Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] Under construction]

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   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

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And [for saving you from scorching heat of Sinai peninsula] We caused the lower/canopy/covering clouds as shade upon you people, and We sent for you people "Munna and Sal'wa". [your forefathers were told] "Eat from "tayyi'baate" nutrient, nourishing things that We have given to you as sustenance".

  And they [your forefathers] did no harm to Us, rather they did harm to themselves. [2:57]

And recall when We said: "You people enter this town [for sojourn], thereat eat of the plenty therein as you wish;

and you enter the door as humble people-in humility posture and while entering the door you pronounce praying " forgive the misdoings", We would like to forgive/overlook for you people about your omissions; and We will keep increasing blessings for those who conduct moderately/in a balanced way. [2:58]

  [Same with additional word in 7:162]

Consequently while entering, those amongst them who transgressed, substituted the utterance/word with an utterance/word other than that which was prescribed/told to them;

 for this reason We sent upon those of them, who were transgressors, disquieting punishment from the Sky since they persistently transgressed/went out of the prescribed bounds.  [2:59]

And recall when Musa [peace is upon him] prayed for water for his nation; in response We told him; "You displace/move away the particular stone with your Staff."

 As a sequel of displacing the particular stone, there from twelve water flows made themselves gush/emerge as springs. Each one [of the nation's twelve] group thereby got known its own place for water.

[And We conveyed them] "You people eat and drink from the sustenance provided by Allah, and you should not, like mischief-doers create intellectual distortions/conjectural myths/disquiet in the society". [2:60]

And when you people said: "O Musa! we can no more endure upon one kind of food;

therefore you beseech your Sustainer Lord for us that He may cause/arrange for us from that which the Earth grows, from its vegetable-herbs, and its cucumbers, and its grains, and its lentils, and its onions."

He said; "Have you people made up your mind to exchange the better food for comparatively inferior one?  [Okay] Go you down to a town, whereby there is certainly for you people that which you have asked for".

And dependence/subjugation/remaining under patronage and pitiable ness/wretchedness has been made evident/distinguishing feature upon them; and they have made themselves liable to criminal cognizance/arrest by [decree of] Allah.

[Same information in same words in 3:112]

This eventuality is because they persistently refused to accept the Aa'ya'at [words of the Book/unprecedented physical demonstrative signs shown to them] of Allah;

[Same information with different spelling of a word 3:112]

 and for their irritating/teasing/insinuating/displeasing/slandering against His Distinctly Elevated Allegiants with conjectures/whims/scum, the opposite of fact/truth.

This happened to them because they did not accept the word and kept consciously inclined for transgressing and going beyond prescribed limits. [2:61]


It is a fact that, those people who are identified/recognized/referenced [in time and space] as believers [at the time of revelation from amongst people who were not given earlier the Book], and those who reverted to identity of Jews, and [those who later identified themselves as] the Nisaa'ra and the Sai'been;

[ Same pronouncement in same words in 5:69]

 [notwithstanding worldly identities] any one who had accepted belief in Allah and the Last Day; and he performed/acted as a righteous person


for this reason/in consequence, for such people will be their reward from their Sustainer Lord; and upon them will be no cause of fear and neither shall they ever grieve. [2:62]

And recall when We obtained the Covenant of you people while We had elevated over you the At-Tur [towering height of Mount Sinai];

  (prescribing): "Adopt/hold that which We have given to you people firmly/strictly with determination and you remember/recite/narrate that which is written therein so that you may incline yourselves to remain mindful/careful/vigilant/guarded against what is prohibited in reverence and fear." [2:63]

After a lapse of time subsequent to the Covenant, you people made yourselves turned back. Thereat had it not been but the Grace and Mercy of Allah to you people, in consequence you would have surely been among those who cause loss to their selves. [2:64]

And you have indeed come to know about those from amongst you who in decisively planned manner transgressed in the matter of Sabbat/rest-no commercial activity. For reason/as a consequence [of their persistently violating the solemn pledge/prohibition-7:166, We discarded and condemned them-refer 4:47 when] We decreed for them "Remain, keep living and behaving like despised and rejected monkeys." [2:65]

Consequently We made it an example to their own time and to their posterity, and for those, who endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful avoiding un-restrained conduct, it is a lesson/advice/disclosure of factual outcome of acts/good and bad eventuality. [2:66]

  2:67-74             Main Page/Index      
