• Be informed, masses which constitute major part of them (Bani Iesraa'eel) have the characteristic of not acquiring knowledge of the Divine Book. They are, however, aware with regard to the Revealed Book only such wishful fascinating hearsay-conjectural myths made popular and widespread in society.

اورعوام الناس کے طبقے کی اُن (اہل یہود) میں اکثریت ہے۔اس طبقے کی تعریف/خاص بات یہ ہے کہ الکتاب /ا للہ تعالیٰ کی نازل کردہ کتاب میں درج کا علم نہیں رکھتے سوائے اُس  تمنا و خواہشات  کی تسکین کرنے والے مواد کے جو انہیں الکتاب کے حوالے سے بتایا/سماعتوں میں ڈال دیاگیا ہے۔

Root: م ن ى

  • As such, they (the common people), keep doing-knowing nothing except conjecturing-supposing-assuming the widespread-popular material as being from the Revealed Book. [2:78]

اور یہ کہ سوائے گمان کرتے رہنے ،سوچے سمجھے بغیر سمجھناکہ جو کچھ انہیں بتایا جاتا ہے نازل کردہ کتاب میں ہے،کے علاوہ وہ اورکچھ نہیں کرتے۔(البقرۃ۔۷۸)

  • Thereby, [that commons are misled by conjectural matter] Woe-regret would be the upshot for those people who keep writing the book with distinct titles and caption with their own hands-thoughts

چونکہ جھوٹ پر مبنی اختراعات  دانستہ مقصد کے زیر اثر کی جاتی ہیں  اِس لئے خود اپنی مذمت و ملال نتیجہ اور اختتام ہو گا اُن لوگوں کیلئے  جو اپنے ہاتھوں سے منفرد کتاب کو لکھتے ہیں ۔

  • Thereafter having written it they [publish the book] tell the people saying-claiming: "This book contains matter which is according to that communicated by Allah the Exalted"

بعد ازاں لوگوں سے کہتے ہیں ”یہ   کتاب اس مواد پر مبنی ہے جو ا للہ تعالیٰ  کی جانب سے رسول اللہ کو بھیجا گیا تھا۔

  • --They say so to gain a commercial benefit of trifling import with it (book written and published by them).--

  • ۔۔ان کا مقصد اپنے ذہن اور ہاتھوں سے تصنیف کردہ کتاب کے ذریعے   معمولی دنیاوی  مفادات کا حصول  ہے۔۔

Root: ش رى; ق ل ل

  • Therefore, Woe-regret is in wait for them for that which their hands have written [fascinating, misleading, hypothetical, conjectural hearsay and myths].

چونکہ اپنی اس کمائی کی   کم مائگی کا احساس ہو جائے گا اس لئے خود اپنی مذمت اور ملال کرنا ان کا انجام اِس وجہ سے ہو گا جو ان کے ہاتھوں نے لکھا۔

  • Moreover, Woe-regret is in wait-is the eventuality for that what they earn-popularity, commercial-financial benefit by it. [2:79]

اور حیف ہے اُن پر اُس کے سبب جوکسب یہ لوگ بناتے ہیں۔(البقرۃ۔۷۹)

Root: و ى ل

  • Take note that they (Clergy) told people, "The Fire will certainly never touch us except for a period of numbered days".

اورلوگوں سے وہ کہتے ہیں ”ہمیں آگ نہیں چھوئے گی مگر گنتی کے دنوں کیلئے“۔

Root: م س س

  • You question them, "Have you people succeeded in obtaining a contract from Allah the Exalted in this regard? If that is the case, Allah the Exalted will never breach His contracted obligation!

اِن سے پوچھو ”کیا تم لوگوں نے ا للہ تعالیٰ سے اِس بات کاعہد لیا ہے؟ اگر ایسا ہے پھر تو ا للہ تعالیٰ اپنے عہد کے خلاف نہیں کریں گے(کیونکہ کبھی اپنے وعدے کے خلاف نہیں کرتے)

Root: ع ھ د

  • Or, that not being the case, are you people attributing to Allah the Exalted that about which you have no knowledge?"  [2:80]

