Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              022

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           























The Beacon of Guidance





























































































































Be aware of the factual history of the point in time, when We earmarked for Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] the site/plot of the House [Ka'aba], We advised him that "[like the past] You never associate with Me anything,

[Similar in 2:125]o

and you maintain/manage the cleanliness/sanctity of My House for those people who circle around it/"circum gyration" and stay around it, and for the purpose of bowing and prostration of people. [22:26]

And you pronounce amongst the people for Hajj [Pilgrimage to Ka'aba],


they will come to you on foot [from nearby vicinity] and upon each and every ride, they coming from every deep and distant mountain highways; [22:27]

so that they may witness benefits for them

and so that they mention [on sacrificial mammals] the name of Allah  during the appointed days on what Allah has given them from amongst those herbivorous mammals who are , i.e. stout bodied and make half nasal half throaty noise.


"Whereupon you people eat part of them and feed the destitute needy". [22:28]


Thereafter the consumption/disposal of sacrifice they should/may remove respectively their dirt/hair by shaving/ or trimming of hair if bald [as prescribed in 2:196] and they should consciously cause the fulfillment/laying off/alienating their respective vows. Thereafter the consumption/disposal of sacrifice they should/may remove respectively their dirt/hair by shaving/ or trimming of hair if bald [as prescribed in 2:196] and they should consciously cause the fulfillment/laying off/alienating their respective vows. Moreover, they should make themselves walk/move in circle around/gyrate around the The House of Glory, Sanctity, Honour/Sanctified House. [Refer 22:29] [This is the address to Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] who raised this First House-[3:96] from foundations for the first time; a just raised House is never called and considered ancient. This is Sanctified House and is named as such in 5:97]

This is [demonstration of respect for Allah's emblems], and whoever inclines/incites himself to honour and glorify the Sanctifications of Allah, the Exalted, thereby that act is the best for him in the consideration of his Sustainer Lord.

[Read with 5:01]

And for you people have been made permissible the herbivore mammals

[Same exception in 5:01]

except those which are stated/read/told to you [declared non permissible].

For reason/thereby [following the foot steps of your father Iebra'heim علیہ السلام] you people keep away/avoid the filth from all sorts of embedded idols/brain stagnation/rigidity with conjectures


and you people avoid uttering the twisted/conjectural/false statement [which causes confusing/brain scattering/disconcert/fidgeting-10:100], [22:30]

remaining incessantly/persistently and perpetually upright and sincere for Allah the opposite of those who associate partners with Him.

[Same pronouncement in same words 4:48,116; similar 5:72]

And whoever ascribes/associates partner/equal with Allah

thereupon he is only like that as if he had fallen from the [heights of the] Sky

whereby the [vulture type] birds swoop for avulsion upon him;


or the wind blows carrying him with it to a far-off place. [22:31]

[Read with 2:158;5:02]

This is [demonstration of respect for Allah's emblems], and whoever honours the symbolic emblems of Allah [Sanctifications of Allah]


then indeed that is the reflection of the piety/reverence and fear of Allah embedded in the hearts. [22:32]


For you people in them are advantages up to the Designated/Determined Moment; thereafter their place of sacrifice is towards the Sanctified House. [22:33]

And for each and every generation We declared one obligatory procedure so that they all mention/state the personal name of Allah upon the stout bodied mammals, which He provided them as sustenance, while slaughtering/sacrificing them,

since the Iiela'aha of you people is the Only One Iela'aha.

therefore for Him you people submit.


And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] give glad tidings to those who are humble and content; [22:34]

they are those whose hearts are trembled when Allah is mentioned/talked about

and they are coolly perseverant upon what adverse reached them

and they are the maintainers/stand for the performance of Ass-sa'laat,

[Same information in same words in 2:03;8:03;28:54;32:16;42:38]o

and out/part of the worldly resources, which We have given them as sustenance, they spend [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah]. [22:35]

And the sacrificial mammals, We have declared them for you people as from the Emblems of Allah, for you people in them is betterment;

therefore pronounce the name of Allah over them when line them for sacrifice;

and when they are down on their sides after slaughter, then you people eat part of them and feed the needy who do not ask for help and the one who asks.


This is how We have subjected them for you people so that you may express gratitude. [22:36]

[Read with 5:27]

Never reaches to Allah their meat and nor their blood but to Allah do reaches the expression and demonstration of "The Piety" from you people.

[Similar in 2:185]

This is how He has subjected them for you people so that you may praise the Greatness of Allah upon having guided you [by sending the Book]


And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] give glad tidings to those people who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [22:37]

Indeed Allah repels away [disconcerts] from those who have truly believed/accepted.


Indeed Allah does not appreciate and acknowledge each and every ungrateful perfidious. [22:38]

It has been permitted for those to fight back upon whom war is waged for the reason that they have been subjected to wrong and cruelty.


And indeed Allah is certainly in full command of helping them victory. [22:39]

Permission has been granted to fight back to those who were forced to get out of their city without any justification except for the reason that they pronounced, "Our Sustainer Lord is Allah".

[Same pronouncement in 2:251]

And if Allah had not been repelling one set of people by means of another,

certainly monasteries and churches and synagogues and mosques would have been demolished where the name of Allah is mentioned quite often.

And certainly Allah will of course help the one who helps Him.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:74]o

It is true that Allah is certainly the Almighty Dominant. [22:40]

Those whom if We established them ruling in the Earth

they would have organized and managed the performance of Ass-sa'laat and would have paid Az-Zaka'at;

and they would have enjoined to act according to accepted social values/norms and forbidden following conjectural innovations/deceits/deviations/unfamiliar, unauthentic and unverifiable myths.

[Similar pronouncement in 31:22]o

And for Allah is the final settling/decision of all matters. [22:41]

