The book


  • This is the Book, you will find reading it that its contents are absolutely void of peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory, unsubstantiated, incongruous, biased and opinionated matter.

Common Nouns in Arabic are by default indefinite. This noun in default state is: , a book. To render it definite, tanwin is omitted and definite article: is prefixed to it for referring to a certain known book. It occurs in nominative, accusative and genitive states for a number of times; details are given at the end.

Firstly, we should refer to the universal perception and generally agreed characteristics and definition of a book and its purpose; and find the perception and meanings of its equivalent word in Arabic: . Later on we will study the specific books mentioned in the Divine Discourse separately under the caption:   : The Mother/Principal Book - Repository of Knowledge.


Encyclopedia Britannica describes a book: [quoted with thanks]

"Although the form, content, and provisions for making books have varied widely during their long history, some constant  characteristics may be identified. The most obvious is that a book is designed to serve as an instrument of communication—the  purpose of such diverse forms as the Babylonian clay tablet, the Egyptian papyrus roll, the medieval vellum or parchment codex,  the printed paper codex (most familiar in modern times), microfilm, and various other media and combinations.

The second characteristic of the book is its use of writing or some other system of visual symbols (such as pictures or musical  notation) to convey meaning. A third distinguishing feature is publication for tangible circulation. A temple column with a  message carved on it is not a book nor is a sign or placard, which, though it may be easy enough to transport, is made to attract the  eye of the passerby from a fixed location. Nor are private documents considered books.

A book may be defined, therefore, as a written (or printed) message of considerable length, meant for public  circulation and recorded on materials that are light yet durable enough to afford comparatively easy portability. Its  primary purpose is to announce, expound, preserve, and transmit knowledge and information between people,  depending on the twin faculties of portability and permanence. Books have attended the preservation and dissemination of  knowledge in every literate society." [Unquote]

: Arabic equivalent of book is derived from Root " ک ت ب". The learned Lexicographers stated about the perception and  signification infolded in the Root as under:

كتب (مقاييس اللغة)

الكاف والتاء والباء أصلٌ صحيح واحد يدلُّ على جمع شيءٍ إلى شيءٍ. من ذلك الكِتَابُ والكتابة. يقال: كتبت الكتابَ أكْتبه كَتْباً.
ويقولون كتبتُ البَغلَة، إذا جمعتُ شُفرَي رَحِمها بحَلْقة

ومن الباب الكِتَابُ وهو الفَرْضُ. قال الله تعالى: كُتِبَ علَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ [البقرة 183]

كتب (لسان العرب)
الكِتابُ: معروف، والجمع كُتُبٌ وكُتْبٌ. كَتَبَ الشيءَ يَكْتُبه كَتْباً وكِتاباً وكِتابةً

وكَتَبَ الدابةَ والبغلة والناقةَ يَكْتُبها، ويَكْتِـبُها كَتْباً، وكَتَبَ عليها: خَزَمَ حَياءَها بحَلْقةِ حديدٍ أَو صُفْرٍ تَضُمُّ شُفْرَيْ حيائِها، لئلا يُنْزَى عليها

Lane's Lexicon transcribes the contents of Classical Arabic Lexicons in English in these words:

Hence, كَتَبَ البَغْلَةَ, aor. كَتُبَ and كَتِبَ , inf. n. كَتْبٌ, He conjoined the oræ of the mule's vulva by means of a ring or a thong; as also كَتَبَ عَلَيْهَا. (A.) كَتَبَ, aor. كَتُبَ and كَتِبَ , inf. n. كَتْبٌ; and كَتَبَ عَلَيْهَا; He closed the camel's vulva, and put a ring upon it:  or he put a ring of  iron or the like upon it, conjoining the oræ, in order that she might not be covered.―  كَتَبَ, aor. كَتُبَ , inf. n. كَتْبٌ; (S;) and ↓ اكتتب ;  He sewed a قِرْبَة, or a سِقَآء, or a مَزَادَة, with two thongs: or, accord. to some, he closed it at the mouth, by binding it round with a وِكَاء, so that nothing [of its contents] should drop from it;  [as also ↓ اكتب :] or كتب signifies he sewed a قربة; and ↓ اكتب , he bound it  with a وكآء, i. e. bound it round the upper part.