یا تم ا للہ تعالیٰ سے وہ بات منسوب کرکے کہتے ہو جس کا تم لوگوں کو علم نہیں؟‘‘

  • Nay, their statement is untrue, no question of release from the Hell-Prison; on the contrary, if someone earned evil and his wrong-doings influenced-encompassed-circularly engaged him:

نہیں!گنتی کے دنوں کیلئے جہنم میں رہنے والی بات غلط ہے۔حقیقت یہ ہے کہ جس کسی نے بھی برائی کمائی اور اُس کی خطاؤں نے اُس کو گھیرے میں لئے رکھا۔

Root: ح و ط; ك س ب

  • Thereby, they are the people who will be the resident inmates of the Hell-Prison

تو اِس کے سبب یہ وہ لوگ ہیں جو جہنم میں رہنے والے ہوں گے۔

Root: ص ح ب

  • They will abide therein permanently/indefinitely. [2:81]

یہ لوگ ہمیشہ وہاں رہیں گے۔

  • Know about those people who heartily accepted, and did act righteously-moderately as directed in the Book of Allah the Exalted

 اور جو لوگ (نازل کردہ قرء ان پر) دل کی شاد سے ایمان لائے اور انہوں نے صالح اعمال کئے ۔

  • They are the people who will be the residents-inmates of the Paradise

یہ لوگ ہیں جو اصحابِ جنت ہیں ۔

Root: ص ح ب

  • They will abide therein permanently. [2:82]

یہ لوگ ہمیشہ وہاں رہیں گے۔(البقرۃ۔۸۲)

  • Be informed, masses which constitute major part of them (Bani Iesraa'eel) have the characteristic of not acquiring knowledge of the Divine Book. They are, however, aware with regard to the Revealed Book only such wishful fascinating hearsay-conjectural myths made popular and widespread in society.

George Sale and Johm Medows Rodwell were the pioneer translators of Qur’ān in English whose mala-fide intentions and dishonest scholarship is loudly evident in prefaces of their work. They erroneously translated as:

George Sale: But there are illiterate men among them, who know not the book of the law, but only lying stories, although they think otherwise.

Johm Rodwell: But there are illiterates among them who are unacquainted with the Book, but with lies only, and have but vague fancies.

In English, illiterate is an adjective and offensive term for somebody who lacks education, especially somebody who cannot read and write.

Majority of later translators followed them using the same offensive term. However, some like Muhammad Asad, M.M. Pickthall  used the word "unlettered" which also denotes not-well-educated.

Arthur John Arberry is an exception who correctly translated the word as:

And some there are of them that are common folk not knowing the Book, but only fancies and mere conjectures.

In classical exegeses تفسير الجلالين translated it as: عوام ordinary common people or average citizens: ومنهم) أي اليهود (أميون) عوام (لا يعلمون الكتاب) التوراة

A little focused attention to the structure of the sentence will show its meanings self evident:

This is an inverted nominal sentence, simple by structure and semantically declarative. The normal style is that Subject [مبتدأ] comes first and is definite in nominative case. The principle of predicate [خبر] is that it is indefinite. The indefinite noun is permissible to occur as Subject when it is modified by an adjective or likewise, when it is particularized from another perspective.  The predicate [خبر], which can be a single word, or a complete sentence, is next in sequence. When it is an entire sentence, it will have its own structure and all the rules will apply to it as well. The predicate may also be elided when the subject is followed by a prepositional or adverbial phrase reflective of and necessitating the elision of predicate.

A prepositional or adverbial phrase can never be the subject of a nominal sentence. When these two entities appear in the beginning, a place reserved for the subject, they are in fact related to the predicate [comment-خبر].

Why this sentence is in the inverted order? The normal structuring of a nominal sentence may be inverted to achieve rhetorical benefit. There are a few situations in which inverting the structure is prohibited, and there are others in which inverting the structure actually becomes mandatory. One such mandatory situation is when the subject/topic to be talked about is purely indefinite and the predicate is a prepositional or adverbial phrase.

This Unitary Verbal Passage/Ayah begins with [wāw], the Recommencing particle. It is a discourse coordinator, that signals the speaker's identification of an upcoming unit which is coordinate in structure to prior unit. Here the discourse is the conduct of a group/Elite-upper segment-knowledgeable-scholars-literary club-clergy of  Jews.

