The Authenticating Accomplisher of
those who are declared Chosen, Dignified and Exalted Sincere Allegiants of Allah the Exalted.
This phrase of the
Miscellany of Grand Qur'aan is one of the favorites of Psychological
manipulators who have in their hearts the self nurtured disease of
animosity, jealousy, bias, envy, and aversion against the Person of the
Leader of Humanity, the Messenger and Personification of the Infinite
Mercy of Allah the Exalted. He is the great of created realm-Muhammad
He is the Unique-the one in
the created realm for whom reverence and praises continue uninterrupted
in timeline. This
causes irk and lets such Psychological Manipulators advance in
compounding their disease. There is no dearth of people of such psyche in
the world as well as within believing societies; whom Allah the Exalted
has given a specific name "Muna'fi'qeen",
who kept spreading
about otherwise one of the simplest and semantically conspicuous
Possessive Phrase used in the Grand Qur'aan. Thereafter, the plagiarists
in believing societies further spread it.

Know it that Muhammad
is not the father of a single dead or alive Men-males
of strengthen maturity of you people.
But to put the
record straight, Muhammad
has become the
Messenger of Allah the Exalted for you people.
And Muhammad
is the Authenticating Accomplisher of
those who are declared Chosen, Dignified and Elevated Sincere Allegiants of Allah the Exalted.
Be aware that Allah the Exalted is absolutely knowledgeable of all
aspects of each and all that exists.

The sentence is [الجملة
continuation of the discourse, but not linked with previous sentence
introducing information about a different subject.
Deficient; Perfect; third person; singular; masculine.
Defective-Incomplete verbs are coined to affirm a subject's description
being other than the description of its Masdar-Verbal Noun. Defective
verbs are entered upon the subject and the predicate. It gives the
nominative state to the first as its noun and it gives accusative state
to the second as its predicate.
When used for sentential abrogation, it signifies the meanings of "to
become", where the predication of the sentence still holds true and
continues to hold true.
[Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] Proper
Noun: Masculine; nominative. It is the Subject Noun of deficient

It is a Possessive Phrase: It is the Predicate of
deficient Verb, meaning "father of a single one".
This Prepositional Phrase coupled with a
Possessive Phrase, constituting a single grammatical entity, relates to
the elided adjective [متعلقان بمحذوف صفة لأحد]
denoting any man who lived or is living amongst
the Men of you people.
signifies only Men who have attained strengthen maturity. Therefore, it
does not say that he did not have male progeny, but only that his son
did not survive to the age of becoming a Man. Possessive Pronoun, second
person, plural, masculine includes entire humanity from the point in
time of its first address to its last reader.

It is a particle that
initiates-commences a new sentence when coupled with conjunction
and acts as rectifying particle. The reality about
is that he is the
Messenger of Allah the Exalted for the peoples.

: This conjunction particle links the Possessive
Phrase with the preceding phrase:

for which reason, and as is evident from
Active Participle:
that it is in accusative case.
Possessive Phrase creates and signifies
an association, relationship between two Nouns. "Principle of
association" is the basic objective for clubbing two nouns to make a
It is a definite, singular, masculine
Active Participle
in accusative case.
If the Active Participle signifies the meaning of past tense, Possessive
Phrase is
required, as is the case here

resembling participle derived from Verbal Noun نَبْوَةٌ and
نَبَاوَةٌ: Definite; Sound Plural; Masculine; genitive;
on the measure "فَعِيلٌ".

This phrase was translated, by
George Sale,
the first English translator of Qur'aan,
published in 1734;
"the seal of the prophets".
That day onwards we find the same phrase
repeated by the translators.
Others, who rely upon classical
exegeses like Ibn Kathir [تفسير ابن كثير],
reproduce his statement as: "the
Last of the prophets".
English noun phrase
"the seal of the prophets"
renders first definite active participle
as if it were a substantive noun "the
Both in English and Arabic, a substantive noun signifies what is
ordinarily called substance. Other objects of our thoughts are the
manner or modifications of things what is called accidents. As noun
the word "seal" signifies in English language:
a. A die or signet having a raised or incised emblem used
to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or
b. The impression so made.
c. The design or emblem itself,
belonging exclusively to the user:
a monarch's
d. A small disk or wafer of wax, lead, or paper bearing
such an imprint and affixed to a document to prove authenticity
or to secure it.
2. Something, such as a commercial
hallmark, that authenticates, confirms, or attests.
3. A substance, especially an adhesive
agent such as wax or putty, used to close or secure something or to
prevent seepage of moisture or air.
4. A device that joins two systems or elements in such a way
as to prevent leakage.
a. An airtight closure.
b. A closure, as on a package, used to prove that the
contents have not been tampered with.
6. A small decorative paper sticker.
Do I still need to
say that translating Arabic Possessive Phrase:

