 48:11]

they were saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts.

 And Allah has complete knowledge of what they were concealing. [3:167]

They are the ones who said about their brethren while they themselves sat back, "If only they had listened to us, they would not have been killed.''

Ask them, "then you people avert death from your own selves,

 if you are truthful in what you say.''

[Read with 2:154]

Take note that you should not consider in respect of those people who get murdered/slain in the way of Allah that they are dead bodies. They are not dead bodies, the fact of the matter is that they are alive [but you people do/can not perceive that life-2:154]. They people are continuously getting sustenance from their Sustainer Lord. [3:169]

They feel elated on what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty

 and they rejoice [being confidant of similar reward] for those whom they left behind and have not yet joined them,

that on them there shall be neither fear nor grief. [3:170]

They keep rejoicing with the grace and bounty from Allah,

and that Allah will not waste the reward of  [those afterwards joining] the believers; [3:171]

who even after having suffered loss/injury answered/acted upon the words of Allah and the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam];

 for those of them the reward shall be great who [afterwards also] conducted moderately, gracefully and generously and remaining ever cautious avoided un-restrained behaviour. [3:172]

Those [who despite being wounded followed the enemy to the outskirts of Ma'deena] for [to] whom people said, "Indeed, the enemy have assembled against you, therefore, you fear them''.  For reason [firm faith in Allah and His Messenger] this utterance strengthen them in faith,

 and they said: "Allah is sufficient for us [to take appropriate measures], and He is the Elevated Affectionate Protector, Caretaker and Disposer of affairs/matters'' [3:173]

For this reason/therefore they returned with grace and bounty from Allah

 without facing any untoward difficulty;

and they followed in action those things [Aa'ya'at of Allah, the Book] that ensure approval/appreciations of Allah.

  And Allah And Allah is the possessor/holder/Endowing of the Greatest Grace/bounties. [3:174]

