Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     




































































































 Indeed you remember it is only Shay'taun who keeps frightening his companions/coteries;

 therefore you people do not fear them {Shay'taun and his coteries] and remain exclusively afraid of Me,

if you are indeed true believers. [3:175]

[Similar consolatory advice in 5:41]

And [O you the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] let not those be a cause of grief for you who advance in stubbornness in disbelief;

indeed not the least harm they ever do to Allah [in fact are harming their selves since] it is Allah's will/decision in respect of them not [for reason of their proven crimes] to appoint any share for them in the Hereafter.

[This information in these words is in 2:07;16:106;24:23;45:10]

And for them is a grave torment [in wait]. [3:176]

Undoubtedly those people who have bartered disbelief at the cost of belief

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:176;47:32]

 not the least harm they ever cause to Allah [in fact are harming their selves]

[This warning with same words also in 2:175; 3:77, 188;5:36;9:79;16:63,104,117;59:15;64:05]

and for them is [in wait] severe/grave punishment. [3:177]

And those who have refused to accept/believe should not consider giving them of enough rope [delaying punishment] is something better for them.

We delay/are giving enough time so that We may let them increase/enhance in their deterioration/sinfulness.

And for them is a disgraceful torment [in wait]. [3:178]

Allah will not leave the true believers in the state in which you are now, until He distinguishes/makes distinct the abominable/repugnant/ignoble/junk/conjecture from the pleasant/noble/objective/fact.

 And Allah will not disclose/expose/inform to you people the secrets of the existing which is not evident to your eyes/perception

 but for this purpose/disclosure Allah selects from His Messengers whomever He wills.

Therefore [to have and understand the information about realities hidden from your eyes] believe in Allah and His Messengers.

 And if you people believe and remain mindful and heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct,

 then as a sequel for you is reward par excellence [in wait]. [3:179]

And those people who are stingy and miser in what Allah has granted them from His bounty should not consider it as if it is better for them.

No, it is wrong perception, the fact of the matter is that this attitude will be for them a cause of trouble and botheration.

The wealth they stingy with shall be kept tied to their necks like a collar on the Day of Resurrection.

[Same information with same words in 57:10]

and for Allah is eternally the domain of the Skies and the Earth,

[Same warning in same words in 2:234, 271;57:10;58:03,11;64:08]

And Allah is informed/aware of all what acts you are doing. [3:180]

Indeed, Allah has heard the statement of those who said: "Truly, Allah is poor and we are rich!''.

 We shall keep recording what they say

[Also this charge sheet is in 2:61,91;3:21;3:112;4:155]

[same charge sheet is also with the word  in  2:87; 3:183,5:70]

and their ridiculing/mocking/irritating/teasing/insinuating/displeasing His Elevated/Selected Servants with stories/utterances based on conjecture/whims/scum, the opposite of fact/truth.

[Similar pronouncement in 8:50;22:09,22;85:10]

  And on the Day of Resurrection We shall say to them, "You people taste the scorching of heat/fire/temperature. [3:181]

[Replica 8:51 with dagger aleph]

 This is the result/effect /outcome of that which your hands had sent in advance. And certainly Allah is never unjust to His created ones". [3:182]

[With untrue and conjectural myths they ridicule and mock] Those who said: "Indeed Allah has taken our promise not to believe in the Messenger till such time he brings to us an offering which the fire may devour.''

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] respond, "Indeed there came to you the Messengers before me with distinct unprecedented demonstrations [never before heard/ perceived/seen] and brought that what you asked for;

[same charge sheet is also in 2:87; 3:183,5:70]

then for what reason you ridiculed/mocked/irritated/insinuated/displeased them

[Also this charge sheet is with such words in 2:61,91;3:21;3:112,181;4:155]

  if you are truthful in what you say?" [3:183]

[Similar 35:25]

[They have no answer] Therefore [do not feel grieved] if they have contradicted what you stated to them [the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan/Allah] they have earlier also been contradicting the Messengers before you

who came to them with evident/unprecedented tangible signs and written Messages and the Book Enlightening/Reflector of visible/life ensuring light. [3:184]

