Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           



































































































For reason [of their declaring the tangible evidences as illusory trick-Refer 5:110;61:06] when Easa [alai'his'slaam] apprehended from them open and persistent rejection,

[He put this question for Al-Hawariyun-61:14]

[for devising precautionary strategy] he enquired from Al-Hawariyun, "Who will amongst you be my helpers towards Allah" [ does not mean going beyond the skies towards Allah, it means for Allah's cause migration to secure place 4:100.-29:26;-37:99 both were taken/saved to a place on earth 21:71. Allah has taken upon Him the self imposed obligation of saving not only the Messengers but along with them all the believers-10:103].

[Same reply in same words in 61:14]

Hawariyun [as a group] replied, "We all are the helpers of Allah [we are with you].

    We have believed in Allah and you be the witness that we keep conducting on Islam". [3:52]

 They said," Our Sustainer Lord, we have accepted what You have sent [In'jeel to Easa, son of Maryam] and we have practically followed this Messenger,

[Same prayer is same words in 5:83]

therefore, You enroll us amongst the [eligible for being] witnesses". [3:53] [There are people in their posterity who follow their tradition-5:83]

[Similar information about Last Messenger's migration 8:30]

And they [the disbelieving group of Bani Iesraa'eel] hatched a conspiracy [to get Easa murdered] and Allah planned [to defeat their conspiracy]

[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in 8:30]

   and Allah is the par excellence amongst those who plan for better/maintaining balance/equilibrium; [3:54]

[Allah made the rescue plan and taking him into confidence disclosed it] when Allah said; "O Easa, I will segregate/isolate you and I will raise you towards Me [rescue you , elevated place, safe abode-Refer 23:50] and I will rid you from the impurity/company of those who have refused to accept [and are hatching conspiracy of murder. At that point of time he was in the company of three type of people; firstly the ruling Romans with the Procurator/Governor with whom vested the power of awarding capital punishment/death penalty; secondly the rejecting Jews and thirdly the believing group. Raising/uplifting him to the skies would have separated him not from rejecters but from the company of believers also  while Allah's plan was only to remove him away from those who had rejected.];

and I have declared those, who have since practically followed you Easa, to be above, till the Day of Resurrection, in rank than those [second group of Bani Iesraa'eel] who have refused to accept.

[Similar pronouncement 5:48;6:164;16:92;22:69]

  Afterwards/lapse of time [not now, on the Day of Judgment] you [it includes the addressee, Easa alai'his'slaam] people will be turned towards Me, thereupon I will decide amongst you in the matter you keep differing. [3:55]

 For reason/to dispense justice, I will grant severe punishment, in the world and hereafter, to those who deliberately/persistently refused to accept

[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in 3:22,91;16:37;30:29]

and for them shall be no helper from amongst the helpers. [3:56]

[Similar pronouncement in 4:173]

And to those who accepted/believed and conducted moderately [in accordance with the Book] for reason [to discharge His promise/relinquish His self assumed obligation] He will pay them fully their earnings/labor charges;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:140;similar 42:40]

   and Allah does not approve/like [for nearness] those who distort/transgress". [3:57]

[for the information of people] This episode of Easa, son of Maryam We are narrating to you word by word/event by event from the Aa'ya'at

and Statement/Record of infolded Facts [Qur'aan-e-Hakeem is possessor/holder/container of Record-38:01 and is referred ,, 15:06,09;16:44;25:29;38:08;41:41;43:05;54:25;68:51]. [3:58]

Indeed the peculiarity/individual characteristic of Easa [alai'his'slaam] given by Allah is like the peculiarity/individuality of Adam

whom He created from clay, afterwards [proportioning/preening the structure/Bashar] He said for him, "Be into existence" and resultantly he got physical existence as Adam [from Bashar]. [3:59]

[Same news in same words in beginning of 2:147;at end 10:94]

This [what We have narrated to you about Easa alai'his'slaam in the Grand Qur'aan] is The Statement of Established/Proven Fact from your Sustainer Lord.

[slightly different at end 2:147; 6:114;10:94]

Therefore/for reason you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, for such contradicting/ rejecting people of Book]  do not be amongst the worrywarts. [3:60]

[information given about Easa alai'his'slaam is a fact] Therefore, if anyone disputes it with you, the Messenger after what has reached to you from the knowledge [concrete/established fact],

then invite the disputing party, saying "You come to a place, we call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves,

thereafter the gathering we earnestly pray as a sequel to which the condemnation/contempt/discard of Allah falls upon those who contradict the fact publicly". [3:61]

Indeed this stated episode [about Easa alai'his'slaam, it is reiterated] is certainly a fact, word by word/event by event. [Some people accept/agree with Grand Qur'aan but some do not accept/agree with Grand Qur'aan-10:40; they retain conjectural stories tied with their chests like a peculiar female Spider who upon loosing her adopted home picks up an empty piece of paper despite knowing it does not contain her egg-sack]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 38:65; meaning and perception of Allah 5:73]

And there is no iela'aha except Allah;

  And indeed Allah is the only Who is Absolutely Dominant, The eternally Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded [in past, present and future]. [3:62]

[Same possibility in same words in 3:32,63,64;4:89;5:49;9:129;11:57;16:82;21:109'24:54]

[reverting from parenthetic, to the invitation] For reason, [of knowing falsity of their stand in the heart of their heart] in response if they people turn away without paying heed then, let them go

[Similar information in 10:40]

 since Allah is indeed eternally aware of those who create disorder/ disquiet/ imbalance/ distortions/spread wicked, conjectural ideas/intellectual deceit/confusion in society. [by this act they  also get exposed to you] [3:63]

