Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              018

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          
















































































































































Did you think/consider that the companions of the Cave and the Raqeem were astounding in Our unprecedented demonstrative signs; [18:09]

when a group of young boys took refuge towards the particular Cave, thereby they prayed, "Our Sustainer Lord grant us Mercy from Your Grace;


and You facilitate for us in our matter to remain steadfast and firm to our resolve" [18:10]

Thereupon We raised a partition/veil over/upon their ears/listening faculty in the Cave for a number of years. [18:11]

Afterwards the number of years, We revived them to original position so that We may make evident which of the two parties better comprehended the period of time they stayed [remained sleeping]. [18:12]

We replicate verbally to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], step by step/event by event, the news about them with factual established facts.


It is true, they were youths who had believed in their Sustainer Lord and We improved them in guidance. [18:13]

and when they became determined, We gave their hearts concentration of steadfastness.

Thereby that said amongst themselves, "Our Sustainer Lord is the Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth. Never will we call other than Him as various iela'aha.

[Read with 72:04]o

No doubt the moment we would have said that we would have went far away from truth. [18:14]

Look at people of our nation, they have adopted other than Him as various iela'aha;

why not they come about them with a distinct authoritative argument/evidence [instead of conjectural myths of forefathers]

[Exactly same, mirror 6:144]

Therefore who is a greater evil-doer/distorter/creator of imbalances/disorder/over stepping than the one who conjectures a falsehood attributing it to be from Allah [which is neither written in the Book of Allah nor there is tangible evidence from knowledge]; [18:15]

and when you people separate from them and what they worship except Allah then proceed for protective refuge towards the particular cave.


Your Sustainer Lord will expand for you from His Mercy and He will facilitate for you in your matter making it convenient" [18:16]

[if you go the location of that cave] And you will find that when the Sun rose it inclines away from their cave on the right side

and when the Sun started declining it avoided them towards the left

and they were in the open space of that cave.

This [positioning of the cave with relation to Sun's movement] is from the demonstrative evident signs of Allah.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:178;17:97]

And whomever Allah guides [through the Book] then for that reason/resultantly he is the guided one.


And whom Allah has exposed/let remain in neglectfulness/straying then for this reason you will not find for him a rightfully guiding guardian/patron. [18:17]

And you would have deemed them awake but the fact of the matter is that they were fast asleep.

[like state of coma for which reason] And We kept turning them on their right and left sides.

And their dog stretched his two forelegs at the entrance.


If you had looked upon them you would have certainly turned away from them running and you would have been impressed from them terrifyingly. [18:18]

And for this We revived them to their original state so that they may question among themselves.

One of the participant of talk asked, "How long you have stayed here?"

Some of them replied, "We have stayed for a day or just a part of a day"

Others said" [Don't be conjectural] Your Sustainer Lord fully knows how long you have stayed here.

Therefore send one of you with this coin of yours towards the city then let him see which of the meal is purer/nutritious


whereby let him bring eatable provision from that; and let he be cautious and neither should he let anyone have clue about you. [18:19]

Indeed they, if they come to know about you they will stone you or they may take you back in their system;


and in that case you will never ever attain perpetual success" [18:20]

And this is how We made it [mystery of missing youth] known to people [of that era] so that they may convincingly understand that the [resurrection] Promise of Allah is a fact;

and that about the Final Moment there is no uncertainty and confusion.

When they debated amongst them about their/youths matter thereat they proposed, "Construct over them a Memorial/structure. Their Sustainer Lord knows better about them".


Those who dominantly prevailed over their matter decidedly said, "Surely we will adopt above them [over cave] as Mosque" [18:21]

People will keep saying that they were three in number and fourth companion of them was their dog;

and others will say that they were five in number and sixth companion of them was their dog by hurling imaginary thoughts;

and others will say that they were seven in number and eighth companion of them was their dog.

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "My Sustainer Lord knows most certainly the number of them; people do not know about them except a few ones [parents or government/police officials of the time when the boys initially went missing]


Therefore you do not enter into controversy about them except the evidently visible point [disclosed above] and nor you enquire about them from any one of them. [18:22]

And you do not proclaim about a thing, "I am certainly going to do it tomorrow" [18:23]

except [making it conditional] that if Allah so wills. [If you could not do that for innumerable reasons beyond your control it will not render you a liar since your announcement was conditional]


And you recall your Sustainer Lord when you forgot to say that and say, "Perhaps my Sustainer Lord may guide me for a better nearer course than this" [18:24]

And they, the youths stayed in their cave for three hundred years and those [masculine-Moons] added nine years. [In 300 solar years Moons add nine making equivalent to 309 lunar years] [18:25]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] advise, "Allah knows exactly/accurately the time duration they stayed [in that condition]. The invisible/hidden secrets of the Skies and the Earth are for Him the Exalted.

You keep watching/observing about it and keep listening [what people gossip about this episode without indulging in controversy and enquiry, as advised in 18:22]


For them there is no patron and protector apart from Him; And He never associates even a single one in His decisions/commands" [18:26]