It is a prepositional phrase, relating to the elided fronted predicate of inverted nominal sentence. The Preposition signifies the relation which subsists between the part and whole, a subset of the Set, one group different from the other group of constituent body. The masculine plural pronoun refers back to the community under discussion, i.e. Jews-

This is sound-plural indefinite masculine nominative noun which is the delayed subject/topic of the sentence. They are the one constituent group of the Community: about whom the ascription in the predicate clause is elided. The Arabic language and the Grand Qur’ān, in particular, demonstrates respect and regard for the listener and reader. They are presumed as rational and intelligent people who retain in their memory the earlier stated information while listening to the whole speech, or reading the text. The listener, reader, we are just told, in 2:75, this information about one group of them,  "indeed there has been a group of them who used to listen to the Word/Parlance/Message of Allah; and thereafter they deliberately alter it, out of context in different angle/perspective. They do this afterwards when they had analyzed/ comparatively studied/deliberated upon it and in a state of being aware/understood it." The rational and intelligent readers are supposed to know that such an act can and is done only by those who are recognized in the society as scholars, professional writers, religious leaders, elite class, or clergy. It is a group in a community/society/nation comprises of minority -a small number-a small percentage of the total whole.

The aforementioned act cannot, and is not done by the ordinary literate masses who constitute the major part of the society. Would a rational and intelligent reader construe this indefinite subject: as "illiterate, unlettered, uneducated" group, in contrast to the group who listens the Word/Parlance/Message of Allah the Exalted, and after having understood it by critical analysis, alters its context for narration to general public? Does commonsense permits a rational person to presume that the large majority of people of a society barring a small number of scholars and clergy are illiterate, unlettered, uneducated?

: An indefinite noun is used in contrast to another minor/small number group. It denotes nothing except general masses, a majority group of community  i.e. Jews- the majority of whom is and has all along been educated. Tomorrow, they can attain hundred percent literacy rate.

The Root of this word is " ء م م".  Lane's Lexicon, compiling many quotes from Classical Arabic Lexicons, states about it: [Quote] "It signifies the source, origin, foundation, or basis of a thing, or of anything; its stay, support, or efficient cause of subsistence. Anything to which other things are collected, or adjoined. The main or chief part of a thing; the main body thereof; and that which is a compriser, or comprehender of [other] things; the place of collection, or comprisal, or comprehension, of a thing, the place of combination thereof....And hence the head, or Chief, of a people, or company of men; because others collect themselves together to him." [unquote]

A little attention to the context of discourse and the meanings of this Relative Adjective noun [الإسم المنسوب] quoted from Lane's Lexicon will quite vividly enable us to discard the unsubstantiated opinion of all those translators who give it the meanings of "illiterate, unlettered, uneducated, not capable of reading or writing any book".

: It is the large body of people of the community who collect themselves together to rely upon the other segment. The information about other segment, a minority group, is that they distort the Message of Allah the Exalted, write books with their own thoughts and hands and tell this general body of people that it were from Allah the Exalted. This fact is unambiguously made evident by disclosure of their adjectival trait in the immediately following clause: 


The Relative Adjective indefinite Subject noun of preceding inverted nominal sentence is portrayed by this adjectival clause which particularizes the perspective of so calling/naming them. Further it makes evident the elided predicate of preceding nominal sentence that they retain their such habit/psyche-peculiar feature.

Negation Particle.

: This is the complete Verbal sentence which is negated, comprising of Verb, Subject and Object.  Verb is Imperfect; Third Person; Plural; Masculine;  [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state, referring back to The object of verb is: which is the definite noun, denoting specified and known Book-the Revealed Book.

This verbal sentence leaves no room for any rational person, if he is not slave to conjectural gossips, to let a thought come to his mind that this is being talked about those persons who cannot read or write a book  It is not said that they do not know a book which could give leverage to someone to construe or guess that they are illiterate people. "They do not know The Book". If I say to you, "The majority of Israelites do not know the contents of At-Toraat", would you presume that I am suggesting or alleging that "the majority of  Israelites are illiterate, unlettered, uneducated, not knowing reading and writing books". If not, and surely you will not presume like this to expose yourself as thoughtless unintelligent, then why should you accept translation of word as "unlettered folk, illiterates, lacking knowledge of reading or writing a book"?


