something peeving

This is
the Book, you will find reading it that
its contents are absolutely void of
peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting,
ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory,
incongruous, biased
and opinionated matter.
[(1)02:02(2)4:87(3)6:12(4)10:37(5)32:02(6)42:07(7)45:26=7 [with
Shadda on
Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. [رَابَ-يَرِيبُ
Verb] The subject noun of Genus Negation particle.
Ayahs are reproduced at the end of page.
It is used only to emphasize the infallibility of two things; the
Book referring to Grand Qur'aan, and the day and moment of resurrection..

Possessive Phrase.
It is the subject noun of the negation
particle; a Verbal/Infinitive noun, in Arabic
terminology مصدر .
It is a
noun signifying action and state only.
It is the source from where
the verbs are derived.
Its past and present tense verbs are رَابَ-يَرِيبُ. Infinitive Noun [مصدر]
signifies the action indicated in the verb derived from it.
The action
that a verb denotes signifies change and alteration of states in time
and space, physical or abstract, which was the intent or objective of
doing that act. An action causes an effect to take existence; causes a
new state to emerge different to that which existed before the
execution of action.
The Root of::
is: "ر
ى ب". [Lane
states, " رَابَ-يَرِيبُ,
Infinitive Noun رَيْبٌ "It [a thing] occasioned in me
disquiet, disturbance, or
agitation of mind. This is the primary signification."
At page
[third entry in the right column] it states; " رَيْبٌ
primary signification is Disquiet, disturbance, or agitation of mind,
and accidents or evil accidents of time that disturb or disquiet the heart
and mind.]
All the critical readers of the books may
collectively catalogue all such elements in nonfiction books that might
be considered as unpleasant and disquieting even by one reader; and
thereafter peruse the Arabic text of Grand Qur'aan only to find that none is present
therein. This renders it infinitely reliable and a pleasant read.
It is a prepositional phrase relating to predicate of
this sentence. The preposition
فِي signifies rest in a
place or during a time, and motion into a place. This signification is
then transferred to the relation subsisting between two things,
one of which is regarded as the place in which the other is, or happens,
or into which it goes or is put. The suffixed pronoun is for third
person, singular, masculine referring to:
Book", a singular, definite, masculine noun.
The major difference between Verb and Infinitive Noun
meaning is that verb signifies occurrence of an action within a
particular time-period, like the past, present or future.
The Infinitive Noun [مصدر]
alone can
only signify the occurrence of an action within the time-period in which
it finds mention.
Other words are required to signify the
action of the verbal noun within the context of past or future.
This aspect of
peculiar choice of words in a statement of Source language Arabic when
ignored causes major "translation loss" in the target language for
perceiving the compact thought conveyed therein.
These words in the
translation, "you will find all the time
you read it" attempt to convey this aspect of use of
an Infinitive Noun
in the statement.
The Grand Qur'aan itself is the best "Lexicon"
that explains perception, meanings, depths and niceties of important
words and terms used therein by their use in relation to persons and
situations and cause and effect equation.
The psychological makeup of
Muna'fi'qeen: Imposter
is duality of thought and conduct which creates a
permanent state of restless waver,
and toss.

The fact is
that only they
seeking your permission for exemption
to proceed for war
who in fact believe not in Allah the
Exalted and the Last Day:
Muna'fi'qeen. And their hearts are
self-irked suffering duplicity.
The natural
consequence is that they, in their self-created state of irksome
duplicity of thought, keep vacillating. [9:45]
The effect of:
upon them is:
Verb: Intransitive; Imperfect; Third Person; Plural; Masculine; Mood: Indicative evident
by نَ
Subject Pronoun, nominative
state; مصدر-تَرَدُّ دٌ
Verbal noun. Its Root is " ر د د".
perception and signification is to revert back to the original position,
location or state. Measure/Form-V verb relate to
the intensive meaning of Form-II with the
addition of reflexive meaning, i.e. the meanings of Form-II are
reflected back onto the subject of verb.
The indicative mood of the verb signifies continuance, or frequentative
signification. The intensive and
frequentative signification renders its meanings as to cause someone to
waver, vacillate in an affair, or between two affairs. This reflects a
confounded and perplexed state of heart and mind. [Also see p
228-Vol-3, entry 2;
Lane's Lexicon] The feel,
emotion, and passion and
disconcert, irk etc are, in general perception too, related to the
heart. Hearts need to disassociate from the
emotion and passion to attain a tranquil state:

Their building, the one
they designed, will continue to be irking disquiet of duality
sustained in their:
Muna'fi'qeen hearts. This irk will continue except that
their hearts might diligently self disassociate/distance.
Remain cognizant; Allah the Exalted is
the Fountain and Setter of knowledge-science of
visible and invisible domains, realities. considerations;
and the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the
created realm.
Arabic word:
is not synonym or synonymous with but is distinct from word:
which when used as a substantive signifies doubt, or absence of
conviction/certainty about a matter/concept/idea,
: "Doubt"
takes existence in mind only when someone receives some information about some object
or subject that he considers not enough to grant him the feel of
sureness and certainty. This state of mind, generally referred as
"doubt", reflects ones lack of decision about the veracity of
information reaching him. He may neither accept it nor discard it. "Some
definitions of
emphasize the state in which the mind remains suspended between two
contradictory propositions and unable to assent to either of them".
Moreover, the emergence of doubt regarding some bit of information
may or may not be the cause of giving rise to
disturbance, irritation, irk and uneasiness of heart.
However, some information might place the
mind of the recipient in
such doubt; especially such information that is contrary to one's long held
perception, culture, practice, matters relating to
Non declarative
memory that have become habit; that might generate, for some, feeling of irk, disquiet,
and disconcert. The Grand Qur'aan highlights the
point by quoting the statement of ruling elite in response to an
Moreover, the fact is
that they/Bani
Iesraa'eel are certainly
plunged in doubt regarding it-the Book;
the doubt having characteristic trait of a
causer of disquiet, irritation, and disconcert. [Refer 11:110 and

"It is a fact that we are
certainly plunged in
doubt about that towards which you all are inviting us;
the doubt having characteristic trait of a
causer of disquiet, irritation, and disconcert". [Refer 14:09]
It is certain that they remained
plunged in doubt/skepticism, the doubt having characteristic trait of a causer of disquiet, irritation, and disconcert
[in accepting the word of Messengers].
[Refer 34:54]
Moreover, the fact is that those,
the posterity after them, who/Bani Iesraa'eel were caused to inherit the Book, certainly are plunged in
doubt regarding it/Grand Qur'aan [communicated to you], the doubt having characteristic trait of a causer of disquiet, irritation, and disconcert. [Refer 42:14]
Grand Qur'aan
has clarified that:
are not interchangeable and signify different concepts or states of
heart and mind.
might be the consequence and affect of a particular:
but conversely:
is not the consequence and affect of:
Cause and affect are not considered
as synonyms or synonymous. There is
a quote of Arabs of the days of revelation of Qur'aan which further
confirms the perception infolded in

The quotes of the response of
people of the past, on presentation of information and invitation to
adopt a different code and mode of life, depict that their doubt leading
to disturbance, irritation and disconcert
was not factual but volitional. The volitional doubt will
cause disquiet and concern when there is
conflict and clash between heart and mind;
conflict between desire-emotion-passion-considerations of stakes and
rationality. The passion overshadowed their rational intellect.
that book earns the title of "Sublime Book" which is a source of
granting tranquility to mind and heart by providing tangible answers to
all uncertainties and misconceptions. The uncertainties are satisfied
only when the Book narrates nothing but the established and proven
truths not merely in relations to time and space but such that are
sustained and are facts not affected by time and space. We might call it
the "Absolute Truth" or "established and proven fact in the whole realm
of time and space".
The structure, theme and main point of the unity of whole
book described by simple negation sentence:

also serves as an instrument to evaluate the accuracy and
veracity of translations. This par excellence feature is conversely
ascribed by an epithet which we will study next:

They refuse
despite the fact that it, Grand Qur'aan, is the Infallible Doctrine-Discourse; [Refer 2:91]
Caution: All
translations, including the classical exegeses, are erroneous who
substituted the original text-word by another word and then rendered the
meanings of the sentence in target language. The basic
academic principles of translation and interpretation of texts in target
language text do not permit substituting the choice word of original text
by another word of the same language before rendering the sentence
meanings in target language. It is incorrect rather biased approach.
The lamentable aspect is that majority of English and
Urdu translations are not the original works of their authors but are
mere plagiarism. They seem to have selected the work of George Sale and
John Rodwell as model. Both these scholars certainly fall in the
category of scholars declared as enemies of the exalted Messenger
Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam - the
original publisher of Grand Qur'aan.
George Sale:
There is no
in this book; it is a direction to the pious,
John Rodwell:
is there about this Book: It is a guidance to the God-fearing,