English phrase "the
seal of the prophets" was
erroneous to say the least!
Before we continue on this Phrase, let
me quote from Classical Lexicons the perception and meanings
infolded in Root:
"خ ت م",
and then from the Qur'aan to bring home the point that Qur'aan
itself is the best lexicon for its words, and there is nothing
perplexing understanding its semantics.
Learned Ibn Faris [died-1005] described the
perception infolded in the Root as under:
الخاء والتاء والميم أصلٌ واحد،
وهو بُلوغ آخِرِ الشّيء. يقال
خَتَمْتُ العَمَل،
وخَتم القارئ السُّورة.
الخَتْم، وهو الطَّبع على الشَّيء، فذلك من الباب
أيضاً؛ لأنّ الطَّبْع على الشيءِ لا يكون إلاّ بعد بلوغ
آخِرِه، في الأحراز
That the
basic perception conveyed is that of crossing over the tail end of a
thing; it means to conclude, end, close or finish a performance. It
denotes sealing an object at the point of entry and exit after accomplishment of job in such manner that nothing can enter therein,
or spill over.
Lane's Lexicon says that it means to reach the end of a thing; and it is
contra of inauguration; sealing, putting an impression or signet upon a
thing in consideration of protection.
Grand Qur'aan
itself is the Superb Lexicon since it exposes the meanings of its
important words by using it in different semantic fields whereby one
can perceive all its dimensions relating to substance as well
accident including metaphorical aspect.

They will be served exquisitely matured wine to
it is securely sealed. [83:25]
[masculine-positively charged wine]
seal is securely withholding it.
Therefore, those who have passion for
exquisite wine should ambitiously aspire to be its recipients. [83:26]
And its blending and temperament is
This is the scene
of a group of people in wait for escort to the
Paradise on the Day of Judgment. They are served exquisitely matured
wine. As is the Active Participle:
a Passive Participle is also from
Verbal Noun; خَتَمَ-يَخْتَمُ
Verb of Root "خ
ت م". Let us not be lost in the
aroma of this super wine; it is a long journey to get it; but move
on with our study. Verbal Noun of these Participles also
finds mention
A verbal noun denotes an action or a state. Sealed bottle of
wine prevents its leakage, spill over holding it securely in the bottle.
How simple and
straight forward is the perception conveyed by Root
"خ ت م", please
see it:

That Day
We will gag their mouths; and their hands will speak to Us;
And their
respective Feet
will testify against them:
That which they people deliberately kept
performing for material gains. [36:65]
First Person; Plural; Masculine Verb in indicative mood from Root
"خ ت م".
Their mouths will be sealed-gagged
which will prevent them from speaking or crying out.
This effect of sealing is that they
will not be able to articulate an expression; whereby their
hands will verbally orate that which they people kept doing in
worldly life.

Allah the Exalted has put the epilogue-sealed the wraps upon their hearts-intellectual
consciousness and upon their faculty of listening.
And note, an obscuring veil hinders their faculties of observation.
Be mindful, a
grave torment is in wait—prepared for them
[on the Day of Resurrection]. [2:07]
: Verb:
Perfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine; active; مصدر خَتْمٌ
Verbal Noun. Allah the Exalted is the Subject of verb. The
prepositional phrase coupled with possessive phrase:

"upon the hearts of them" relates to the Verb. It signifies that the
effect of the act denoted by verb is upon their hearts. And ultimate
result is that a grave torment is in wait for them. This is their
epilogue, the detail of outcome-inevitable consequence of what they did
and earned in life. This is the concluding remark of Allah the Exalted
that He has put the epilogue upon their hearts which symbolizes with
sealing their self made wraps upon their hearts. The point in time for
sealing an object is when it has since been wrapped in some covering,
envelop. It is explained again in more simple terms:

