Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


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And [like magniloquent people refer 2:204-206] you should not use Allah's name as highlighter for your oaths for the sake of self projection of good, and righteousness and bringing perfection-harmony amongst people. Moreover, be mindful that Allah is eternally The Listener, The Absolute Knowledgeable [of everything, visible and concealed/infolded]. [2:224]

Allah will not hold you people accountable for your routine/unconsciously/unintentionally/without the back of determined will taken pledges/oaths/promises [they are mere utterances of mouth of no import/consideration], but He will hold you responsible and accountable for those pledges/promises/oaths [well thought, determined, intentional] which your hearts have earned/arrived at. Be cognizant, Allah is eternally imperturbably over looking/forgiver [of unintentional faults/wrong doings]. [2:225]

Period of self-restraint is restricted to four months for conclusive decision for those husbands who take an oath to refrain from establishing intimate matrimonial relation with their wives. Thereby, if they husbands compromise/return/re-establish matrimonial relation [disregarding their oath, except Me the matter will remain confined only to they two since it was bedroom affair] thereat/in that case Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving/overlooking faults, the Merciful. [2:226]

However, if they have firmly decided/made the determined will  for the act of divorcing their wives,  thereat/in consequence [matter cannot be overlooked, since it is now out of the bed-room to others also] Allah is indeed eternally The Listener, The Knowledgeable [that makes instancing and dispensation of justice incumbent upon Him]  [2:227]

Take note that  the divorcee wives shall [on proclamation of husband's firm decision of divorce for eventual revoking Nikah/marriage, orally or in writing, first occasion after Nikah, quoting the intervening time-interval, as per the Procedural Code in 65:01] honestly and sincerely keep their selves in waiting, refraining from deciding their future course, for three menstrual periods.

Moreover, it is not permissible for the divorcee wives that they may withhold from announcing that which Allah has already created in their wombs if they have truly been believing in Allah and the Last Day [since this has social/moral as well as legal implications, as mentioned elsewhere in the Qur'aan].

Take note that their respective husbands have a greater right in the reverting of them/divorce wives during this first divorce [publicly suspension of Nikkah's peculiar feature for a determined period]. This right is subject to the condition if those husbands have decided to straighten/reconcile matters.  

Take note that a right likes the one, which husbands have upon them [right of reversion after divorce], is also the prerogative for divorcee wives [next time, since divorce can happen only twice in married life] in accordance with the known norms of the society. However, a priority/precedence [in exercise of same right for each of two] is to men over them. [Women should not take it as Allah's inclination towards male dominance, since] Beware of the fact that Allah is the Dominant, The Wise, knower of invisible. [2:228]

The Ta'laaq, act of pronounced suspension of conjugal relation/freezing Bond of Nikkah is permissible only on two occasions in time-line of married life. Consequently, for reason of expiry of prescribed intervening period [for reconciliation], there is option for mutual association [with the divorcee wife's understanding/reconciliation reached and sanity prevailed] in accordance with known norms of society. Otherwise, recourse is partitioning/apartness [from the house in the presence of two witnesses of just minded repute, in case associating again is not decided] in a respectable/decent/appropriate manner.

 Take note, it is not permissible for you divorcing husbands that you may take back any worldly thing out of that which you had already given them [even if it is plenty of wealth-4:20; this legal injunction at times becomes problem for pusillanimous husbands who then may play tricks-4:20]. The exception to the aforementioned injunction is for that particular couple who considered/apprehended that they both would not be able to maintain the limits of Allah [in continuing the bond of Nikah].

Thereby/for that reason/in such eventuality/case if you people-society/concerned families apprehend that this couple will not be able to abide by the limits of Allah, there is absolutely no harm-blemish [in adjudging] upon such two/couple that the wife, to earn divorce/freedom/separation, agreeably paid a compensation from that which her husband had given her. [This is for the dislike of wife to continue matrimonial bond with her husband, but husbands should not tease and harass their wives to take them to this point of asking divorce on payment of recompense-4:19].


These are the limits/restrains/demarcations/options for dealing with the situations prescribed/ordained by Allah, the Exalted; therefore, you people should not consciously and purposely transgress them. Beware, that any one/husband who consciously and diligently made himself transgresses the limits set by Allah, the Exalted, thereby/for this reason, they are truly the ones who are evil-doers/distorters/creators of imbalances/disorders/over stepping. [2:229]

[Reverting from parenthetic] Thereat/in consequence of wife demanding divorce having paid the compensation/price if husband has divorced her, thereby/for this reason she will persistently not be permissible in time-line for him after earned divorce for the purpose/until such time that she may marry, by her own choice, the husband other than him/who divorced her.