 كِتَابِىٌّ.] كِتَابٌ  [inf. n. of 1, q. v. ― -b2- as a subst.,] A thing in which, or on which, one writes: [a book:] a written piece of paper or [a  record, or register; and a written mandate;] of skin: a writing, or writ, or thing written;---[unquote]

It is thus evident that whatever is the context and whatever is the morphology of a word that originates from this Root: the basic  meaning and signification shall be:  : يدلُّ على جمع شيءٍ إلى شيءٍit leads to the perception of gathering, grouping, assembly, adjoining a  thing with other thing. An act has a built in purpose/objective aimed at. It were/is employed to convey the perception and meanings  of conjoining the os [plural ora/mouth opening] of she-camel’s vulva by means of a ring or thong in order to close the opening. The objective is that an unknown male without the will of her owner might not cover her in his absence. Its perception and meaning is  to bring the mouth of some container together to conjoin it and sew it.

It thereby signifies the act of writing or inscribing and denotes a book. It may be seen that in the act of writing [particularly Arabic  text] and making a book, the basic perception of the Root is conspicuously dominant. Writing is nothing except to bring closer the  letters-consonants of the alphabet of a language and stitching-sewing them together. It yields a word of meaningful import and  grouping or assembly of words produces sentences. The gathering of sentences yields number of papers-parchments-scroll  depending on the quantum of written material.

Like the purpose of stitching the mouth of some receptacle-container; the purpose of writing is to keep the communication  preserved and to transmit information and knowledge between people.

The basic purpose of conjoining the mouth of she-camel's vulva is to ensure protection from the unwanted/undesirable entry into it, without the will of the owner when he is absent from her.  The same objective is there when a person authors-put down his  statement-thoughts in writing, whereby none can pollute - intermix any thing in that written matter/thought in time and space since it is physically available for reference and visual check.

The difference, between: قول with meanings of an oral statement and: كتاب a book is that the former is the sound a person:    meaning that which he throws out of collection in his mouth. It scatters in air and eventually diminishes, though it may not vanish in reality. On the contrary, if the same thing which one has orally stated is put in writing [placed in a receptacle, conjoined and sewn  together] it will become safe and lasting. The psyche of oral utterances [افواه] is also that it quickly spreads and scatters in the  society. This is diametrically opposite to the concept and perception of Arabic Root and word كتاب. Therefore, oral verbal  communication is not of a permanent value in time and space since only those could hear it in whose ears it had created vibrations.  The people far away and the posterity are to hear the voice of the Author and the Relater that is embedded in the assembly of  words and sentences of the Book.

The basic objective of conjoining os of she-camel’s vulva is to avoid entrance of undesirable matter in the absence and without the  will of the owner. People are bound to add matter of their own perceptions while transmitting oral utterances forward in time and  space. On the contrary, if that person had also put it in writing, his utterance would go into confinement in a conjoined and static  state; and would thus reach people exactly in the words he had articulated.

The writing of the spoken matter results in inscription fixedly attached or engraved on paper or tablet and covers a space. Anything, letter, treatise, book on having been put into writing attains the attribute of existence and permanence retaining its originality and  purity, being the same for everyone in time and space for understanding, perceiving the words/statement/utterances/hadith of the  author. Hence, it conveys the meanings: "to prescribe, ordain, make mandatory/obligatory".

The basic perception of Root: ك ت ب is to conjoin and sew together; and ultimate objective of: the book is to conjoin and  sew people together making them a unit, homogeneous fraternity.

A nation-fraternity comes into being only when there is a book; a social contract or a constitution. Let us admit  affectionately that no language of the world can match the Arabic, the language of the guide lord of humanity: the  Last Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, the elevated and praised uninterruptedly.

We will not find a better definition and comprehensive account as to what a book is than the factual information infolded in just  three consonants of Arabic language sequenced as "ک ت ب". The best language is obviously the one that conveys volumes of  information in few words. ["That language ranks highest which goes farthest in the art of accomplishing much with the little means,  OR, in other words, which is able to express the greatest amount of meaning with the simplest mechanism"-Language, its nature,  development and origin by Otto Jespersen]

Ayahs where: occurs:

   Noun: Definite; Singular; masculine; Nominative. (1)2:02(2)2:235(3)6:156(4)6:157(5)18:49(6)28:86(7)39:69(8)42:52 =8

  • This is the Book, you will find reading it that its contents are absolutely void of peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory, unsubstantiated, incongruous, biased and opinionated matter.

