: The Fasting

 The act and state of abstinence of activity relating to food intake and genitalia


It is a known fact that the tradition of fasting as a religious obligation as well as therapeutic fasting is in practice for thousands upon thousands of years of human history. But in Islam it is described by the word: : It is a Verbal Noun of verbs صَامَ-يَصُومُ. A verbal noun signifies an act and a state without time reference. Its Root is " ص و م". Ibn Faris [died 1005], renowned lexicographer stated:

صوم (مقاييس اللغة)

الصاد والواو والميم أصلٌ يدلُّ على إِمساكٍ وركودٍ في مكان.

That it leads to the perception of abstinence, and stasis-stagnancy at home.

Fasting is the act and state of abstinence of activity relating to food intake and genitalia. Below is a list of subjects around fasting:

Perception and meanings of:  fasting:

1 : The month of Ramadan is selected for: Reason of its exaltation

2. : Abstinence of activities relating to sex and food intake from true dawn to Sunset.


Objective for fasting:

1. : So that you people might exercise consciousness and avoid conduct inspired and governed by emotion in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.

    (a) Control and exercise of will-authority over body parts: stimulators of all acts; and his executing brains;

    (b) Socialization with his Creator and the Sustainer Lord, and fellow humans and environment.

2. Permission to adjourn for observing later on.

3. Prohibition when devoting in reclusion in the Mosques.

4. Prescribed for absolving responsibility or omissions.


Allah the Exalted has informed:

The : act of abstaining and state of abstinence is ordained during the days of the lunar month Ramadan:

The distinction and exalted characteristic of the solar month of Ramadan is emphasized. It is the month during which the Grand Qur'aan was: : compositely descended. It is Form-IV Passive Verb from مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ Verbal noun. The perception and meanings infolded in this Verbal Noun is the act of causing the descent of something all at once, if it is a compact/solid/compounded/bound unit, or as a mass-transfer in one span of running time. This verb/verbal noun is not used to refer to descent of something in piecemeal; in different and various intervals of time. It refers only to causing flash-descent of something from high-up downwards.

Grand Qur'aan is described by an epithet: self illuminating Visible Light; guarantor and sustainer of life:

This fact further highlights the exalted characteristic feature of the month of Ramadan. Its exaltation is secreted in this fact:


The news broken in the Qur'aan is that its descent to lowly world accompanied the descent of Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam as The Authenticating Accomplisher of those who are declared Chosen, Dignified and Exalted Sincere Allegiants of Allah the Exalted***. The self illuminating visible light; the self illuminating book is descended along with :  Figure of Unique Prominence with characteristic feature of reflector of Visible Light: illuminator and sustainer of the Life.

What was the day of Ramadan when Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam as:  and :  Figure of Unique Prominence with characteristic feature of reflector of Visible Light: illuminator and sustainer of the Life; along with the Grand Qur'aan were made to physically appear the physical realm of the lowly world? Allah the Exalted, the truthful historian and biographer of the life of Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, informs us:

It is the blessed night. It is the night when "the mercy" was personified and brought to the knowledge and vision of the physical realm:

The exalted night of the descent of: The Authenticating Accomplisher of the galaxy of those who are Chosen, Dignified and Exalted Sincere Allegiants of Allah the Exalted; :  Figure of Unique Prominence with characteristic feature of reflector of Visible Light: illuminator and sustainer of the Life; and : the mercy personified apparent for the known worlds; along with is portrayed as:

[Read with 44:04]


This being the exaltation and the honour bestowed upon the month of Ramadan, it is advised that whoever finds this month in his life span he should observe it by act and state signified by the verbal noun : abstaining and state of abstinence:

The : act of abstaining and state of abstinence is ordained in respect of sexual activity and intake of food and drinks during the prescribed hours: true dawn to sunset of the days of the lunar month Ramadan:

Sexual activity with the wives is allowed during the nights of the month of Ramadan. The night begins with the sunset. This is not the permitted time for privacies with the wife during other eleven months of the year. In those months the appointed time is after the Formal Prayer of darkened Night:

The permission for sexual engagement with wife during the nights of Ramadan is shortened in time length because its night ends at true dawn. This seems compensated by not prescribing the condition of "after the Formal Prayer of darkened Night". It is allowed till:

Firstly please note that Ayah 2:187 is one of: Verbal passages that incorporate injunctions and instructions for aright conduct in time and space. Such verbal passages are self evident by the use of imperative-command verbs. The commands are issued by using such words which are conveniently understandable by the majority that comprises of people of ordinary prudence. However, the par excellence structuring of sentences embeds delicacies of sciences that the creator Allah the Exalted has set in the Universe.

