

Indeed, Allah the
Exalted had granted distinction and elevated stature to Adam
[alai'his'slaam], and Noah
And to the family of
Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] and
the family of Imr'aan; [Allah is pleased
with him]
Upon contemporaries
of the universes. [3:33]
Those families were
the progeny; some of them were the offspring of
some other.
Be mindful, Allah
the Exalted is eternally the Listener, One and the Only Who Knows
absolutely and infinitely. [3:34]


Know the
history: When the wife of Imr'aan
"My Sustainer Lord! I have
dedicated him,
whom I am carrying in my belly, exclusively
devoted for You the
Exalted. Therefore,
kindly accept him in dedication from me.
The fact remains that You the
Exalted are certainly the Ever Listener, eternally and absolutely
the Knowledgeable." [3:35]
[contrary to her expectation of male child]
Thereat, when she delivered that pregnancy, she said: "My Sustainer Lord! I have
delivered the pregnancy but she is a girl".
And Allah the Exalted
best knew about her that she had delivered.
And in any case the
male is never like the female.
[reverting from parenthetic, she
had further said] "And I have named her Maryem,
And I seek Your refuge for her and
her progeny from the
accursed Shai'atan [Satan]" [3:36]

Thereupon, her Sustainer Lord granted her a
pleasant acceptance.
And He the Exalted caused her rearing, in
the style and manner of nicely reared plants.
And Zakaria
[alai'his'slaam] took the responsibility of
her guardianship.
Whenever Zakaria
had entered the sanctuary to meet her, he had always found by her side some
[one day] He asked;
"O Maryam! how and from
where this sustenance comes for you?"
She replied: "That is supplied by the grace of Allah
the Exalted.
Indeed, Allah the Exalted provides sustenance
whomever He decides, without reckoning and causality." [3:37]

[Maryem's reply clicked a reality against
causality phenomenon] On hearing
Maryam's reply, Zakaria
there and then
prayed to His Sustainer Lord.
He said, "My Sustainer Lord! grant me from Your
grace a nice beneficial offspring.
Indeed, You the Exalted are always the listener
of the prayer".

His prayer was
accepted whereby the
Angels called upon him: Zakaria
while he was standing for performing
As-sa'laat: Time
Bound Formal Rite demonstrating Servitude and allegiance, in the
Secluded Chamber;
"Indeed, Allah the Exalted
congratulates you with good news of Yahya.
He will be affirmer of this
word/promise of Allah the Exalted conveyed to you.
And he will be
honoured as distinguished
dignitary and encircled by people in attendance, and at birth would be Elevated-Chosen
Servant [Nabi]
amongst the righteous".

He [Zakaria
said: "My
Sustainer Lord! I am curious to know as to how a son will take existence for me
in circumstances: When the old age has already overtaken me to its extremity; and
wife is infertile?"
He the Exalted
conveyed; "Exactly that will happen as told. Allah the Exalted
innovatively performs and executes that, whatever He decides." [3:40]

said: "My Sustainer Lord! For occasion of this
disclose-appoint for me some mark of cognition".
He the Exalted conveyed him: "Your
cognition mark is that you might not be able to verbally communicate
with the people for three complete days [day and night,
without being dumb-19:10],
except by mime - gesture-language.
And you remember Allah the Exalted, excessively
- most of the time.
And repetitively
describe the praises of
Allah the Exalted at dusk and dawn".


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