  • This Book is a Guide-Manual for those who endeavor to remain cautious and avoid conduct inspired and governed by emotion, in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. [2:02]

  • Be aware that there is nothing wrong and blemish worthy upon you in that overture of your subtly indicating interest to the Wives of deceased-alienated husbands; or you kept it secret to your selves.

  • Allah the Exalted knew that you will eventually express to them.

  • But you should not alluringly lead them to mutual promise except that you may say to them a normally acceptable statement in plain words of evident import.

  • Take note that you people should not make a firm resolve for the Matrimonial Bondage with them until such time the Prescribed Obligatory Period crosses its terminating moment.

  • Remain aware of the fact that Allah the Exalted fully knows that which you retain to your selves-secreted in hearts.

  • Therefore, always remain mindfully cautious of Him the Exalted to adhere to injunctions given.

  • Moreover, remain cognizant that Allah the Exalted is eternally imperturbably over looking-forgiver [of unintentional faults-wrong doings]. [2:235]

  • The permanent Book has been sent lest you people take the plea saying: "The Book had been compositely sent only upon two groups before us

  • And the fact is that we were certainly unaware of  their study." [6:156]

  • Or lest you people might take the plea claiming: "Had it been so that the Book was compositely sent upon us, we would have certainly been guided people better than those two groups: Jews and Christians".

  • Therefore, a lucid discourse and guidance and blessing has come to people from your Sustainer Lord;

  • Therefore, who could be a greater evil monger, a distorter, creator of imbalances, disorder, over stepping than him who publicly contradicted the Verbal Passages of the Book of Allah the Exalted and turned away from them.

  • Soon shall We requite; those who turn away from Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of Qur'aan, with irksome punishment because of their deliberate turning away. [6:157]

  • And the written biography/Book of deeds is laid open;

  • Thereby, you will see the criminals, in a stumbling condition from what is written therein.

  • And they will say, "Woe is for us; what sort of Book is this;

  • Neither it leaves mention of a minor thing nor of a major one except that it has enumerated it;

  • And having perused the Book they visualized from memory as present what they had done.

  • And your Sustainer Lord will not do any injustice to any individual. [18:49]

  • Let it be on record that you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] were not hoping or pursuing in earlier life that the Book might be presented to you.

  • However, presenting you the Book Grand Qur'aan is but a gesture of grace and blessing earmarked for you by your Sustainer Lord.

  • Therefore, you should never be the supporter-helper-advocate for those who refuse to accept the Book. [28:86]

  • And the Earth is caused to brighten with the Visible Light generated by her Sustainer Lord

  • And the Book is laid open [for everyone's reading]

  • And the Distinctly Chosen and Elevated Persons Who are the Witnesses are escorted [to the Court] And the Distinctly Chosen and Elevated Persons Who are the Witnesses are escorted [to the Court]

  • And the matter is decided and concluded amongst the resurrected people on the basis of the Statement of Fact-the Book/the proven and established fact and justice,

  • And they will not be subjected to any injustice [not even iota of it]. [39:69]


  • Let it be on record that in the same manner: through Angel Messenger and directly when you visited Us beyond the Skies, Our Majesty has communicated to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Life Breathing and Sustaining Guarantor: Vital Principle: Grand Qur'aan, a promised affair of Ours-divine guidance being exclusively Our task.

  • However, in your past life you were not in habit of pursuing-wishing the Book and nor for acknowledging it.

  • But We have declared it (Grand Qur'aan) as the Visible Light-the Sustainer of Life.

  • We guide with it (Grand Qur'aan) anyone of Our subjects for whom We so intend-decide;

  • And beyond an iota of doubt you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are certainly guiding them towards High road: Course that keeps heading safely and stably to the destination of peace and tranquility. [42:52]

The same noun in accusative and genitive case.

