Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           



















































































  • Indeed, Allah the Exalted had granted distinction and elevated stature to Adam [alai'his'slaam], and Noah [alai'his'slaam];

  • And to the family of Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] and the family of Imr'aan; [Allah is pleased with him]

  • Upon contemporaries of the universes. [3:33]

  • Those families were the progeny; some of them were the offspring of some other.

  • Be mindful, Allah the Exalted is eternally the Listener, One and the Only Who Knows absolutely and infinitely. [3:34]

  • Know the history: When the wife of Imr'aan said:

  • "My Sustainer Lord! I have dedicated him, whom I am carrying in my belly, exclusively devoted for You the Exalted. Therefore, kindly accept him in dedication from me.

  • The fact remains that You the Exalted are certainly the Ever Listener, eternally and absolutely the Knowledgeable." [3:35]

  • [contrary to her expectation of male child] Thereat, when she delivered that pregnancy, she said: "My Sustainer Lord! I have delivered the pregnancy but she is a girl".

  • And Allah the Exalted best knew about her that she had delivered.

  • And in any case the male is never like the female.

  • [reverting from parenthetic, she had further said] "And I have named her Maryem,

  • And I seek Your refuge for her and her progeny from the accursed Shai'atan [Satan]" [3:36]

  • Thereupon, her Sustainer Lord granted her a pleasant acceptance.

  • And He the Exalted caused her rearing, in the style and manner of nicely reared plants.

  • And Zakaria [alai'his'slaam] took the responsibility of her guardianship.

  • Whenever Zakaria [alai'his'slaam] had entered the sanctuary to meet her, he had always found by her side some eatables.

  • [one day] He asked; "O Maryam! how and from where this sustenance comes for you?"

  • She replied: "That is supplied by the grace of Allah the Exalted.

  • Indeed, Allah the Exalted provides sustenance for whomever He decides, without reckoning and causality." [3:37]

  • [Maryem's reply clicked a reality against causality phenomenon] On hearing Maryam's reply, Zakaria [alai'his'slaam] there and then prayed to His Sustainer Lord.

  • He said, "My Sustainer Lord! grant me from Your grace a nice beneficial offspring.

  • Indeed, You the Exalted are always the listener of the prayer". [3:38]

  • His prayer was accepted whereby the Angels called upon him: Zakaria [alai'his'slaam], while he was standing for performing As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Rite demonstrating Servitude and allegiance, in the Secluded Chamber;

  • "Indeed, Allah the Exalted congratulates you with good news of Yahya.

  •  He will be affirmer of this word/promise of Allah the Exalted conveyed to you.

  • And he will be honoured as distinguished dignitary and encircled by people in attendance, and at birth would be Elevated-Chosen Servant [Nabi] amongst the righteous". [3:39]

  • He [Zakaria alai'his'slaam] said: "My Sustainer Lord! I am curious to know as to how a son will take existence for me in circumstances: When the old age has already overtaken me to its extremity; and my wife is infertile?"

  • He the Exalted conveyed; "Exactly that will happen as told. Allah the Exalted innovatively performs and executes that, whatever He decides." [3:40] 

  • Zakaria [alai'his'slaam] said: "My Sustainer Lord! For occasion of this disclose-appoint for me some mark of cognition".

  • He the Exalted conveyed him: "Your cognition mark is that you might not be able to verbally communicate with the people for three complete days [day and night, without being dumb-19:10], except by mime - gesture-language.

  • And you remember Allah the Exalted, excessively - most of the time.

  • And repetitively describe the praises of Allah the Exalted at dusk and dawn". [3:41]


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