Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
O you who declare to have accepted! [Same words with different arrangement in
5:08] For seeking the approval of Allah you people be the protectors/those who stand for dispensation of justice by becoming witness to record testimony on the principle of equity without favour and fear notwithstanding that the testimony negatively affects your selves; or your parents or your near ones whether they be self sufficient/self reliant/rich or dependent/poor since Allah is more preferable than both two of them [for you to take care]. Therefore, for this reason [for Allah's approval sake] you people do not act following emotions/ conjecture/hearsay lest you may over step. And if you people distort and twist your testimony or refrain from recording testimony being witness [Same pronouncement in same words in
33:02;48:11] then [remember that] Allah is certainly always aware of the acts you people perform. [4:135]
O you who orally declare to have accepted! [Same injunction in same words in
57:07] Incline yourselves to believe and trust in Allah and His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and in the Book, the one [Grand Qur'aan] which He has since gradually sent to His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and in the one Book, which He had sent before this [In'jeel to Easa علیہ السلام ,son of Syeda Maryam] [People from amongst the Jews on becoming believer are also required to accept and believe in In'jeel which was sent immediately before and has been affirmed by Grand Qur'aan] and whoever refuses to accept Allah, and the Angels, and His BOOKS and His Messengers and the Last Day [Same verdict in same words in
similar 4:167;14:03,18;22:12;34:08;42:18;50:27] then for this reason indeed he perished/lost himself to the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [4:136] Indeed those who declared to have accepted/believed, then afterwards/lapse of time they declined/ refused; thereafter/lapse of time they again declared to have believed; afterwards/lapse of time they again declined and afterwards went further in refusal state, [Same pronouncement in
4:168] it is not for Allah indeed that He may forgive them nor indeed that He should guide them on the path. [4:137] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], pronounce for the Muna'fi'qeen [the deceptive claimants of faith] the glad tidings that for them is severe punishment [in wait]. [4:138] those Muna'fi'qeen adopt the non-believers as their protectors/patrons/confidants instead of the believers. Do they search and seek from them the dominance/protection/strength? [Except "Fa" same pronouncement in same
words in
10:65] [what a futile desire] since/then [they should know] indeed the dominance is for Allah altogether. [4:139] [at that point in time it reflected that it was sent in the near past in the Book 6:68] And indeed He has sent for you people in the Book/Grand Qur'aan that when you people listen/hear that Allah's Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Qur'aan] are being refused and they are being discussed jestingly [Similar advice in
6:68] then for this reason you people do not join/sit along with them till such time [Except last Madda sign same in
6:68] they start vain/hypothetical
discussion about story/some saying [ In case you people join them [while they are jestingly discussing Aa'ya'at of the Book] then at that point in time you would apparently/sensually look like them; Allah will certainly gather, all Muna'fi'qeen, [those who merely declare that they believe in Allah and the Last Day but are not believers; and have malice against Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and those who deliberately and persistently refuse to accept/believe, in the Hell-Prison, all together. [4:140] These Muna'fi'qeen sit back and wait for outcome of your matter [wishing a calamity end], thereupon/for reason if the victory is for you from Allah, they would say "Were we not with you" and if the non-believers had the luck they would say to them, "Were we not capable of over powering you [had we joined the believers] and have we not favoured/saved you over the believers" For reason [of dispensing justice] Allah will decide between you people on the Day of Resurrection.
And Allah will not let there be for the disbelievers a way over the believers. [4:141] Indeed the Muna'fi'qeen [Also told in 2:09] think they [by false declarations in believer's society] deceive Allah and He lets them engulfed in their deceptive perception [by leaving them as discarded/condemned]; [Similar information in
9:54;107:06] And when they get up/stand to join the Ass-sa'laat [congregation] they stand reluctantly/irritant/with heavy heart just for the sake of showing/demonstrating to people [that they are believers] and they do not remember Allah except occasionally. [4:142] [Read with
58:14] They, the Muna'fi'qeen, are wavering/hanging in between, neither they are on this side nor are on the other side. [Same pronouncement in same words
42:46] And the one whom Allah causes to be exposed/lets him remain in neglectfully straying then for this reason you will never find for him a way out. [4:143] O you who declare to have accepted! [Read with
3:28,118;4:89;5:51,57;9:23;60:01] you people should never incline yourselves to adopt the non-believers as companions/ guardians/ protectors/godfathers/patrons instead of the believers. [by violating it] Do you people intend/wish that there may be a clear evidence/reason/argument for Allah against you? [for taking cognizance against you] [4:144] It is a certain fact that the Muna'fi'qeen will be placed in the lowest/worst part/class of Hell-Prison. And you will never find anyone inclined for helping them. [4:145]
except for those, who returned repenting and they perfected themselves, i.e. restrained and restricted themselves with Allah and they purified/made their conduct/way of life sincerely and exclusively for Allah [freed themselves from conjectural myths and tied/contained themselves within the Aa'ya'at/Book of Allah], then for this reason they are along with the true believers [entitled for your, the Messenger's help/intercession]. And soon Allah will give the true believers reward, the great one. [4:146] What would Allah do with punishing you/what would Allah attain/Why should Allah punish you people if you express gratitude/recognize and appreciate His favours and bounties and you accepted/ believed [it is other way round; He approves/is pleased for you 39:07;He will increase His favours-14:07; 54:35] [Similar pronouncement in
2:158] and Allah is always the Appreciator/Acknowledger/The Recognizer, eternally All Knowing. [4:147]