Moreover, they said: "Our hearts are wrapped with coverings".
No, the fact of the matter is that Allah
the Exalted has discarded them as condemned and
cursed for reason of their act and persistence in refusal to accept.
Therefore, few are
amongst them who believe and will believe.
: It
is a plural noun and signifies wraps, envelops,
coverings for things. The epilogue-sealing of hearts is
reflective of an act and state of crossing over the ultimate
end-finished-accomplished stage, which is the basic perception infolded
in Root "خ ت م".
People said that their hearts are
wrapped in coverings which reflects a stage immediately prior to sealing
an object signified by verb:
Their statement was contradicted by disclosing that their
wrapped state has crossed over to the extreme stage of sealing. This is
described by:

"Allah the Exalted has discarded
them as condemned and cursed".
This is crossing the extreme end,
and point of no return in any association.
And the cause of this
permanent condemnation is:
because of
their act and persistence in refusal to accept. Grand Qur'aan also uses
rotational technique to highlight meaning and perception of concepts by
using synonymous words about the same subject with different sentence

Thereby, subsequent
their deliberate breach of the solemn pledge-covenant of them;
And their deliberate denial
of the Aa'ya'at: unprecedented displays and verbal passages of Allah the
And for their continued effort in character assassination of
the Chosen and exalted Allegiants of
Allah the Exalted
by contrary to fact slanderous and libelous
statements to distance-ill-repute them from
people's reverence;
And because of their saying:
"Our hearts are wrapped with coverings".
No, things have gone
beyond this; the fact of the matter is
that Allah the Exalted
has impressed the epilogue-sealed
the wraps upon the hearts-intellectual
consciousness. This is
for reason of their act and persistence in refusal to accept.
Thereby, barring a few amongst Jews they do not accept/believe.


is described by:

"Allah the Exalted has impressed the epilogue". And
here too the location is "hearts"-signifying intellectual
consciousness. Its reason is the same as was given earlier:
because of
their act and persistence in refusal to accept.
Once the act signified by:
is done in relation to an object, all chances and
doors stand closed for entrance as well as spill over. The hearts
subjected to an act:
are like as if they are entities locked whereby
nothing can enter therein.
Root of
is "ط ب ع".
Its perception and meanings are, "sealing, stamping, imprinting, or
impressing; impressing a
thing with the engraving of the stamp; to brand or mark".
Lane's Lexicon further quotes, "accord to Aboo-Is-hák the
طَبْعٌ and
خَتْمٌ both signify the covering over a thing,
and securing
oneself from a thing's entering it".

[why do they behave as such]
Is it for reason that they
purposely do not critically
cross-examine the miscellany of Qur'aan pursuing contiguously?
Or is it for reason that
the locks of
hearts are self locked upon their hearts? [47:24]
Sealing, closing,
wrapping, impressing the epilogue on hearts of people who deny and
persist to remain in state of non-belief is finally portrayed in
this Ayah:

I hope the perception
and meanings infolded in Root "خ ت م"
have conspicuously surfaced. Therefore, let us
revert to the topic under study.

links back to:

which as predicate links to:
who is the Subject Noun of
deficient Verb:
He was living prior to having become,
appointed and declared as the Messenger of Allah the Exalted. He was
neither father of a male of strengthen maturity prior to assuming
assignment of
the Messenger of Allah the Exalted, nor afterwards he is the father,
or grand, or grand grand father of a single Man who lived or is
living in humanity. Since the information is given using pronoun of
second person, plural, masculine that denotes all living humanity,
it is understood that he has become the Messenger of Allah the
Exalted for the entire humanity. We will discuss this subject under
the caption, "The only Universal Messenger of Allah the Exalted".
Normal course of communicating
multiple past information about a person is that; the information
relating to timeline relatively recent is conveyed first and
information relating to relatively distant past is mentioned
subsequently. Information about him for the period prior to his

is that
he was:

"The Authenticating Accomplisher of
those who were declared Chosen, Dignified and Elevated Sincere Allegiants of Allah the Exalted."
Semantics is the study
of how meaning in language is created by the use and interrelationships
of words, phrases and sentences.
Psychological Manipulators, with intention to foster misconception,
never adhere to fundamentals of semantics. They clothe certain aspects
of fact-truth with falsehood, and apply technique of "lying by
omission". This is a very subtle form of lying by withholding and
leaving out important and significant fact-truth to foster a
misconception. [ref
You might have read
hundreds of pages written by various authors discussing the subject of
"Finality of 'Prophet' ", based on this
Ayah of Qur'aan. Did you notice
therein that both words of the Phrase are never discussed and analyzed
jointly as an indivisible grammatical unit of the sentence? Did you
further notice that no one tells his audience about the meanings,
perception, and connotation inherently embedded in various types of
Nouns in Arabic, as you will just read about Active Participle and
Adjective Resembling Participle who are even otherwise at variance in
pattern with each other?
It is a definite, singular, masculine Active Participle
in accusative case.
Participles are formed from
Present Tense Active Voice Verb
according to specific rules.
Active Participle signifies the person, creature or object that
performs the action associated with the verb from which it is derived.
Participles describe or refer to entities involved in an
activity, process, or state.
Active participle
governs with the government of a verb,
if it has the
meaning of the present or future tense.
If the Active Participle signifies the meaning of past tense, Possessive
Phrase is
required, as is the case here:

