


Just for glancing:

When is prefixed to a imperfect verb, it causes the following changes:

(1) The meaning of imperfect verb are changed into a negative past tense with emphasis.

(2) The indicative mood of the imperfect verb [مُضَارِع مَرْفُوعٌ] becomes jussive mood [مُضَارِع مَجْزُومٌ] which means replacement of vowel sign on the last consonant of the verb by placing a small sign [] called [جَزْمٌ] as we see here on the last consonant ر of the verb .

(3) The consonant and vowel [نَ,نِ] termed as نُون إِعْرَابِي is dropped or elided from the imperfect verb; [these are seven; (1) third person masculine dual (2) third person masculine plural (3) third person feminine dual, (4) second person masculine dual, (5)second person masculine plural, (6) second person feminine singular, (7) second person feminine dual].






[حرف نصب و توكيد و نفى للمستقبل]

Negative subjunctive Particle, restricting imperfect verb to the future tense adding element of emphasis to the negation.

Recurrence: 106


Interrogative particle + Subjunctive, Emphasis and Future negation Particle. (1)3:124=1                                                                     الهمزة-للاستفهام +  حرف نصب و توكيد و نفى للمستقبل


= أَن Subordinating conjunction + لًّن Subjunctive, Emphasis and Future negation Particle. (1)18:48(2)75:03=2             حرف مصدرى ناصب +  حرف نصب و توكيد و نفى للمستقبل




When this Particle is prefixed to an imperfect verb, it causes the following four changes:

(1) The meaning of imperfect verb are changed into a very strong negation from simple "no or not" to never, never ever.

(2) The meanings of the  imperfect verb changes into futuristic tense, to negate the proposition in the future.

(3) The indicative mood of the imperfect verb [مُضَارِع مَرْفُوعٌ] becomes subjunctive [مُضَارِع مَنْصٌوبٌ] which means replacement of vowel sign  ـُ  on the last consonant of the verb with ـَ .

(4) The consonant and vowel [نَ,نِ] termed as نُون إِعْرَابِي is dropped or elided from the imperfect verb; [these are seven; (1) third person masculine dual (2) third person masculine plural (3) third person feminine dual, (4) second person masculine dual, (5)second person masculine plural, (6) second person feminine singular, (7) second person feminine dual].



ن : Adding لن to المُضارع will negate it and will restrict it to the future tense. Remember here that we had earlier said that المُضارع covers both present and future. So now we know how to talk about just about the future! Finally, when لن negates the المُضارع an element of emphasis is added to the negation. Thus, لن یَنصُرَ means he will never help and لن یُنصَرَ means he will never be helped.

Rules for Conjugating المُضارع + لن :

  1. The 5 conjugations which ended in dhamma will now end in fatha
  2. Out of the remaining 9 all except the two feminine plurals will lose their final ن
  3. The two feminine plurals will not undergo any change

The passive of the لَنْ construct is built by switching the fatha on the first letter to a dhamma e.g. لَنْ يَفْعَلَ becomes لَنْ يُفْعَلَ , and so on

Lan is a subjunctive particle and the imperfective verb after it must always be in the subjunctive mood.

The future particle sawfa can sometimes be used in negative future tense sentences, but it must come before the negative word.


سَوْفَ لَنْ تُسَاْفِرَ سَلْمَىْ غَدًا

sawfa lan tusaafir(a) salmaa rada(n)saw

 = will not travel Salma tomorrow

Translation: Salma is not leaving town/country tomorrow


الطَقْسُ سَوْفَ لَنْ يَكُوْنَ صَحْوًا يَوْمَ الاِثْنَيْنِ

'at-taqs(u) sawfa lan yakoon(a) sahwa(n) yawm(a) ('a)l-'ithnayn(i)

= the weather will not be clear Monday

Translation: the weather will not be clear on Monday



[حرف نصب و توكيد و نفى للمستقبل]

1)[حرف نصب و توكيد و نفى للمستقبل] Subjunctive and Emphasis and Future negation Particle. (1)2:24(2)2:55(3)2:61(4)2:80(5)2:95(6)2:111(7)2:120(8)3:10(9)3:24(10)3:92(11)3:111(12)3:116(13)3:176(14)3:177(15)4:129(16)4:141 (17)4:145(18)5:22(19)5:24(20)6:124(21)7:143(22)8:19(23)9:83(24)9:94(25)11:31(26)11:36(27)11:81(28)17:37(29)17:37(30)17:90(31)17:93(32)18:14(33)18:20(34)18:27(35)18:67(36)18:72(37)18:75(38)20:72(39)20:91(40)22:37(41)22:47(42)22:73(43)33:62(44)34:31(45)40:34(46)43:39(47)45:19(48)47:32(49)47:35(50)48:23(51)60:03(52)63:06(53)63:11(54)72:02(55)72:12(56)72:22=56

3) (1)3:90(2)4:172(3)9:51(4)9:53(5)9:83(6)18:58(7)20:97(8)21:87(9)22:15(10)33:16(11)35:29(12)35:43(13)47:29(14)48:12(15)48:15(16)58:17(17)64:07(18)72:05(19)72:07(20)72:12(21)73:20(22)84:14(23)90:05=23


2)Prefixed conjunction فَ  which shows cause/reason-sequence and effect/consequence + [حرف نصب و توكيد و نفى للمستقبل] Subjunctive and Emphasis and Future negation Particle. (1)2:80(2)3:85(3)3:91(4)3:115(5)3:144(6)4:52(7)4:88(8)4:143(9)5:41(10)5:42(11)9:80(12)17:97(13)18:17(14)18:41(15)18:57(16)35:43(17)47:04(18)47:34(19)78:30=19

6) (1)12:80(2)19:26(3)28:17=3