They are, however, aware with regard to the Revealed Book only such wishful/hopeful fascinating hearsay/conjectural myths made popular and widespread in society.

This is restrictive-confining clause relating to the verbal sentence.

Restriction/Confining Particle.

Noun: Indefinite; broken plural; feminine; accusative. This is exclusion from the fact of their not knowing the Book, signifying that they do know this in relation to the Book. Its Root is "م ن ى". The basic perception is to inspire a fascinating desire and hope. Its actualization and positive affect upon the targeted is possible only through an object, a cause which will relay the thought generating hope and desire. A physical object named by this Root, i.e. quite picturesquely explains the concept and perception of it. It denotes the semen, which creates desire and hope of offspring only on pouring/ ejaculating and lodging into the "receptacle" of one's wife.

: It is something in relation to the Revealed Book which is known to: general body of people who otherwise do not have the knowledge of the Revealed Book. Knowledge is acquired only when things-statements are placed before someone, or is made to listen to those statements, or these are widespread talk of the town like. The peculiar feature of  is that they have a pleasurable, fascinating hopeful element inherent in it. This renders them the capability of getting firmly embedded in the memory/knowledge of general public. This is particularly because the perceivers, narrators and writers of these wishful, fascinating, hope creating conjectural myths attribute it to the Revealed Book of Allah the Exalted.

The lack of knowledge of the Revealed Book and their knowledge about it restricted to widespread conjectural fascinating hopeful and alluring statements perceived as the words of Allah the Exalted renders the general body of people in this state.

Recommencing particle, or it can also be considered as parenthetical clause initiator.

  Negative Particle.

  Personal Pronoun ;third person; plural masculine; nominative. This is the Subject of Nominal Sentence, referring back to .

   Restriction/Confining Particle. This particle after the negation particle adds connotation of certainty to the predicate.

This Verbal Sentence is the Predicate. Verb: Imperfect; third person; plural; masculine; Subject pronoun و  in nominative state, referring back to and thus to . The Mood of the verb is Indicative denoting that it keeps happening.


Recurrence: (1)2:78(2)45:24=2

: (1)2:81(2)2:275=2

: (1)2:25(2)2:39(3)2:81(4)2:82(5)2:217(6)2:257(7)2:275(8)3:107(9)3:116(10)7:36(11)7:42(12)10:26(13)10:27 (14)11:23(15)13:05(16)23:11 (17)58:17=17

: (1)2:82(2)4:57(3)4:122(4)7:42(5)29:07(6)29:09(7)29:58(8)35:07(9)40:58(10)42:22(11)47:02=11

: (1)2:25(2)2:82(3)2:277(4)3:57(5)4:57(5)4:122(6)4:173(7)5:09(8)5:93(9)7:42(10)10:04(11)10:09(12)11:23(13)13:29(14)14:23(15)18:30(16)18:107(17)19:96(18)22:14(19)22:23(20)26:227(21)29:07(22)29:09(23)29:58(24)30:15(25)30:45(26)31:08(27)32:19(28)34:04(29)35:07(30)38:24(31)38:28(32)40:58(33)41:08(34)42:22(35)42:23(36)42:26(37)45:30(38)47:02(39)47:12(40)48:29(41)65:11(42)84:25(43)85:11(44)95:06(45)98:07(46)103:03=46

: (1)2:82(2) 7:42(3)10:26(4)11:23

: (1)2:82(2)7:42(3)7:44(4)10:26(5)11:23(6)25:24(7)46:14(8)59:20(9)59:20=9

Relative adjective

Adjectives can also be made by adding iy(un) ـِيٌ (masculine) iyat(un) ـِيَةٌ after a noun. This is called the relative adjective ‘Ismu-a-nasbiyati اِسْمُ الْنِسْبَةِ.

Appositive Particle: It is of two types:

(1) Conjunctive particle [مُتَّصِلَةٌ];

(2) Disjunctive [مُنْقَطِعَةٌ]

 [When it is followed by a word beginning with consonant ب and م it will be without "Jazem-" and when followed by a  ساكن/أل consonant it will be having vowel sign to break the clusterاجتماع الساكنين


إعرا ب القرآن Syntactic Analysis


Recommencing/Conjunction particle.                                          [اِستئنافية



Prepositional Phrase: Separable Preposition + Attached pronoun: Third person; plural; masculine; in genitive state.