The theme of Ayah is the sex and eating related activities during specific time location [مفعول فيه]locative time adverb is: : the night of days of fasting.

It is ordered to undertake these activities during the flow of night towards a specific point in time when these activities must be terminated. The terminal point of time in the flow of night towards unfolding of the day is: : This is the subordinate clause of the preceding verbs. Particle: broadly functions as Preposition meaning "until", "to the point of", "up to", "as for as". It either precedes a noun or a sentence. The subjunctive verb occurs only in subordinate clauses. It indicates an act which is dependant upon that mentioned in the previous clause, and future to it in point of time. The verb: is third person, singular, masculine, mood subjunctive of form-V to which reflexive causative meanings are associated. Its subject is: : the horizontal line which is characteristically white - luminous. The action that it may do is for the benefit of: for you people.

The verb: signifies the rendering of the subject to become distinguishable and perceptible as distinct from something else in its surroundings or background for an observer. Here: becomes distinguishable: from the horizontal line which is characteristically black - dark - obscure.

The subject of verb: is from Root:  خ ى ط. Ibn Faris [died-1005] stated that it leads to the perception of stretching, lengthening a thing thinly. And that this stretching, expansion is not vertical, erect. And that it is well known, a needle. Thus the adjectival phrase: excludes the vertical feature from its semantic ambit.

The basic requirement of command expressions is that it must be explicit for the common people to perceive the intended meanings. The choice of word: excludes atmospheric optical phenomenon in the form of a vertical band of light which appears to extend above and/or below a light source which is termed as Light Pillar. A column of light can become visible in atmosphere. Its source can either by Sun when it is near or below the horizon or it could be caused by the Moon. This phenomenon is caused by interaction of light with ice crystals in the atmosphere.

The point is further clarified by the addition of circumstantial clause for the subject of verb by prepositional phrase: that it is emerging horizontally from the "unfolding of the day - daybreak". The definite verbal/noun of action: is from Root:  ف ج ر. Ibn Faris [died-1005] stated that it signifies the state of blossoming, efflorescence, blooming, unfolding of an object,  and from it is: الفَجْر the daybreak which is: انفِجار الظُّلمة عن الصُّبح rupturing of darkness caused by true dawn.

This is the exact point in time when general outlines of ground objects become distinguishable but the detailed outdoor operations are not yet possible, and the horizon is indistinct. This state happens when the geometric centre of Sun is 12 degree below the horizon, and from scientific perspective it is called Nautical Twilight. Immediately before this position of Sun at 12 degree below the horizon, a casual observer would consider the entire sky already fully dark.

When the Sun ascends from 12 degree below the horizon to 8.5 degree below the horizon, it provides the same level of illumination on the surface of the Earth as a full Moon directly overhead.

The time when Sun is at 12 degree below the horizon is the specific moment of the start of the Fasting and . All the time tables in circulation in Pakistan are patently incorrect which show the start time which matches with the time prevalent when the geometrical centre of Sun is 18 degree below the horizon.

From this point onwards the daybreak continues warping upon night: until the daybreak - Sun emerges on the horizon.


Grand Qur'aan has sub-divided the night in different measures as it sets-in at Sunset and marches towards Sunrise. A short span of time of night immediately before true dawn is termed as:

Afterwards it did happen:

Words: and are used in synonymous meanings signifying true dawn with reference to eastern side and rising state of the Sun.

The cut-part from the night is in between the night and: the dawn that emerges and is start of daybreak. What is the specific name of this part?

 سَحَرٌ : It is a part segmented from the night on the brim of which is: the dawn. This word is derived from Root: س ح ر and like its basic signification of illusion and turning a thing from one manner to another manner, the time of سَحَرٌ  is also short lived. It can cause optic illusion of dawn because of the presence of zodiacal light-astronomical twilight up in the sky. This begins when the Sun is 18 degree below the horizon and persists for the time it reaches 12 degree below horizon when: occurs and life starts thriving. 

Most plants initiate the process of photosynthesis at true dawn and take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen in the atmosphere.

Mostly the time the سَحَرٌ (also termed by most as: صبح كاذب false dawn) remains is about 34 minutes. Its short span is also understood from the advice given to Luet alai'his'slaam and his companions while leaving the city at: سَحَرٌ not to look back because a horribly disturbing scene was about to appear: when they would not have gone much far off from the city.