This is
the Book, you will find reading it that
its contents are absolutely void of
peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting,
ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory,
incongruous, biased
and opinionated matter.
This Book is
a Guide-Manual for those who endeavor to remain cautious
avoid conduct inspired and governed by emotion, in reverence and fear of Allah the

Our Sustainer Lord!
You the Exalted are certainly the gatherer of the people together for
the promised day. Not at all perplexity-confusion-delusion-uncertainty lies
in the gathering of people in it".
The fact remains that
Allah the Exalted never betrays the promise. [3:09]

Thereat, how
will they stand by their delusional stance
when We would have gathered them all together for the promised
Not at all perplexity-confusion-delusion-uncertainty lies in the
gathering of people in it.
And each of all
would have been paid back that which he had earned/done.
While dispensing
justice they are not subjected to
even an iota of
disproportion. [3:25]

Realize and
recognize it about Allah
the Exalted—None at all in miscellany of iela'aha:
godheads - deities that are
uncritically admired, adorned
and worshiped is alive or organizes, administers or sustains others except He the
It is sworn promise
that He the Exalted will certainly gather you
people on the Day of Rising. There is absolutely no
confusion-uncertainty in realization of it.
Heed the pronouncement
Who is there more
infallibly truthful than Allah the Exalted;
Infallibly truthful in disclosure of breaking news;
relay of hitherto unknown information? [4:87]

You the Messenger
ask them: "Whoever and whatever exists in the Skies and
the Earth; to and for whom they owe existence and subjection?"
You the Messenger
tell them the answer: "Solely for Allah
the Exalted.
He the Exalted has
prescribed the Mercy obligatory upon His Self.
[this is how absolute power is made
beautiful, balanced]
I swear He the
Exalted will undoubtedly gather you
people on the Day of Rising; there is absolutely no
confusion-uncertainty about this news.
Those people who have made
their selves to suffer loss [for momentary
worldly gains/pleasures],
they do not accept it. [6:12]

Mind it, this Qur'aan were not a
compilation that might be authored, compiled or edited by someone
other than Allah the Exalted.
[The Messenger
has not authored it] In fact
this Qur'aan is the
affirmation and authentication of that: Book, revelation which was
communicated before it.
Moreover, the
organization-differentiation-delineation-arrangement of the said
Book: Qur'aan has been by the command of the Sustainer Lord of
the Universes;.
-- Let it be known about the contents of the Book
it are absolutely void of
peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting,
ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory,
incongruous, biased
and opinionated matter --.
It is communicated by the
Sustainer Lord of the universes-all physical realms.

Have they not yet
reflected that He the Exalted Who innovatively
created the Skies and the Earth is fully capable upon creating a replica
of them?
And He has appointed for them a
Moment about which there is no confusion/uncertainty.
But the
evil mongers and distorters of fact have demurred for no reason except being ungratefully disobedient.

And this is how We had
the mystery of missing youth upon people of the area so that they might convincingly understand
that the
Promise of Allah the Exalted is an absolute fact;
And that regards the Final
Moment there is absolutely nothing uncertain and perplexing therein.
When they were mutually debating
regarding the disposal of matter pertaining to the Young men of
Cave, thereat a group proposed, "You Construct upon
them-above cave a new structure-Memorial".
Their Sustainer Lord
was best aware about
[reverting from parenthetic to
their debate] Those who dominantly
prevailed the debate, regarding the matter pertaining to the Young men of
Cave, confidently said, "Surely, we pledge that in future we
will acquire the place over them-over cave as a mosque." [18:21]

And indeed the [determined terminating] Final
is certainly coming.
And that regards the Final
Moment there is absolutely nothing uncertain and perplexing therein.
And that Allah the Exalted will revive to life whoever is
in the graves [underneath the Earth]. [22:07]
The piecemeal dispatch
and delivery
of the Book (Grand Qur'aan)
under the command of the
Sustainer Lord of the Universes
is for a certain purpose.
will find all the time you read the Book
its contents have absolutely no
suspicious-conjectural- whimsical-conflicting-un-certain-illusory-perplexing matte,
which causes uncertainty-psychological

And indeed the [determined terminating] Final
is certainly coming.
And that regards the Final
Moment there is absolutely nothing uncertain and perplexing therein.
However, the fact remains that most of the people do not
accept and believe in it. [40:59]

