Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              004

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.






























































































[you pronounce] Whatever pleasant and delightful reaches you, for reason it is from Allah;

and whatever distressing and unpleasant reached you, that was for reason [of cause and effect 4:62]  it is from/caused by your own self

[Sent for entire humanity 34:28]

since/and We have sent you, [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] for the entire living humanity [till the Last Day] as Messenger, to convey/transmit/hand over the Message

[same pronouncement in same words in 4:166;48:28]

since/and Allah suffices to witness/watch everyone/thing. [4:79] [your physical presence everywhere is however not needed; We will show you the entire recorded irrefutable evidence]

The one who accepted the word of the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] willingly and affectionately, in that case/for reason he certainly willingly and affectionately accepted the word/statement of Allah [sent in the Grand Qur'aan which is recited/delivered by the Messenger-word by word-3:164;]

[similar eventuality 42:48]

and the one who after listening/reading turned away without accepting, then [it is his choice/freedom granted/discretion, why should you worry] let him go

[Same pronouncement in same words in 42:48; similar in 6:107]

 for reason/since We have not sent you  [the Messenger  Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] for acting as guard upon them. [4:80] [He pronounced this 6:104]

And they say to you in affirmative acceptance,

then the moment they depart from your company a group of them structures/fabricates/whispers something different and other than that you said [reciting from the Grand Qur'aan]

Be mindful of the fact that Allah keeps writing in black and white all that which they people keep secretively discussing during night. [Each and every word emitted from mouth, whether whispering or openly, gets recorded in writing; every act performed for the first time and repetitive acts are also recorded in writing to the minutest detail-10:21;18:49;23:62;36:12;43:80;45:29;50:18;54:52-53;82:10-12. Therefore we should be be mindful and always give a second thought before we utter a word from mouth, particularly when we attribute it to Allah and His Messenger, to be sure that it is written in the Grand Qur'aan or is proved by tangible evidence from knowledge; or when we intend an act]

For this reason, you avoid/ignore them

[Same advice in same words in 8:61;33:03,48]

and continue having trust in Allah

[Same pronouncement in same words in  4:132,171;33:03,48]

And Allah suffices as the Guardian/Protector/Disposer of Affairs. [4:81]

[Same question in same words in 47:24]

[why do they behave as such] Is it for reason that they consciously and purposely do not critically cross-examine the contents of The Qur'aan pursuing from initial [ayah] to last statement [ayah]? [verb imperfect; third person; plural; masculine; FormV; Root "د ب ر" the basic perception infolded is that of back, rear, posterior; following/pursuing after to the end. The Grand Qur'aan is compilation of Aa'ya'at. And the purpose of the Book is stated as so that the people pursue its Aa'ya'at-38:29. Reflection, pondering and intelligence is but the pursuit of information to another information and their linking.]

And had this Qur'aan been from some one other than Allah, indeed on cross-examination of its contents, pursuing from initial to last statement, they would have certainly found/detected quite a number of contradictions [as are found in the books authored by human beings]. [4:82]

And when reaches to them some opinion in the nature of causing satisfaction/tranquility or frightening they spread it/make it talk of the town;

and had they referred it towards the Messenger [now to his recited words/Grand Qur'aan] and the people in authority amongst them, indeed those from amongst such people of authority would have known the veracity of such opinion who investigate/verify the matter in depth.

and had there been not the bounty of Allah upon you people and His Mercy [the Grand Qur'aan] indeed you would have followed the footstep of Satan, except few of you. [4:83]

[reverting to matter in 4:77] Therefore/for reason you  [the Messenger  Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] fight the war for the cause of Allah; you are not burdened/responsible for anyone except your self;

[Same advice in 8:65]

and urge upon the believers to participate in the imposed war for safety of true life.

[It happened 5:11;48:20]

There is hope for you that Allah will restrain the strength of those who have refused to accept,

and/since [as you know] Allah is the Mightiest and greatly powerful in restraining people. [4:84]

Whoever helps/intercedes, a balancing and moderating help/intercession for good cause/restoring equilibrium, for him will be a share/reward of it;

and whoever helps/intercedes, a help/intercession for misbalancing and bad cause, for him will be a share/responsibility of it.

And upon each and every thing Allah is eternally powerful in keeping strict control and watch. [4:85]

And when you people are greeted with a greeting then in response with a better greeting than that or you reciprocate it.

Indeed Allah holds account and subjects to accountability each and every thing. [4:86]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:255;3:02;9:129;20:08;27:26;28:70;64:13]

Allah is He except Whom there is no iela'aha,

[Exactly same information in same words in 6:12;similar 42:07;45:26]

indeed He will gather you people on the Day of Resurrection about which there is absolutely no confusion/uncertainty.

[Similar pronouncement in 4:122]

[heed, take the pronouncement seriously] Since/And who could make a more truer disclosure in the form of a statement than Allah? [Yes, My Sustainer Lord, there is none; Your Hadith is the Absolute Truth] [4:87]

