Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [opens in separate window]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.



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Those who eat exorbitant gains on capital, they cannot stand except in the manner one such person stands whom cobra has made stupefied/bushed with his single touch/bite. This is for the reason because they said to people, "The forward commitment Commerce is just similar to gain on capital/usury"; while the fact is that Allah, the Exalted has declared the Forward Commitment Commerce as permissible and has prohibited the gain/usury on capital. Therefore, the one whom advice, giving information about the diametrically opposite actual outcome of two acts, has reached from his Sustainer Lord, and in compliance thereof  he abstained, thereby thereby that done in the past is for him and his matter is towards Allah, the Exalted. Beware that whoever despite advice does/reverts to it, thereby such shall be the persons who will be the residents/inmates of the Hell-Prison. They will abide therein permanently. [2:275] 

they will abide therein for ever/perpetually.  [2:275]

Allah, the Exalted effaces the gain on capital/usury and enhances the substance gifts [the actual balance sheet is different from apparent result of both two]. Be mindful that Allah, the Exalted does not appreciate and approve for nearness each and all ungrateful sinners. [2:276]

It is fact that the people who consciously and heartily accepted/believed and performed moderate righteous deeds, and remained steadfast in performing As-Salat and paid Az-Zakat [raiser/up lifter of personality]; for them their reward is due from their Sustainer Lord. Moreover, neither fear shall overshadow/haunt upon them; nor shall they have a cause for grieve. [2:277]


O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen. You people always keep yourself mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah, the Exalted. Moreover, give up what is outstanding due out of inflating gain on lent capital if you people are truly believers, [2:278]

Take note that in compliance if you people do not act on this injunction thereby listen carefully the news of destruction from Allah, the Exalted and His Messenger. However, if you revert/resist thereby for you is the principal amount/wealth. You remain in circumstances that you do not do wrong and no wrong is done to you people. [2:279] 

Moreover, [as regards the principle amount] if your debtor be in a straitened circumstances to return the principal debt, thereat give him time till his monetary condition becomes better. However, if you people condone at your own initiative as gift it is best for you people if you people understand/know it. [2:280] 

Moreover, you people remain mindful and fearful of the Day in which you will be subjected to accountability by Allah, the Exalted. Thereafter, each and all persons shall be dealt with/paid that which he had earned, and they will not be subjected to even an iota of injustice. [2:281] 

O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen. When you people enter into a commercial deal of promissory nature for a period with specific terminating point in time for payment, then you must put it in writing. A scribe should write it down amongst you in just manner.  Take note that a scribe should not refuse to write down since Allah, the Exalted has imparted him the knowledge to write. Therefore, he should write down and the party under liability should dictate remaining mindful and fearful of Allah, the Exalted, his Sustainer Lord, and should not reduce anything of liability/obligation.  For reason of the indebted person being immature, or is weak or is not capable to dictate, thereby the guardian of his interests should dictate it with equity. Moreover, you should let two men from among your men be witness [over the contract]. However, for reason of non-availability of two men, take recourse to one man and inviting two women [of vicinity], by mutual choice, to become the witness [two women because it is embarrassing for one to join unknown 4 men].  It will facilitate that if one of them gets perplexed/unmindful [while being in the Court for recording witness] the other of the two may recall and narrate to her [not to Court/Judge in witness box]. Note the injunction that when witnesses are asked to witness/testify the contract/in court they should not refuse. Mind it that you people does not neglect to reduce to writing your promissory commercial transaction for a specified term, whether it is big or small. Allah, the Exalted considers it an act more just for you, and for witness it is primary evidence and it reduces the chances of confusion and double mindedness. However, there is exception to this injunction; no harm and blame is upon you people that you may not reduce to writing the business/rotation-selling and buying of goods daily on spot hand-to-hand. Nevertheless, in case of promissory commercial transactions you should make it a witnessed activity. Take note that the scribe and the witnesses are not harassed. In case you do so, thereat you will indeed be guilty of excess. Moreover, you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah, the Exalted. Recognize the fact that Allah, the Exalted keep giving you the knowledge of the right way for Allah has the knowledge of each and everything [visible and infolded]. [2:282] 

However, If you are on a journey and cannot find a scribe to write the document, then transact your business on the security of a pledge in hand. Therefore, if any one transacts a piece of business with another merely on trust, then the one who is trusted should fulfill his trust and be mindful/fearful of Allah, his Sustainer Lord; and you people never conceal/withhold evidence, therefore whoever conceals it, he has a sinful/lacking strength of character/weak heart. And Allah fully knows everything that which you people do. [2:283] 

Everything that exists in the Skies and everything that exists in the Earth are dependant willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously/subservient for Allah, the Exalted. Be mindful that if you people reveal/state that which is in your hearts or conceal/withhold it, [it makes no difference since Allah is aware-33:54] Allah, the Exalted will hold you accountable. Thereby on accountability He may forgive the one for whom He so determined/decided, and punish the one for whom He so determined/decided [conversely announced in 5:40]. Remember, Allah, the Exalted has eternally the power over each and every thing to set them right/fix them in measure. [Indeed, Allah has eternally infinite power over each and all things/matter] [2:284] 

The Messenger [was the first who] accepted what was sent to him from his Sustainer Lord, and [on his disclosing/reciting] also the believers in the same. Each one of them [the believers] believed in Allah, and His Angels, and His Books and His Messengers; in a state that they the believers [proclaim/say]  "We do not cause discrimination about [each one being Nabi, the elevated/chosen position and assignment of] a single one from amongst the Messengers of Him". And they said, "We have listened and we have accepted wholeheartedly [Grand Qur'aan]; [This is the pledge of the believers-5:07]   Our Sustainer Lord! we look up to You for forgiveness, since the return for accountability is towards You." [2:285] 

Allah, the Exalted does not impose burden/responsibility/demand/duty upon a person except according to her capacity/scope/capability/strength/practicability/access/approach/tolerance. That which one has earned is due for him and the result/ill of that evil which one has earned is to fall upon him. (They pray to Allah) "Our Sustainer Lord, take us not to task if we forget and lapse into error inadvertently or occasionally. Our Sustainer Lord, subject us not with the kind of obligation, You, the Exalted subjected the people before us. Our Sustainer Lord, lay not on us the kind of burden that we have not the strength to bear. We pray for kind overlooking of our faults, and forgive us and show mercy to us. You are our Protector; therefore help us against the disbelievers." [2:286] 

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