Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              004

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     





















[Same in 5:06

























































































O you who declare to have accepted!

you people should not draw near/join the Salat congregation when you are in a state of scattered/disturbed/influenced mind [for reason of drunkenness/or any other overwhelming desire/ appetite] till such time you become aware what you people say;

[Similar in 5:06]

 Moreover, nor a person in a state emanating from intercourse with wife/ejaculation-wet dream should go near/join Salat [enter mosque/congregation of Salat]. In such situation, the prohibitory injunction is until such time you people might have taken bathe with water. The exception from bathe with water is for one in journey.

And if you are suffering from disease, or are journeying, or someone of you has come after easing himself or you had intercourse with wives

[Same in 5:06]

 then being in such state you do not find water then resort to seek clean earth and with it wipe your faces and your hands.

[Similar pronouncement in 4:99;22:60;58:02]

   Indeed Allah is ever pardoning/remitting and forgiving. [4:43]

[Exactly same pointing out in same words 3:23;4:51]

Have you not marked the attitude of those who were given a share, a portion of The Book

 they commerce in neglectfulness/straying [through conjectural myths, fabricated stories concealing what is revealed in the Book of Allah-2:79,174;3:187;31:06], and desiring that you may also become neglectful/stray from the way/path of truth [and be like them] [4:44]

And Allah has better knowledge of your enemies than you know them.


And Allah suffices for you as Protector and Preserver;

and Allah suffices as a Helper. [4:45]

[Similar information about them in 2:75;5:13,41]

From amongst the Jews a group of people distort [knowingly and deliberately] the statement out of its context in a different angle/dimension/perspective [as they did about the command of sacrificing any heifer-2:68-71];

[Same saying in earlier times 2:93]

and hey say; "We have heard it and we have not accepted it"

and listen to us unlike a person who has not been made to listen earlier

and they utter the word ""Raa'ina" by twisting/distorting its sound with their tongues [man has the capability to mould and twist the buzzy sound of a word/idea reaching his mouth from the vocal cord; Allah disliked the deceptive manner of paying disrespect to the Messenger to an extent that He directed that this word will not be used by the believers, notwithstanding its presence in Arabic dictionary-2:104]

and they gibe in the prescribed method/Code of Conduct

and had they said "We have listened and we have accepted, and kindly listen and pay us attention" indeed that would have been much better for them and more appropriate and sustainable

[Similar information in 2:88]

but Allah has discarded them as condemned and cursed because of their deliberate denial to accept, then for reason they do not accept/believe except a few. [4:46]

O you the people, whom Book was  given earlier also, you accept what We have gradually sent who/which certifies/affirms/sanctifies what is with you people [from Tor'aat and Injeel]

before We efface their faces resultantly We return [eyes, nose, mouth] on the back side of their faces

[Read 2:65;7:166]

or We discard and condemn them as We discarded and condemned those companions who violated/ transgressed in the matter of Sabbat/promise of abstaining commercial activity for a day;

[Same information in same words at end 33:37]

and [remember it] the command/decision of Allah is bound to take physical existence/get executed. [4:47]

[Replica 4:116]

[Let it be clear to all] Indeed Allah does not forgive that any partner should be ascribed/associated with Him and He may forgive anything/offence other than this for the one [of the believers] for whom He willed;

[Same pronouncement in same words 4:48;22:31; similar 5:72]

and whoever ascribes/associated partner/equal with Allah then indeed he fabricated/conjectured an extremely big lie/a dilapidating sin. [4:48]

[Prohibited in 53:32]

Have you marked the attitude of those people who elevate/sanctify their selves [by conjectural statements like-2:111;5:18]

[Similar pronouncement in 24:21]

No, the fact of the matter is that it is for Allah that he may elevate/sanctify whom He wills [on the strength of absolute knowledge about the person who observed Taqwa-53:32]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 17:71;similar 4:77;explained by 4:40,124;10:44;19:60]

and they will not meet minutest injustice [even to the minimum possible which you could visualize] even equivalent to thin spot on date-stone slit/atom/tiniest. [4:49]

Look at them how they fabricate/concoct falsehood upon Allah,

and this is quite sufficient an evident/manifest dilapidating sin [for criminal cognizance and sentence]. [4:50]

