Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     


















































































































































O you who declare to have accepted!

O you who claim to have believed! you people should not eat exorbitant gains on capital; duplicated/multiplied one;

[same command in same words in 2:189;3:200]

and you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah

so that you people attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [3:130]

[Same information in 2:24]

And be afraid/mindful and cautious of fire [Hell-Prison], that hell-fire [Prison} has been made for those who deliberately and persistently refuse to accept [till time of death]. [3:131]

[Similar injunction in 3:32;4:59;5:92;8:01,20,46;24:54;47:33;58:13;64:12]

And you people listen and accept the words of Allah and The Messenger [contained and recited from Grand Qur'aan]".

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:132;6:155;7:63;7:204;24:56;27:46;36:45;49:10]

 so that you people are dealt/subjected with mercy. [3:132]

[Similar advice in 57:21]

And you people hasten/take the lead towards forgiveness from your Sustainer Lord and the Paradise as wide as the width of the Earth and the skies [distance between the lower and top layer];

 this has been made for the abode of those who endeavour for ultimate success remaining mindful and cautious and avoid unrestrained conduct.  [Please read along with 57:21 to know the basic requirement/qualification/prerequisite to become eligible to participate in the race] [3:133]

[Paradise is for Muttaqeen] who spend their wealth [seeking approval/ appreciation of Allah] in prosperity and in adversity

and they suppress/control/ curb the rage/anger or sublimate [divert excessive energy into positive direction instead wasting it in negative activity] and they overlook/ignore the excesses from people.

[This is also told in 3:148;5:93]

And Allah appreciates/loves/acknowledges those people who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [3:134]

And when such people committed an illicit sexual act, for the first time,

or wronged their selves,

they [feeling ashamed] recalled/remembered Allah and for this reason sought pardon for their respective sins;

[they did the right thing] since/and who is there who could forgive sins except Allah.

And they did not tie themselves/made it habit/repetitive action with what illicit sexual act they had done; and they know [that its repetition would be a deliberate/well considered act since knowledge about it got saved in the memory which will be retrieved by will] [3:135]

They are the people whose recompense/reward from their Sustainer Lord is forgiveness

[Exactly same information in same words/vowels 3:15, 3:136,198;57:12] [in similar words 4:13,57,122;5:85,119;9:72,89,100;14:23;48:05;58:22;64:09;65:11]

 and Gardens with canals of water flowing side by wherein they shall reside perpetually;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 29:58]

and the reward of performers is pleasant/exalted/aggrandizer. [3:136]

Indeed examples/traditions have passed/occurred in times before you,

[Same advice in same words in 16:36]

Therefore [to know and take heed/lesson] traverse in the world , then you see the remains/ archeological evidences as to what was the end of those who publicly contradicted [the Messengers and Aa'ya'at of Allah]. [3:137]

This [aforesaid statement, Grand Qur'aan] is for the people a statement of Fact, distinct and evident;

[Same pronouncement in same words but accusative in 5:46]

 and for those who endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful avoiding un-restrained conduct it is a Guide and advice/disclosure of factual outcome of acts/good and bad eventuality. [3:138]

And you people do not loose heart/slacken and nor feel grief;

and you will be superior

  provided/subject to the condition that you are steadfastly believers. [3:139]

If you have suffered a trauma from them then indeed they had suffered a similar trauma earlier from you.

And We keep revolving fortunes amongst people [as trial]

 so that Allah may show/expose [prove to people] those people who have accepted/believed, and adopt from amongst you [the humanity] the witnesses [near ones, on the Day of Judgment];

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:57;similar 42:40]

   and Allah does not approve/like [for nearness] those who distort/transgress. [3:140]

  And [this trial, changing fortunes] so that Allah may purify [remove unwanted containments, as is done in liquefying gold in fire] those who have accepted/believed and He may make cinereous those who persistently refuse to accept. [3:141]

[Same words in the beginning of 2:214]

Have you people adjudged/made up your mind that you people will enter into the Paradise [merely by saying/claiming to have accepted/believed-29:02;read also 9:16]

[Same pronouncement in 9:16]

 while Allah has not yet made evident/known from amongst you who endevour, and made known those who are coolly perseverant/patiently enduring/consistently stead fast. [3:142]

And earlier you used to wish/aspire for death before you confronted [possibility of] it, so you have since seen it happening before your eyes [what you said]. [3:143]

And Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is not [to remain corporally with you in time and space for ever] but is the Messenger. Indeed before him the Messengers have corporally passed away [died natural death].

So [listen hypothetically for the sake of argument] had he died natural death or had been murdered in war would you had since turned back on your heels?

And [you have yet to bear the greatest shock on his parting away] whoever turns on his heels he will cause no loss to Allah,

and Allah will keep rewarding those who acknowledge [His grace of sending Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and express appreciation/gratitude. [3:144] [Praise is for Allah, what a superb way of consoling the companions in their utter state of  loss of lives, turmoil and grief]

And remember [at the time of natural death of your beloved lord and guide] that no person can die a natural death except with Allah's prior permission, on the appointed moment recorded in writing.

 And whoever aspires for reward of his efforts in this worldly life We give him from it

 and who desires reward in the hereafter We give him from it.

And We keep rewarding incessantly those who openly acknowledge with thanks and gratitude. [3:145]

And in the time and space there have been many Elevated and Exalted Chosen Servants of Allah who along with quite a large number of their follower believers fought the wars,

then they never lost heart/slacked if adversities met them in the cause of Allah

and they never reflected sense of weakness and never they surrendered.

And Allah likes those who are coolly perseverant/patiently enduring/consistently stead fast. [3:146]

And they people responded not except only by praying, "Our Sustainer Lord! For us overlook/forgive our sins/lapses/laxities and excesses in our conduct

[Exactly same prayer in same words in 2:250]

 and make firm our foothold/strengthen firmness and help us for victory over the unbelieving people." [3:147]

Therefore [in response to their prayer and excellent conduct] Allah awarded them the worldly reward [success and unsolicited gains] and the reward of Hereafter is par excellence.

[This is also told in 3:134;5:93]

And Allah appreciates/loves/acknowledges those people who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [3:148]

