Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.












































































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Therefore/what is the reason that you should have two varying opinions regarding the Muna'fi'qeen while/and Allah has constrained them because of what they had earned/persistently what they did;

Do you people wish/intend that you may guide the one whom Allah has let remain neglectful/straying [for reason of personally bartering vagrancy/straying for guidance 2:16; his being Fasiq-2:26]

[Same pronouncement in same words 4:143;similar 42:46]

And the one whom Allah causes to be exposed/lets him remain in neglectfully straying then for this reason you will never find for him a way out. [4:88]

[Read with 60:02]

They/Idolaters long that it could become possible that you people refuse to accept in the manner they have refused so that you all become one and the same;

[Similar injunction 3:28,118;4:144;5:51,57;9:23;60:01]

Therefore do not adopt from amongst them [your fathers and brothers-9:23] as protectors/ guardians/intimates until and unless they migrate for the cause of Allah [which will demonstrate and expose their true believing]

Then for reason, if they do not migrate, for reason [of their participation in war] you adopt/consider them [not fathers and brothers but enemy] and fight with them from whatever side you find them,

and do not adopt from amongst them as companion, protector nor as helper. [4:89]

Except those who attach themselves to [seek refuge with] a people/nation between whom and you there is a covenant/treaty/no war pact

or, those who come to you with their breasts constricted, dejected, about the prospect of fighting you, being on the side of their people, or fighting their people [those who come to you refraining from fighting either you or them].

 Had Allah so willed, indeed He would have given them dominance and power over you for which reason assuredly they would have fought you.

In response/as a sequel if they stay away from you and do not fight you, and offer you peace

then in that case Allah has not authorized/allowed you any way against them. [4:90]

You people will keep finding others desiring to have security from you people and desirous of security from their own people

Every time they are prompted towards creating disturbance/anarchy/confusion  they turn back to it

therefore/for reason if they do not stay away from you people and do not offer you peace and do not restrain their hands/swords

then/for that reason/as responsive action  you people are allowed to take them [seize and put them in jail] and fight to kill them wherever you meet them in the battlefield

And  We have given you distinct authorization for such people [in contrast to restrain told earlier] [4:91]

And indeed it is not possible for a true believer that he murders a believer except unintentionally mistakenly.

 And that believer who murdered a believer by negligence/mistake then for that reason obligation is to set free a believing slave house servant and blood-money, in full without deformity what was accepted is to be paid to his-murdered person's family except that which they might they remit of their own choice.

For reason if the murdered belonged to a warring/enemy nation and he was a believer then in that case the obligation incumbent upon the slayer is to set free a believing slave house servant

and if the by mistake murdered person was from a nation/community with whom there is a mutual treaty between you people and them the obligation is to submit redemption money in full without deformity what was accepted is to be paid to his-murdered family and to set free a believing slave house servant

then/for reason the one who does not have this to redeem his mistake then continuous fasting during two successive months is prescribed by Allah for returning to the position before mistake of murder.

[Same information in same words in 4:17,104,111,170;48:04]

And Allah is the All Knower and The Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded. [4:92]

And whoever [believer or non believer] murders a believer deliberately/purposefully and intentionally then for that his punishment/requital is Hell-Prison wherein he will be entered perpetually; and he will become liable to criminal cognizance/arrest by Allah and His condemnation and discarding [in this world]; [2:178 is about the murder of any one in Muslim society, here specifically about the murder of a person identified and known as believer in society]

and for him He has prepared a great torment. [4:93]

O you who declare to have accepted! When you people make yourself apparent by getting out in the cause of Allah [for war] then you people should discriminate and distinguish [between a non believer and a believing soldier]

and you people do not say to a person who presented to you greeting/salutation, "you are not a believer"

in consideration of apparent/immediate worldly gain since from Allah are the plenteous gains.

Like wise were you formerly/before this time then Allah obliged you people [by sending the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and resultantly made you people distinct and different;

[Same pronouncement in same words 33:02;similar 4:128,135;48:11]

Undoubtedly, Allah is always aware of the acts you people perform. [4:94]


Those from amongst the believers who are lethargic/Home Sitter, other than those suffering from some inability/impractibility to struggle [detailed in 9:91-92],

and those who struggle/endeavour strenuously with their wealth and physical person [move out to participate in fighting war] in the cause of Allah are not equivalent to each other;

Allah has from His Grace granted an upper rank and position to the Strugglers/Endeavourers of strenuous effort with their wealth and physical selves over those who stay back at homes;

[Replica 57:10]

and for each and every believer is an appropriate/proportionate promise of Allah.

and Allah has granted the grace to the Strugglers/Endeavourers over lethargic/Home Sitter believers with the Great Reward/Appreciation. [4:95]

[Similar pronouncement in 3:163;8:04;20:75]

Ranks of elevation [according to deeds performed-6:132;46:19] are from Him and forgiveness and the Mercy/Bounty;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:100,152;25:70;33:05,50,59;48:14]

 And Allah is repeatedly Overlooking/Forgiving, the Merciful. [4:96]

Indeed the ones whom the Angels segregated/separated them [on resurrection, from other people by recognizing them from visible signs], those who wronged and did injustice to their selves, they were asked, "In what circumstances were you people?" [On the Day of Resurrection the Angels who recognize by signs shall arrest/collect all criminals immediately after their revival to life and segregate/separate them forcibly from other people-7:37;8:50-51;16:28;47:27-28]

They replied, "We were weakened in the Earth/Land"

[rebutting their excuse/unfounded defense] They rebuked, "Was not the Earth of Allah vast enough for which reason you people could have migrated therein?"

For this reason [unfounded false plea] they are the people for whom the abode is Hell-Prison

[Same information in same words at end 4:115;48:06]

and that is a bad/evil end/destination of journey. [4:97]

Except for those [who could not migrate since they] were truly made weakened and subjugated from amongst men and women and children who could not find a source/capability/practicability nor could find the way out; [4:98]

for this reason they are the people that Allah may overlook/remit from them.

[Similar pronouncement in 4:43;22:60;58:02]

   Indeed Allah is ever pardoning/remitting and forgiving. [4:99]

And the one who migrates in the cause of Allah he will certainly find in the Earth many escaping places quite open and wide

and whoever got out of his house for migrating towards Allah and His Messenger

and afterwards/lapse of time after departing natural death follows and catches him then indeed his reward has become due/obligatory upon Allah.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:96,152;25:70;33:05,50,59;48:14]

 And Allah is repeatedly Overlooking/Forgiving, the Merciful. [4:100]