And likewise We have
verbally communicated [ Parlance-Book]
to you the Messenger
Qur'aan: a compilation in Arabic:
perspicuous, eloquent, distinctive
and precisely expressive language;
the language of the sons of soil of Arabian peninsula.
The intended objective of it is that you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, with it]
might admonish and awaken the inhabitants of the
Mother of cities [Mecca-the Sanctified
City]; and all those who
around it.
[the whole world]
Moreover, you might cause
cautiousness-awareness-alarmed of the Day of the Gathering.
The Day about which there is absolutely no confusion/uncertainty.
On that Day,
a group will be escorted into the
Paradise, and a group will be dragged into the
Scorching Hell-Prison. [42:07]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Allah
the Exalted creates you people,
the lapse of time of your period of life, He
causes you to die.
Afterwards, upon blowing of second
trumpet, indeed He will gather you
people on the Day of Rising. There is absolutely no
confusion/uncertainty/duplicity of thought within it.
However, the fact remains that most of the people
do not accept it/know this fact. [45:26]

And when it was said,
"Indeed the promise of Allah the
Exalted is an infallible fact—
And so is the Appointed
Moment, there is absolutely no uncertainty and confusion about its
You people had replied, "We do
not have any perception as to what is the Appointed Moment—
Since we think it is nothing but
a presumptive thought—
And we certainly are not
going to make ourselves reflectively the convinced ones about it."

Possessive Phrase.

Other grammatical units of this verbal noun:
: :
prepositional phrase

And listen:
Provided you
are perturbed: cast in disconcerting duality of mind regarding
authoring- compilation
of that which Our Majesty have sent
piecemeal upon Our Sincere
Thereby, the best course to get out of disconcerting
duality of mind
on this point
is that
one Surat: Segment - chapter authored in semblance
of it.
For the needful, you invite-get help of all your
friends-helpers-lawyers available to you other than Allah the Exalted.
Try it, if you were truthful in
perplexity about
source of Qur'aan.

O you the humanity!
If you people are in irritating confusion about the
resurrection—revival of life:
Then why don't you reflect on origin of life;
Our Majesty indeed created you people initially from clay;
Afterwards, We created you
from a segment of single sperm;
Afterwards from the
joined, implanted/clung clot [zygote-Greek "zogotus" meaning "joined"];
Afterwards from chewed like
morsel of flesh; which is of two types, one made to be created
[the zygote joined with womb's wall]
and the other opposite of that which is created [the zygote joined with
fallopian tube wall-ectopic pregnancy, not to be created but to scatter]; so that We might make manifest for you
[that only that gets created whom We wish to
And We implant-make those reside in the wombs whom We so will, towards a determined
length of time with appointed termination moment.
Afterwards the lapse of appointed duration
We discharge you as an infant.
Afterwards, so that you people
might cross over to your strengthen maturity.
Thereat, there is someone
of strengthen maturity existing amongst you
who is alienated
[because of natural death, murder or alive who is
killed in Allah's cause].
However, there is someone
amongst you who is made to progressively return backwards to
the most dependent-feeble of the period of
life-nethermost-non verbal infancy;
So that henceforth he might not trace/separate/locate/acknowledge
something after having attained knowledge.
Realize it that you see
certain Soil giving
look of sterile-cracked-compacted and still; Thereat,
when We sent upon her water, she
became thrilled
and she swelled;
[These are not literary expressions but
narration of physical facts-Grand Qur'aan is a statement of absolute
And thereby she produced- sprouted
every kind of beautiful species of plants. [22:05]
prepositional phrase coupled with
Possessive Phrase:

The fact is
that only they
seeking your permission for exemption
to proceed for war
who in fact believe not in Allah the
Exalted and the Last Day:
Muna'fi'qeen. And their hearts are
self-irked suffering duplicity.
The natural
consequence is that they, in their self-created state of irksome
duplicity of thought, keep vacillating. [9:45]
Noun: Indefinite; Singular;
feminine; accusative.

Their building, the
one they designed, will continue to be irking disquiet of duality
sustained in their (Muna'fi'qeen) hearts. This irk will continue except that
their hearts might diligently self disassociate/distance.
Remain cognizant; Allah the Exalted is
the Fountain and Setter of knowledge-science of
visible and invisible domains, realities. considerations;
and the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the
created realm.
Progressive number of grammatical units:
= 12,330 + 14 = 12,344

Prepositional Phrase