                                                           جار و مجرور: حرف جر +  ضمير متصل في محل جر-جمع مذكر غائب 


[جار و مجرور متعلق بخبر مقدم محذوف]


Relative [Nisba] Adjective/Noun: Indefinite; Sound plural; masculine; nominative. [أ م م Root]. (1)2:78=1                                                        الإسم المنسوب: مرفوع-جمع مذكر


 مبتدأ مؤخر مرفوع بالواو لأنه جمع مذكر سالم


: Negation Particle.                                                                                  حرف نفي



Verb: Imperfect; Third Person; Plural; Masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ [Form I]; [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-عِلْمٌ Verbal Noun. [Recurrence: 83-First Occurrence in 2:13]

                                   فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكر غائب


فى محل رفع صفة الموصوف


Noun; definite; Singular; masculine; accusative. [Recurrence: 80; First Occurrence: 2:44]                                                                       اسم :معرفہ باللام منصوب-واحد مذكر


 مفعول به منصوب و علامة نصبه-الفتحة 


Restriction/Confining Particle with prolongation sign.                  أداة استثناء/أداة حصر



Noun: Indefinite; broken plural; feminine; accusative; [أَفَاعِيلٌ Pattern; أَمْنِيَةٌ singular]; م ن ى Root. (1)2:78=1                                                                      اسم: منصوب-جمع-مؤنث



Recommencing particle or Conjunction for parenthetic                     الاعتراضية /اِستئنافية



  Negative Particle.                                                                                   [نافية]



  Personal Pronoun ;third person; plural masculine; nominative.

                                                                                ضمير منفصل مبني جمع مذكرغائب   


[ضمير منفصل فى محل رفع مبتدأ]


   Restriction/Confining Particle                                      [حرف تحقيق بعد النفي]/[أداة حصر]



Verb: Imperfect; third person; plural; masculine; Mood Indicative evident by " نَ" + Subject pronoun و  in nominative state; مصدر-ظَنٌّ Verbal noun. (1)2:46(2)2:78(3)2:249(4)3:154(5)45:24=5      فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرغائب 


[الجملة الفعلية فى محل رفع خبر]


 Prefixed conjunction فَ  which shows cause/reason-sequence and effect/ consequence + Verbal Noun: Indefinite; nominative. (1)2:79(2)2:79(3)19:37(4)38:27(5)39:22(6)43:65(7)51:60(8)52:11(9)107:04=9                                                                                                                          حرف فَ + اسم:/مصدر-مرفوع واحد مذكر

1392 ويل مبتدأ


   Prepositional Phrase: Prefixed preposition لِّ + Relative Pronoun; Plural; masculine; in genitive state.                                                  جار و مجرور:لِّ  حرف جر + اسم موصول في محل جر-جمع مذكر

متعلقان بمحذوف الخبر


Verb: Imperfect; Third Person; Plural; Masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ [Form I]; [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state;  مصدر-كِتَابَةٌ Verbal noun.  (1)2:79(2)10:21(3)43:80(4)52:41(5)68:47=5                                                  فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرغائب

الجملة صلة الموصول


Noun; definite; Singular; masculine; accusative. [Recurrence: 80; First Occurrence: 2:44]                                                                                                                                       اسم :معرفہ باللام منصوب-واحد مذكر

مفعول به


Prepositional Phrase + Possessive Phrase: بـِ Inseparable preposition + Noun: Definite; masculine; plural; genitive + Possessive pronoun: Third person; plural; masculine; in genitive state.

             جار و مجرور + الإِضَافَةُ = بِ حرف جر + اسم مجرور-جمع مذكر/مضاف  + ضمير متصل-جمع مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه 

متعلقان بالفعل


Conjunction particle.



Verb: Imperfect; Third Person; Plural; Masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ [Form I]; [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state.  مصدر قولٌ  Verbal Noun.

