Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           



















































































  • And know a fact of the same period when the Angels addressed: "O Maryam;

  • Be informed that Allah the Exalted has specially selected you for a distinct recognition; and has caused you to remain in state of "purity".

  • And He the Exalted has specially selected you over the women of the worlds-human race.


  • O Maryam! you stand exclusively for your Sustainer Lord and prostrate [in your seclusions]. And you bow along with those who bow (in Ass-sa'laat) [3:43]

[Same information in same words in 12:102]

O you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], these are from the news of the past/facts not in your sight/vision which We are communicating to you;

 [these are unseen] since/and you were not present amongst them when they were casting lots by throwing their [old fashioned made from feather shaft] pens to decide who of them should be the guardian of Maryam; nor earlier were you with them when they were arguing amongst themselves for taking responsibility/guardianship of Maryam. [3:44]

[reverting from parenthetic, continuing their talk with Maryam] When Angels told this to Maryam,

"O Maryam! indeed Allah gives you the good news of the son named Meseiha, Easa son of Maryam, with this word/promise from Him that

  he will be respectable and honorable [unlike other children whose fathers are not known to people] in this world and the Hereafter, and he will be amongst the near-ones of Allah; [3:45] 

[This is reminded on Day of Judgment-5:110]

and  His word/promise is that he will talk to people in cradle and in the state of old age  [in between and , both qualifier of age, is that shows the news of continuity of life on earth till old age of her son yet to born. The veracity and sanctity of a news is established only when it is proved to the person whom news was given. She saw both these news turning into reality. This has been reminded  on the Day of Judgment as grace/favour upon his mother Syeda Maryam 5:110, it could be grace upon her only because she witnessed both things happening in her life]

and he will be amongst the righteous people"; [3:46]

[her this exquisiteness more explicitly in 19:20]

She [interrupting them, under her knowledge/perception of cause and effect phenomenon] reacted/ said, "O my Sustainer Lord! [what strange are they talking] How for me could be a son when till now no man has touched me?"

  One told her, "you to have a son without having been touched by a man is because, Maryam, Allah creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed;

[exactly same information in same words in 2:117;19:35;40:68]

  Be informed that whenever He, the Exalted finalizes/decides about any matter/thing, thereat/sequel to it, He merely orders for that thing/matter, "you become evident/come into existence", whereby/resultantly that thing/matter gets physical execution/appearance/emergence/existence. [becomes known-cognizable by others]. [3:47]

 [Continuing their message, the angels added] "And He will give him the knowledge of the Book and wisdom, and the Tor'at and the In'jeel, [3:48]

and He will appoint him as Messenger to the posterity of Israel"

[Reiterated in 3:50]

 [On attaining manly maturity and appointed Allah's Messenger, Easa son of Maryam addressed Bani Iesraa'eel] "Indeed I have come to you people along with evident/distinct/tangible evidence from your Sustainer Lord;

[Read 5:110]

that I cast/sculpt bird-like for/before you people from clay, then for reason of Allah's will on my blowing therein, it becomes living bird, [read in conjunction 5:110]

[Read with 5:110]

 and with Allah's will I heal those suffering from blindness and vitiligo and restore to life the naturally/clinically dead.

And I will tell you what you have eaten and what you left at homes.

[Exactly same pronouncement in 2:248]

Indeed in it is a vivid evidence/unprecedented sign/demonstration for you

[Same words at end of 2:93,248,278;3:139,175;5:23,57,112;7:85;8:01;9:13;24:17;57:08]

 if you people are truly the believers, [3:49]

[Same statement in same words in 61:06]

And I am affirmer/certifier/sanctifier of what is before me [sent earlier] out of Tor'aat;

[About prohibition 4:160;6:146]

and I have come to declare from that permissible which had been made prohibited for you;

[also stated in 3:49]

and I have come to you people along with evident/distinct/tangible evidence from your Sustainer Lord.

[Same demand in same words in 43:63; by other Messengers  26:108,110,126,131,144,150,163,179]

      For this reason you people be mindful/cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word. [3:50]

[His same statement in same words in 19:36; similar in 5:72; 43:64]

Indeed Allah is my Sustainer-Lord and your Sustainer Lord, therefore be subservient to Him alone,

[His statement in same words in 19:36;43:64]-also at 36:61;43:61

   this is the Path that keeps leading safely and straight to the destination of peace and tranquility" [3:51]


3:33-41                     List of Articles in English        Urdu Books