The chart shows the night, سَحَرٌ , , and :


Objective for fasting:

1. Objective: : So that you people might exercise self consciousness and avoid conduct inspired and governed by emotion in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.

Much is said and known since the days of Aristotle and Plutarch about the advantages of fasting for health. But the objective of prescribing : the Fasting, laid down in Qur'aan is:

All our desires and acts are motivated for satisfying three areas of the body: chest; belly, and pelvic area. The appetites of belly and pelvic area a natural phenomena and can also be triggered involuntarily by external stimuli and man can become victim of sudden incontrollable emotional surge. Volitional and conscious suspension of satiating the desires of belly and pelvic area during the day time of the month of Ramadan is an exercise to develop ability of holding firm control over these urges. This exercise will help develop the ability to hold back or run away in an urging situation to avoid an act which is inspired and governed by emotion.

A man at a given point in time is in either of the two frames [no third frame]:

1. He is governing his chest, belly and genitalia; or.
2. He is governed by his chest, belly and/or genitalia.

In the first frame the man is using his Logical brain: Prefrontal cortex. Thereat, he truly depicts his status and appointment as:: self-governor enjoying freedom, discretion and executive authority of will of self rule. But when he wishes not to govern his brains and body parts he surrenders himself to the disposal of either Emotional brain or Stem-Survival-reptilian brain; he is in the second frame: a slave and host of desires and lusts of belly and pelvic area.

: It is a Form-VIII Verb. Its characteristic feature is reflexive connotation. Its Subjects are described by Active Participle . Its Root is "و ق ى". This signifies those people who preserve, or guard themselves exceedingly, or extraordinarily from that which would harm them in future. These are the people who conduct their selves by referring to and remaining within the framework prescribed and advised in the Book: Grand Qur'aan. 

They follow the protocol of socialization with their Creator and fellow human beings and environment as prescribed in the Book. Some of their characteristics are:

: The fasting in the exalted month of Ramadan is prescribed for the claimants of belief to become : those who attain the aforementioned qualitative characteristics. Therefore, we must evaluate ourselves during this Ramadan whether we observe or merely remain hungry for some hours of the day.

2. Permission to adjourn for observing later on.

It is basic principle of law that in respect of do's and don'ts, exception or deferment needs to be indicated for impracticability. The following is provided:


The facility of deferment is inscribed for those who are suffering from sickness or are embarking upon a journey. A condition is however imposed if someone who can bear a little ailment or can conveniently fast during a journey he is asked to feed a destitute, though preference should be given to fasting. An ailment can be without detriment. And a journey towards north would shorten the time duration of fasting time. The discretion is left to the individual.

3. Prohibition when devoting in reclusion in the Mosques.

Permission is accorded for maintaining intimate matrimonial linkage with the wives during the night - from sunset to dawn. But it is prohibited when a man has opted to devote in reclusion in the Mosques:

Intimate matrimonial relationship is allowed and can be established only in the privacy of the bed room of the house after imposing restriction on all members of family at three occasions of day and night. It thus indicates that while being in reclusion in the Mosques the visit to home for attending to urgent needs of wife is not prohibited except indulging in matrimonial intimate contact.

4. Prescribed for absolving responsibility or omissions.

A non-resident of Mecca on visit for Uem'raa who intends to extend his stay to perform Hajj is directed:

In case of inadvertent, unintentional murder, the doer is required to free a believing slave house servant. In case of impracticability to abide by it:

Solemnly contracted-sworn pledges-promises-oaths are required to be fulfilled. Their breach is an offense. Expiation-absolving one's self is prescribed. However, he who suffers financial impracticability is required:


Hunting and slaughtering the mammals is prohibited while one is on pilgrimage journey to perform. Whoever violates, expiation is imposed:

There are people who at times consciously alienate themselves to avoid matrimonial relation with their wives by orally declaring and sanctifying them as their mothers and thereafter they retract from that which they had said. Expiation is prescribed to free a slave house servant. If he is not the master, alternative is:

It may be appreciated that all the acts for which expiation to absolve the guilt are prescribed are manifestations of lacking cautiousness and acting under the influence, and inspired by emotion or neglectfulness. This is not becoming of . Therefore, the expiation in case of financial impracticability, fasting is prescribed which helps people become or revive state of : the self cautious people who avoid conduct inspired by emotions in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.

The Protocol of : The fasting in the exalted month of Ramadan prescribed for the believers is of utmost importance since its sole objective is to render them : the self cautious people. How important is the Protocol can be judged from the fact that the Paradise is exclusively the abode reserved for them:

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