Noun; Singular, definite; masculine; accusative. (1)2:44(2)2:53(3)2:78(4)2:79(5)2:87(6)2:101(7)2:113(8)2:121(9)2:129(10)2:144(11)2:145(12)2:146(13)2:151(14)2:176(15) 2:213(16)3:03(17)3:07(18)3:19(19)3:20(20)3:48(21)3:79(22)3:79(23)3:100(24)3:164(25)3:186(26)3:187(27)4:47(28)4:54 (29)4:105 (30)4:113(31)4:131(32)5:05(33)5:05(34)5:48(35)5:57(36)5:110 (37)6:20(38)6:89(39)6:91 (40)6:114(41)6:114(42)6:154(43)7:169(44)7:196(45)9:29(46)10:94(47)11:110(48)13:36(49)16:64(50)16:89 (51)17:02(52)18:01(53)19:12(54)19:30(55)23:49(56)24:33(57) 25:35(58)28:43(59)28:52(60)29:27(61)29:47(62)29:47(63)29:51(64)32:23(65)35:32(66)37:117(67)39:02(68)39:41(69)40:53(70)41:45(71)42:14(72)42:17(73)45:16(74)57:16(75)57:25(76)57:26(77) 62:02(78)74:31(79)74:31(80)98:04=80 



Noun: Definite; Singular; masculine; Genitive. (1)2:85(2)2:105(3)2:109(4)2:159(5)2:174(6)2:176(7)2:177(8)2:231(9)3:07(10)3:23(11)3:64(12)3:65(13)3:69(14)3:70(15)3:71 (16)3:72(17)3:75(18)3:78(19)3:78(20)3:98(21)3:99(22)3:110(23)3:113(24)3:184(25)3:199(25)4:44(27)4:51(28)4:123(29)4:127(30)4:136(31)4:136(32)4:140(33)4:153(34)4:159(35)4:171(36)5:15 (37)5:15(38)5:19(39)5:48(40)5:59(41)5:65(42)5:68(43)5:77(44)6:38(45)7:37(46)7:169(47)10:01(48)10:37(49)12:01(50)13:01(51)13:39(528)13:43(53)15:01(54)17:04(55)17:58(56)18:49(57)19:16 (58)19:41(59)19:51(60)19:54(61)19:56(62)26:02(63)27:40(64)28:02(65)29:45(66)29:46(67)31:02(68)32:02(69)33:06(70)33:26(71)35:31(72)39:01(73)40:02(74)43:02(75)43:04(76)44:02(77)45:02 (78)46:02(79)57:29(80)59:02(81)59:11(82)98:01(83)98:06=83

  : (1)2:85=1    in some part of the Book

  : (1)2:105(2)2:109(3)3:69(4)3:72(5)3:75(6)3:113(7)3:199(8)4:159(9)33:26(10)59:2(11)59:11(12)98:1(13)98:6=13

 : (1)2:159(2)4:127(3)4:140(4)6:38(5)17:4(6)17:58(7)19:16(8)19:41(9)19:51(10)19:54(11)19:56(12)33:6=12

: (1)2:174(2)2:231(3)3:23(4)3:78(5)3:78(6)4:44(7)4:51(8)5:15(9)7:37(10)27:40(11)29:45(12)35:31=12

: The mother of the book - the principal book (1)3:7(2)13:39=2

: (1)43:4=1

   : (1)3:64(2)3:65(3)3:70(4)3:71(5)3:98(6)3:99(7)4:171(8)5:15(9)5:19(10)5:59(11)5:68(12)5:77=12

  : (1)3:110(2)4:153(3)57:2=3

: (1)5:65(2)29:46=2


 : (1)3:184=1

: (1)4:136(2)4:136=2

: (1)7:169=1

: (1)10:1(2)31:2=2

: (1)12:1(2)26:2(3)28:2=3


: (1)10:37=1


: (1)32:2(2)39:1(3)40:3(4)45:2(5)46:2=5

: (1)43:2(2)44:2=2

Prepositional Phrase: بـِ Inseparable  preposition + Noun: Definite; Singular; Masculine; genitive. (1)3:78(2)3:119(3)7:170(4)35:25(5)40:70=5  




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