Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          









































































































































[Same information in 26:52]

And certainly We had communicated to Musa  [علیہ السلام in Egypt]

[Same information in 26:52;44:23]

that, "You/Musa travel by night with my servants;

thereupon/for reason on reaching Gulf of Suez [and because of chase by enemy-26:52] you emerge/make visible for them/accompanying people a passage in the Gulf, the dried up [skeleton-Fringing reef].


Neither you will apprehend the possibility of being overtaken nor any other unpleasant eventuality" [20:77]

For reason [having seen them safely crossed over to other side on floating dried bridge] Fir'aoun/Pharaoh physically followed their footsteps along with his troops;


thereby/for reason [of collapse of bridge by resonance effect of soldiers walk] that drowned them in the Gulf of Suez what [the disintegrated heavy skeleton] drowned them. [20:78]

And Fir'aoun/Pharaoh made his nation neglectful/strayed and he did not guide them. [20:79]

[they were addressed] "O you the posterity of Israel! We have in the recent past delivered/rescued you from your enemy

and We have appointed for you a period [of asylum] on the right side of At-Tur [Mount in Sinai];


  and We have sent to you the al-Munna and As-salwa [excellent food]." [20:80] [in frame of reference today it reflects to the reader; O you the posterity of Israel! Indeed in the past We delivered/rescued you from your enemy and We had appointed for you a period of asylum on the right side of At-Tur [Mount in Sinai] and We kept sending  you the al-Munna and As-Salwa [during your stay at the right side of At-Tur till you complained that you cannot endure one kind of food-2:61].". This is the superiority of Arabic of Grand Qur'aan  that these words conveyed an exact fact to the original addresses who were physically rescued at that time, and the same words today are making us perceive unambiguously the fact of past. Each and every word of Grand Qur'aan is a proven fact for every listener and reader, irrespective of time and space he lived in.]

[Same words in 2:57,172; 7:160]

[your forefathers were told] "You people eat from "tayyi'baate" [nutrient, nourishing things] that We have given to you as sustenance.

and you people do not brim out in this matter otherwise/in that case it will become incumbent against you My cognizance/seizing/arresting you.


And the one upon whom My cognizance/seizing becomes incumbent then resultantly indeed he is ruined. [20:81]

[Similar pronouncement in 19:60;25:70,71;28:67]

And indeed I am certainly forgiving for the one who recognized/repented [his earlier conduct] and accepted/believed and conducted perfectly and thereafter pursued guidance/remained guided". [20:82]

[Read with 7:142]

[When Musa علیہ السلام arrived earlier than the appointed date, he was asked]  "And what made you hasten to leave your nation, O Musa" [20:83]

He [confidently] replied, "They are exactly following my way and I hastened towards You, my Sustainer Lord, so that You appreciate and approve" [20:84]

He told him, "For reason indeed We have let put your nation in trial after your departure since Samri has made them neglectfully straying" [20:85]

[Same information in 7:150]

Then because of this frustrating information Musa [alai'his'slaam] returned to his nation in the grip/heightened feeling of anger/heavy heartedness.

Musa [علیہ السلام] questioned them, "O my nation! did your Sustainer Lord not promise you people an excellently appropriate promise.

Is it for reason that it seemed to you people a long period lapsed for actualization of promise;

or you people intended that the cognizance/seizure from your Sustainer Lord becomes incumbent upon you,


for which reason/thereby you people betrayed my promise" [20:86]

They/a group of people said: "We did not break the promise with you by our own will and accord.

But actually we were made to carry metallic jewelry ornaments of  people,


for reason/on demand of people we laid them off, this was because Saamri suggested it. [20:87]

Thereupon having taken the metallic jewelry he brought/sculpted out for them a calf like object that produced sound;


 whereupon they/Samri and owners of ornaments said to us “This is iela'aha of you people and iela'aha of Musa [علیہ السلام] but he has forgotten!" [20:88] [They did not name Haroon علیہ السلام who was present there, their cleverness]

[Similar pointing  in 7:148]

[they were confronted with evident realities/matters of simple common sense] "Could they not see that it could not return them a word in the manner of speech


and that neither the sculpted calf possesses for them any power/capacity for harming and nor benefiting" [20:89]

[And as for their other excuse] And indeed Haroon [علیہ السلام] had earlier told them, "O my nation! You people are indeed put into liquefying trial by this/assertion;


and undoubtedly your Sustainer Lord is Ar'Reh'maan, therefore you people follow me in letter and spirit and you people wholeheartedly accept my command" [20:90]

They replied, "We will never cease sitting around it until Musa [علیہ السلام] returns to us" [20:91]

Musa [علیہ السلام] asked [interrogatively], "O Haroon! What hindered you when you saw them that they have neglectfully strayed [20:92]

that you should not physically follow me [stopping them from wrong], is it for reason that you did not accept my word/command?" [20:93]

[Same information in 7:150]

He said, "O my mother born! do not keep holding my beard and nor my neck;

I was just apprehensive that you might not allege that I have created a division amongst Bani Iesraa'eel


and that I did not wait for your word" [20:94]

Musa [علیہ السلام] asked [interrogatively] "What was your intention/affair, O Samri" [20:95]

He replied [evasively, meaninglessly], "I visualized what they did not visualize/perceive about, whereby I took a handful dust from the track of the Messenger and thereupon I threw it.


And this is what fascinated to me my inner self". [20:96]

Musa [علیہ السلام] ordered, [since his reply was void of any defensive argument and was evasive/meaningless assertion, there was no need to rebut it before announcing punishment] "Hence you get away. Thereupon indeed for you the punishment in this worldly life is that you will say, "There is no mutual touching/coming near";

and indeed for you is an appointed time, you will not betray that.

And you look at your iela'aha the one upon whom you have shaded by sitting around it/as devotee.


Indeed we will certainly wear it extensively with file/calcining, thereafter we will certainly scatter it in the sea as dust particles/powder".. [20:97]

Indeed the only Iela'aha of you people is Allah, The Singular One, there is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone.;


He has the knowledge expanding limitlessly beyond each and every existing thing. [20:98]