[Now being a married woman, like all other men is also "har'aam"/prohibited for her earlier husband]. In case of a situation/for reason, that her other/second husband has divorced her [either before intercourse as allowed hereafter in 2:236,237, or after having maintained association of matrimonial relations], in consequence thereof/thereat in such case there is absolutely no harm/restriction/blemish upon the two that they may mutually approach each other/reunite. This is however subject to the condition that the both felt that now both might be able in mutually maintaining the limits set by Allah.

Be aware that these are the limits/restrains/demarcations/options for dealing with the situations, prescribed/ordained by Allah, the Exalted. He distinctly elaborates them so that people could know/comprehend/understand. [2:230]

Take note that, when you husbands have pronounced divorce for your wives, for respective determined intervening-duration/prescribed period for untying Nikkah, where after/consequently they have crossed over/elapsed/terminated/ accomplished their respective appointed duration [resulting in untying of Nikkah]. Thereat/after the expiry of appointed duration,  you husbands have two options; you take/withhold them in your fold [of Nikah when/if mutual understanding/ reconciliation reached and sanity prevailed] in accordance with known norms of society. Otherwise [if compromise/ understanding could not be developed] see off/partition/apart them [from your house] in a respectable/ decent/ appropriate manner in accordance with the known norms of society [in the presence of two witnesses of just minded repute-Refer 65:02].

 Be mindful, you husbands should not cause their taking in association/in your fold deceptively with the intention of teasing them whereby you may deliberately and consciously and do excesses. Remember that should any one do that, in fact he did excess upon his own self.

[This advice is only once here. Result of violation be seen in 45:35]

[Reverting from parenthetic] Be mindful, that you people should not, deliberately and purposely, hold/treat the Verbal injunctions-Aay'aat of Allah non-seriously and in jest.

And you retain/save in your memory/read and state "the Grace of Allah" upon you people and that distinct communications  [Aay'aat] which He has sent to you from the Book and the Wisdom. He keeps advising you people with it/the Book.

 Moreover, you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah. In addition, you people know the fact that Allah is eternally the knower of complete knowledge of each, and every thing [visible and infolded]. [2:231]

Take note that, when you husbands have pronounced divorce for your wives, [for respective determined intervening-duration/prescribed period for untying Nikkah] where after/consequently they have crossed over/elapsed/terminated/ accomplished their respective appointed duration [resulting in untying of Nikkah].

 Thereby/for that reason [of crossing over the prescribed period and resultant breaking of Nikah] you people of the society should not prevent/hinder/muscle them-divorcee wives that they may unite in Nikkah [re marry] with the husbands of them whenever they have reached a mutual agreement amongst themselves in accordance with the known norms of society.

[Similar information in 65:02]

This is that course/conduct/attitude with which the one takes advice from amongst you people who has truly believed in Allah and the Last Day.

This advice/course of action not to prevent/hinder the divorcee wife to tie in Nikah [re-marry] with her husband is for you people/society that it is comparatively more flourishing and is comparatively more pure/clean. [that they re-marry their husbands instead of marrying with new men; you might not be able to comprehend the hidden wisdom in this comparison]  Realize that Allah, the Exalted completely knows everything while you people do not know everything. [2:232]

Take note that the mothers shall breast-feed their offspring for two years, complete two years [24  months]. The divorcee woman becoming mother will do it for that divorcing husband who has decided/willed to complete the breast-feeding. [breast feeding period is mentioned two years in 31:14 and total/combined period of conception and breast feeding is mentioned as thirty months in 46:15 which shows that a newly married woman could deliver a child after 6 months of marriage]

 Their sustenance, feed and clothing, in accordance with the known norms of society, is incumbent responsibility upon the father. A person/husband shall however not be burdened except that which he can afford.

Neither the mother should be made victim for [love, motherly affection] her child nor the father be pressed because of his child. The like responsibility [in case of death of husband/father] will be incumbent upon the heir.

Sequel to mutual understanding and consultation if they both decided to stop earlier breast-feeding the child thereby nothing objectionable lies against both of them.

   Moreover, if you have decided that you may self assign the breast-feeding of your offspring to foster-mother thereat there is no cause of objection upon you therein when you willingly agreed for that which you paid in accordance with accepted norms.

Moreover, you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah. In addition, you people know/remember the fact that Allah is ever watching whatever you are doing. [2:233]

2:234-242                            Index of Articles in English              Urdu Books