                                                                               فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرغائب



Demonstrative Pronoun: Singular; masculine.                                               اسم الإشارة :واحد مذكر 



Separable Preposition. (1)2:74                                                                                                                   حرف جر

متعلقان بمحذوف خبر


Adverb of location: Genitive.                                                                                                 ظرف مكان: مجرور



  Proper Name; singular; masculine; Genitive.  [Recurrence: 829-First Occurrence in 01.01]                                                                                                                       لفظ الجلالة مجرور للتعظيم



لِ Particle of Purpose + Verb: Imperfect; second person; plural; masculine; Mood Subjunctive; [Form-VIII]; اِشْتَرَاءٌ Verbal noun; [و] Subject pronoun in nominative state. (1)2:79=1

لام التعليل + فعل مضارع منصوب بأن مضمرة بعد لام التعليل/و- ضمير متصل فاعل-الألف-فارقة/جمع مذكرغائب/باب  اِفْتَعَلَ     



Prepositional Phrase: بـِ Inseparable preposition  + Personal Pronoun: Third person; singular; masculine, genitive                                          جار و مجرور = بِ حرف جر + ضمير متصل في محل جر-واحد مذكرغائب

متعلقان بالفعل قبلهما


Noun: Indefinite; masculine; singular; accusative. (1)2:41(2)2:79(3)2:174(4)3:77(5)3:187(6)3:199(7)5:44(8)5:106(9)9:09(10)16:95=10                                                                                                     اسم :منصوب-واحد مذكر

مفعول به


Adjective resembling participle on  فَعِيْلٌ  measure: Indefinite; masculine; singular; accusative. [Recurrence: 55-First Occurrence in 2:41]                                                     الصفة المشبهة-منصوب-واحد مذكر



 Prefixed conjunction فَ  which shows cause/reason-sequence and effect/ consequence + Verbal Noun: Indefinite; [singular; masculine] nominative. (1)2:79(2)2:79(3)19:37(4)38:27(5)39:22(6)43:65(7)51:60(8)52:11(9)107:04=9                                                                                               حرف فَ + اسم:/مصدر-مرفوع واحد مذكر

 ويل مبتدأ


Prepositional phrase: Prefixed preposition لَّ  + suffixed Personal Pronoun: Third person; masculine; plural; genitive state.                            جار و مجرور = لَّ حرف جر+ ضمير متصل في محل جر-جمع مذكر غائب

متعلقان بمحذوف الخبر


Prepositional Phrase: Preposition + Relative pronoun with "ن" having been assimilated.  [Recurrence: 50-First Occurrence in 2:23]                                          جار و مجرور =  حرف جر + الاسم الموصول في محل جر

متعلقان بمحذوف خبر


Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Singular; feminine; ت feminine marker;  مصدر-كَتْبٌ-كِتَابَةٌ Verbal noun. (1)) 2:79=1                                                    فعل  ماضٍ مبني على الفتح + تَاء التانيث الساكنة/صيغة: واحد مؤنث غائب

صلة الموصول


Possessive Phrase:  Noun: Definite; masculine; plural; nominative + Possessive pronoun: Third person; plural; masculine; in genitive state.

                                                        الإِضَافَةُ اسم مرفوع -جمع مذكر/مضاف  + ضمير متصل-جمع مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Appositive/Conjunction particle.                                                                              [حرف عطف]



Verbal Noun/Noun: Indefinite; singular; masculine; nominative.                 اسم:/مصدر-مرفوع واحد مذكر



Prepositional phrase: Prefixed preposition لَّ ; + suffixed Personal Pronoun: Third person; masculine; plural; genitive state.                             جار و مجرور = لَّ حرف جر+ ضمير متصل في محل جر-جمع مذكر غائب



Prepositional Phrase: Preposition + Relative pronoun with "ن" having been assimilated. [Recurrence: 50-First Occurrence in 2:23]                       جار و مجرور =  حرف جر + الاسم الموصول في محل جر

متعلقان بويل


 Verb: Imperfect; Third Person; Plural; Masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ [Form I]; و Subject Pronoun, nominative state.  مصدر-كَسَبٌ Verbal noun.

