Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              026

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy         












































































































And [you narrate the episode] when your Sustainer Lord called Musa commanding that, "You go to the nation of unjust tyrannical people, [26:10]

the nation of Fir'aoun/Pharaoh. Will not they fear and become cautious? [what do you think of their response when you show them the demonstrative unprecedented signs] [26:11]

[Same submission in 28:34]

[realizing that the question is prompted since Allah has known what thoughts are in his chest] He replied, "My Sustainer Lord! It is true that I am apprehensive that they will contradict me, [26:12]

[Same submission in 28:34]

and [whereupon I will have to enter into oral argumentation] my chest feels constrained since my tongue/speaking ability is not fluent therefore You send for Haroon [whom you have appointed Messenger with me as my sharer]. [26:13]

And for them there is a [strength point argument personally against me] slander/accusation upon me therefore/for reason I apprehend that they may murder me" [26:14]

He/Allah said, "No, not at all".

[Read with 20:43;25:36]

"Now therefore [Haroon having joined and all your apprehensions removed] you both two go with Our demonstrative unprecedented signs.


Indeed We are with you all, listening. [26:15]

Therefore you both two go straight to Fir'aoun/Pharaoh whereupon on reaching you both say, "Indeed we are Messenger of the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds/all that exists [26:16]

that you send with us Bani Iesraa'eel" [26:17]

Fir'aoun/Pharaoh replied, "Did we not nourish/bring you up among us as a child and you lived among us many years of your age. [26:18]

And you did, an act of yours which you did once and you are from amongst the ungrateful". [26:19]

Musa [alai'his'slaam] said, "I had done that at a point in time while I was like people in unmindful state of mind [absorbed in deep thinking-28:15]; [26:20]

For reason I escaped away from you people when I felt apprehensive from you people [having been informed of conspiracy of murder/through puppet judiciary instead of allowing law to take its own course-28:20]


Thereupon my Sustainer Lord granted me the wisdom to differentiate and decide and He appointed me being from Messengers. [26:21]

And as for the favour you are quoting having obliged on me is that you have enslaved Bani Iesraa'eel!" [26:22]

[Being unable to rebut the fact, he changing the topic] Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said, "And what is Sustainer Lord of the Worlds [of whom you claimed to be Messenger]?" [26:23]

Musa [alai'his'slaam defining the word "Worlds"] said, "The Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth and all that which is in between the two of them;


if you people [he is posing to the entire elite present there] are convinced" [26:24]

Fir'aoun/Pharaoh [vividly feeling upset by not being addressed directly] for/to those who were around him said, "Are you people not hearing" [26:25]

[Same pronouncement in 37:126;44:08]

Musa [alai'his'slaam continuing addressing all in Levee] said, "[Sustainer Lord of the Worlds is He] The Sustainer Lord of you people and the Sustainer Lord of your earlier forefathers" [26:26]

Fir'aoun/Pharaoh [upset by influence on his courtiers by emphasis on true Sustainer Lord] said, "Indeed the Messenger of you people, the one who has been sent to you people is certainly obsessively deluded" [26:27]

Musa [alai'his'slaam ignoring Fir'aoun/Pharaoh's comment] said, "[Sustainer Lord of the Worlds is He] The Sustainer Lord of the East and the West and whatever is in between the two of them;


if you people [the elite of Egypt] apply intellect to differentiate and comprehend" [26:28]

Fir'aoun/Pharaoh [his worth and smallness having been exposed, assumed threatening posture for his chieftons] said, "Be sure that if you/Musa adopted an iela'aha other than me, certainly I will make you definitely amongst the jailed/imprisoned ones" [26:29]

Musa [alai'his'slaam, only to Fir'aoun/Pharaoh] said, "You would do this even if I have come to you with a thing making distinctly evident? [what I have said about Sustainer Lord of Worlds] [26:30]

Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said, "Then you come with it if you are from truthful" [26:31]

[Replica/Mirror 7:107]

In response as soon he threw before their eyes his stick, then on ground it was a real serpent with hood [Cobra]

[Replica/Mirror 7:108; read with 20:22;27:12;28:32]

And the moment he drew out [after putting in his Axilla/armpit] his hand then it was pure shining white for the onlookers/observers without any spot. [26:33]

Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said for [to] Chiefs around him,

[Same assertion by his confidants in 7:109]o

"Indeed he is certainly a knowledgeable magician/player of illusory tricks. [26:34]

[Same statement in 7:110]

He has the intention that he may move/oust you people from your state/power with his illusory tricks.

[Same interrogation in same words in 7:110]o

Then/to controvert his design, what you people suggest/advise?" [26:35]

[Same response in 7:111]

[not agreeing but instead of openly contradicting] They said, "You defer/grant time to him and his brother and nominate/appoint/send gatherers in the towns; [26:36]

[Pharaoh was cornered to order for it 10:79;same statement in 7:112]

they will bring/come back to you along with every knowledgeable great magician//illusionist/ demonstrator of illusory tricks" [26:37]

26:38-51                 Main Page/Index
