Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              006

   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy         

















































































[Same information in same words in 18:56]

And We do not send the Messengers except as Pronouncers of glad tidings and Awakeners,  [They all are who were assigned responsibility to act as when on reaching strengthen maturity they were sent as Messengers to various nations in time and space]

In response whoever accepted and he rectified/perfected his conduct

[This sequel/result is also told at the end of 2:38;5:69;7:35;46:13]

consequently upon such people for reason of having acted on My Guidance, there is no cause of fear and neither shall they grieve. [6:48]

And those who publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at the punishment will touch them

[Same reason in same words 2:59;7:163,165;29:34]

 for the reason that they transgressed/went out of the prescribed bounds. [6:49]

[Same pronouncement by Noah a.s. in 11:31]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] make it clear to them, "I do not say for [to] you that the treasures of Allah are with me;

[Same pronouncement in same words 11:31]

nor I proclaim that I know all the non visible secrets

[Same pronouncement by Noah a.s. in 11:31]

and nor I say [for] to you that I am for you the Ruler/King/Sovereign.

[His same pronouncement in 6:50;7:203;10:15;46:09]

I only say that I physically follow in letter and spirit that [Grand Qur'aan] which is communicated/ revealed to me". [He pronounced it four times, he was directed for this four times in 6:106;10:109; 33:02; 75:18]

[Same question in same words in 13:16]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] confront them, "Are The Blind and the Man of Vision identical/alike? [They are not alike 35:19;40:58]

 Would then you people not reflect objectively? [to mark the difference]" [6:50]

And with this revelation [Grand Qur'aan] admonish, those who fear/apprehend that they will be gathered towards their Sustainer Lord [for accountability].

[Same information in 6:70]

[in the state of unbelief] for them is none other than Him the protector and nor for them is the intercessor.

[Same probability in 2:187;6:51;6:69;7:164;20:113;39:28]

So that they might become cautious, heedful and mindful [of instructions/guidance for all times/situations contained in Grand Qur'aan] and could avoid unrestrained conduct. [6:51]

And You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] do not distance those [from your affections and protection-15:88, to find more time for affluent ruling people 18:28; and feel patience in their company-18:28] who call on their Sustainer Lord morning and evening seeking His approval and appreciation.

Nothing is upon you from their account and from your account nothing is upon them.

Therefore in case you [supposedly] distance them then you will be amongst those who change the placing of things without right. [6:52]

And in this way [difference between affluent and common people] We have put some of them into irk so that they say to others "Are these [whom we see very ordinary ones] the ones upon whom Allah has showered favour/obliged them from amongst us!"

[Allah knows who is to be obliged] Is Allah not aware of those who feel obliged and express gratitude openly. [6:53]

And when those people come to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] who accept/believe in Our Aa'ya'at [of the Grand Qur'aan], then/respond/for reason [of their paying respects and salutations] tell them, "Upon you people is salvation/peace and tranquility.

[Same pronouncement in 6:12]

Your Sustainer Lord has by His own will prescribed/made The Mercy obligatory upon His Self.

[Read with 4:17;16:119]

Indeed any one from amongst you people who did a sinful act under the influence of/overpowered by passion/emotions

and afterwards of having committed the act repentantly turned back and he rectified/perfected his conduct then indeed He is repeatedly mercifully overlooking/forgiving". [6:54]

And like this/in this manner We make the Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge about things/concepts] vividly distinct/demarcated/isolated/crystal clear

so that the path/way/conduct of criminals may become demarcated/manifested/highlighted. [6:55] [The knowledge is gained/retained/stored/preserved/captivated only by comparison. Separating and distancing things from each other is called gaining knowledge]

6:56-65         Index/Main Page            Urdu Books