                                                                                فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرغائب

1416 الجملة صلة


Recommencing/Conjunction particle.                                                                             [اِستئنافية] 



Verb: Perfect; Third person; plural; masculine; [Form-I]; [و] Subject Pronoun; nominative state; مصدر قولٌ Verbal Noun. [Recurrence 223 First occurrence in 2:25]

                                     فعل ماضٍ مبنى على الضم لاتصاله بواو الجماعة/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع مذكر غائب



Subjunctive and Emphasis and Future negation Particle.                          حرف نصب و توكيد و نفى للمستقبل



Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular; feminine; Mood: Subjunctive + Object pronoun: First person; plural; accusative state. (1)2:80(2)3:24=2

                     فعل مضارع منصوب و علامة نصبه الفتح/صيغة:واحد مؤنث غائب/ نَا-ضمير متصل مبنى على السكون فى محل نصب مفعول به



Noun: Definite; feminine; singular; nominative                                                           اسم: مرفوع-واحد-مؤنث



Restriction/Confining Particle with prolongation sign.                                                   [أداة حصر]



Noun: Indefinite; broken plural; Feminine; accusative.                                         اسم: منصوب-جمع-مؤنث



Passive Participle: indefinite; singular; feminine; accusative. (1)2:80=1

                                                                                                                                                       اسم مفعول- منصوب-واحد مؤنث



Verb: Imperative; second person; singular; masculine; Subject Pronoun hidden; مصدر قولٌ Verbal Noun.                                                                  فعل أمر مبنى على السكون/الفاعل ضمير مستتر فيه-أَنتَ/واحد مذكر-حاضر



Prefixed interrogative particle + Verb: Perfect; Second Person; plural; Masculine; [Form-VIII]; Suffixed Subject Pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-اِتِّخَاذٌ verbal noun. (1)2:80=1 

                                        الهمزة-للاستفهام +فعل ماضٍ مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير الرفع المتحرك/ فاعل-جمع مذكرحاضر/باب اِفْتَعَلَ  



Adverb of location: Accusative. {Recurrence: 101-First Occurrence in 2:54]          ظرف مكان



  Proper Name; singular; masculine; Genitive.  [Recurrence: 829-First Occurrence in 01.01]                                                                                                                      لفظ الجلالة مجرور للتعظيم



Noun/Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. (1)2:80(2)2:100(3)19:78(4)19:87=4         اسم مصدر والمصدر:منصوب



Prefixed conjunction فَ  which shows cause/reason-sequence and effect/consequence + Subjunctive and Emphasis and Future negation Particle.           حرف فَ + حرف نصب و توكيد و نفى للمستقبل



Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Subjunctive; [Form-IV];  مصدر اِخْلاَفٌ Verbal Noun. (1)2:80(2)22:47=2

                                                                                          فعل مضارع منصوب و علامة نصبه الفتح/صيغة:واحد مذكر غائب/ /باب افعال



Allah: Proper Noun: Nominative. [Recurrence: 973; First  in 2:07]               لفظ الجلالة مرفوع للتعظيم بالضمة  



Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; masculine; singular; accusative + Possessive pronoun: Third person; singular; masculine; in genitive state. (1)2:80=1

                                                       الإِضَافَةُ اسم منصوب واحد مذكر/مضاف  + ضمير متصل-واحد مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Disjunctive particle. [Recurrence: 103; First Occurrence in 2:06]                    حرف عطف للتسوية/ مُنْقَطِعَةٌ



Verb: Imperfect; Second Person; Plural; Masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ [Form I]; [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر قولٌ Verbal Noun. (1)2:80(2)2:140(3)4:43(4)6:93(5)24:15(6)25:19(7)61:02=7                                  فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرحاضر



Separable Preposition.                                                                                              حرف جر



  Proper Name; singular; masculine; Genitive.  [Recurrence: 829-First Occurrence in 01.01]                                                                                                                        لفظ الجلالة مجرور للتعظيم



  Relative pronoun;                                                                                                 الاسم الموصول



: Negation Particle.                                                                                                        حرف نفي



Verb: Imperfect; Second Person; Plural; Masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ [Form I]; [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-عِلْمٌ Verbal Noun.  [Recurrence: 54-First Occurrence in 2.22]                             فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و-ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرحاضر



Response particle.                                                                                                                                [حرف جواب]



Condition noun;                                                                                                           اِسم شرط



Verb: Perfect; Third Person; singular; masculine; active; Subject pronoun هُوَ hidden; (1)2:81(2)52:21(3)111:02=3                                                  فعل ماضٍ مبني على الفتح/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ/ واحد مذكر غائب 



