Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     




























































































O you who declare to have accepted!

 you do not adopt as confidants other than from amongst yourselves; they [the others] are never reluctant/spare you in exploiting your weakness [adopting them confidant, it will increase manifold such chances]. They yearned for what harmed you people;

  the grudge/hatred/resentment has already become apparent/evident from the utterances of their mouths, but what their chests are concealing is much greater than their already evident resentment.

[Similar information in 57:17]

We have indeed made for you people the Aa'ya'at [of Qur'aan; information, knowledge, wisdom] distinctly evident

 provided you people reflect/concentrate to differentiate/objectively analyze [which is the basic job of intellect, it will give you sincere conviction, see 2:118]. [3:118]

You people be cautioned, here are some of you who are inclined towards liking/loving them while they do not love you, despite the fact that you people believe in the Book, entire of it; [which discloses their psyche and conduct in time and space]

and when they meet you they say, "We have accepted/believed";

and when they are in privacy/solitude they burst out their anger upon you by biting their finger-tips/nails.

Tell them, "You keep solacing with your outburst of anger;

[Same information in same words in 5:07 and 31:23]

Indeed Allah is absolutely aware of that which is possessed/kept inside the chests". [3:119]

If some privilege reaches you it is noisome for them and if adversity befalls on you they rejoice on it;

 and if you people remain coolly perseverant and you remain cautious their tricks/crafty schemes will not cause you harm.

Indeed Allah encompasses all acts that they do. [3:120] [Read with 9:50]

And when you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] set out from your house-hold [Madeena] early in the morning, you were assigning to the believers their positions on the battlefield (of Uehud);

[This information is also in 2:224,256; 3:34;9:98,103;24:21,60]

 And Allah is eternally The Listener, The Absolute Knowledgeable [Knower of visible and invisible]. [3:121]

[reverting from parenthetic, to Uehud battlefield] when two groups from amongst you were liquefied/ caught in anxiety that both two were weak while Allah was companion, protector, patron of both two;

[This instruction in same words is also in 3:160;5:11;9:51;14:11;58:10;64:13]

and upon Allah, therefore for reason [He being the possessor of absolute power], the true believers should keep their trust/confidence/reliance/affair/hope. [3:122]

 [their anxiety was without reason] since Allah had indeed helped you people in battlefield of Badder and at that place/time you were, compared to this occasion, more weak.

Therefore you people remain mindful, have fear and hope/trust in Allah

   so that you express gratitude [on victory] [3:123]

[reverting from parenthetic, to Badder battle] When you, the Messenger were saying  for [to] the believers: "Would it not be sufficing for you that your Sustainer Lord reinforces/strengthens/helps/ stretches you with three thousand out of sent down angels". [3:124]

 Surely, rather if you remain coolly perseverant and retain fear and hope/trust in Allah and they suddenly attack you here with full force,

your Sustainer Lord will help you through five thousand angels who recognize by marks/apparent signs. [3:125]

[Similar information in 8:10]  

And Allah had disclosed this information for no purpose except rejoicing news for you people and for  purpose that with it your hearts feel calm and quiet/tranquilized,

[Similar pronouncement in 8:10]

and {as the Messenger has the conviction, you must always remember] help comes from nowhere except from Allah, the Absolute Dominant/Sovereign the Knower of the evident and secreted/infolded. [3:126]

[if they attack you with force the promised help is] for the reason that He may cut off a flank of those who have persistently refused to accept or make them unable to do anything with the result that they turn back in frustratingly disappointed state. [3:127]

For you, the Messenger there is no news [at the moment] whether He turns to them [on their repentance] or He punishes them for the reason that indeed they are evil-doers. [3:128]

[Exactly same pronouncement in same words  in 3:109; 4:126,131,132;53:31]

And for Allah is everyone/thing who/what is in the Skies and the Earth [All are for Him subservient/ dependant willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously].

[This information with same words is also in 5:18;48:14;similar 2:284]

He may forgive whomever He wills and punish whom He wills.

[same words in 2:218; 3:31;4:25;5:74;8:70;9:27, 91;24:22;49:05;57:28;60:07;66:01]

And Allah is The Forgiving/Overlooking, The Merciful. [3:129]