Noun: Indefinite; singular; feminine; accusative. (1)2:81(2)4:85(3)40:40=3           اسم : منصوب-واحد مؤنث



Appositive/Conjunction particle.                                                                               [حرف عطف]



Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; feminine; [Form-IV]; مصدر-اِحَاطَةٌ Verbal noun (1)2:81=1                                                                        فعل ماضٍ مبني على الفتح + تَاء التانيث الساكنة/صيغة:واحد مؤنث غائب/باب افعال



Prepositional Phrase: بـِ Inseparable preposition  + Personal Pronoun: Third person; singular; masculine, genitive state.                                 جار و مجرور = بِ حرف جر + ضمير متصل في محل جر-واحد مذكرغائب



 Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; plural; feminine; nominative  + Possessive Pronoun: third person; masculine; singular, in genitive state.  (1)2:81=1

                                                       الإِضَافَةُ اسم  مرفوع  جمع مؤنث/مضاف  + ضمير متصل-واحد مذكرغائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه



Conjunction particleفَ  [Cause and effect indicative] +  = Demonstrative Pronoun:  : Plural and  كَ is for the address.                                                           حرف فَ + اسم الإشارة



Active Participle: Definite; plural; masculine; nominative. [Recurrence 49; First occurrence in 2:39]                                                                             اسم فاعل:مرفوع-جمع سالم مذكر



Noun: definite; feminine; singular; genitive.  [Recurrence 70; First occurrence in 2:39]

                                                                                                                                                  اسم:معرفہ باللام-مجرور-واحد-مؤنث



  Personal Pronoun ;third person; plural masculine; nominative.             ضمير منفصل مبني جمع مذكرغائب



Prepositional phrase: Separable Preposition + Suffixed pronoun: Third person; singular, feminine; in genitive state.                                جار و مجرور= فِيحرف جر+ ضمير متصل في محل جر-واحد-مؤنث غائب



Active participle: Indefinite; sound plural; masculine; nominative; مصدر-خُلُودٌ Verbal noun.  [Recurrence 24; First occurrence in 2:25]                                                 اسم فاعل -مرفوع-جمع سالم-مذکر



Recommencing/Conjunction particle.                                                                              [اِستئنافية] 



Relative Pronoun; Plural; masculine. Recurrence: 974                            الاسم الموصول-جمع-مذكر



 Verb: Perfect; Third person; plural; masculine; active; [Form IV]; Subject Pronoun, in nominative state:  مصدر-اِيمانٌ Verbal Noun-  [Recurrence: 214-First occurrence in 2:09]

                       فعل ماضٍ مبنى على الضم لاتصاله بواو الجماعة/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع مذكر غائب/باب افعال



Appositive/Conjunction particle.                                                                                [حرف عطف]



Verb: Perfect; third person; plural; masculine; [و] Subject Pronoun, in nominative state; مصدرعَمَلٌ-باب سَمِعَ Verbal noun. [Recurrence: 71-First occurrence in 2:25] 

                                      فعل ماضٍ مبنى على الضم لاتصاله بواو الجماعة/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع مذكر غائب



Active participle: definite; feminine; sound plural; accusative. [Recurrence: 71-First occurrence in 2:25]                                                                               اسم فاعل-معرفہ باللام-منصوب-جمع سالم مؤنث



Demonstrative Pronoun [Indeclinable Noun]: : Plural; and  كَ is for the address. [Recurrence:158; First 2:05]                                                                                  اسم الإشارة :جمع غائب 



Active Participle: Definite; plural; masculine; nominative.            اسم فاعل:مرفوع-جمع سالم مذكر



Noun: Definite; singular; feminine; genitive.                                            اسم:معرفہ باللام:مجرور-واحد مؤنث



  Personal Pronoun ;third person; plural masculine; nominative.              ضمير منفصل مبني جمع مذكرغائب



Prepositional phrase: Separable Preposition + Suffixed pronoun: Third person; singular, feminine; in genitive state.                             جار و مجرور= فِيحرف جر+ ضمير متصل في محل جر-واحد-مؤنث غائب



Active participle: Indefinite; sound plural; masculine; nominative; مصدر-خُلُودٌ Verbal noun.  [Recurrence 24; First occurrence in 2:25]                                       اسم فاعل:مرفوع-جمع سالم-مذکر