One of the unique feature of an Active participle is that
it has a verbal quality. It signifies that
it has the same meaning as the Active Voice Verb and can even govern
words in the same manner as a verb governs in a sentence. Like a verb,
the pronoun of the subject will either be visible or concealed. In the
Active Participle, however, the pronoun will be considered visible
whenever the Active Participle containing the pronoun precedes a Subject
in a sentence. When the Active Participle containing a pronoun follows
the subject, the pronouns will be considered concealed. The pronoun
of active participle:
refers back to:
Active Participle also signify a person to whom
existence of a particular state or effect is attributed.
However, the attribution of a state is not understood to be
permanent in an Active Participle. Due to this peculiarity, it is also
referred as Verbal Adjective. Used as an adjective, the Active
Participle acts as descriptive term.
Functioning as predicate, Active Participles
reflect the gender of noun that they refer, here:
The meanings of an
Active Participle:
Verbal Noun; خَتَمَ-يَخْتَمُ
Verb of Root "خ ت م"
are evidently of a Person who acts as
epilogue and accomplishes, concludes, brings to the ultimate end the
action denoted by the verb from which it is derived. One who does this
act: he authenticates, legitimizes, sanctifies and affirms that about
which he has performed this act. We have earlier read the meanings of
"seal" as noun; now let us see its meanings as verb: "To
affix a seal in order to prove authenticity or attest to accuracy,
legal weight, quality, or another standard".
It is the second
Noun of Possessive Phrase. It is [الصفة
Adjective resembling participle derived from Verbal Noun نَبْوَةٌ and
نَبَاوَةٌ: Definite; Sound Plural; Masculine; genitive;
on the measure "فَعِيلٌ".
Adjective resembling participle, or termed
as Verbal Adjective,
is a noun derived from an
intransitive verb. Its pattern is
at variance with the pattern of Active Participles and Passive
Participles, it is known by usage.
Resembling participle is that noun which
indicates on the root meaning being an attribute. And this attribute is
usually perpetual or intrinsic.
The Adjective governs with the government of its verb, without
exception, with the condition of dependencies as is the case in Active
Participles. When another word is governed with
Adjective resembling participle in the
nominative state, there is no pronoun in the Adjective. When
the governed word is accusative or genitive, then there is a pronoun in the
denotes many Men who had the attribute signified by
the Verb, Verbal Noun and Root " ن ب و"
from where it is derived. The basic perception infolded in the Root,
in the words of Ibn Faris [d: 1005]:
النون والباء والحرف المعتلّ أصلٌ صحيح
يدلُّ على ارتفاعٍ في الشيء عن غَيره أو تَنحٍّ عنه
That it leads to the perception of
eminence, elevation, ascension, exaltation of something in relation
to others, or distinguished from others.
Qur'aan loudly and
affectionately pronounces their exalted stature:

It is a
certain fact that We had distinguished them as the purest and the
sincerest; exclusive example for repeated
mentioning in the World. [38:46]
And this is a
fact that they are
in Our judgment certainly the
best choice, Elite above others, they are perpetually the best. [38:47]
And you the
Iesma'eile and Al'Yas'aa and Zal-Kif'le
And they all
without exception shall remain perpetually the Best Persons. [38:48]
It is thus evident
from the Root, Verbal Noun, and the peculiar feature of the derived Noun:
that it refers to those Men who have the permanent attribute of
distinctly elevated and exalted above all others in the created realm;
dignified and distinguished from all others; the sincerest. Their par
excellence attribute is that they are the personal choice of the Creator
of all that exists, Allah the Supremely Exalted Who is pleased to
pronounce that they are for ever the best selection in the judgment of
Him the Exalted.
They constitute
exclusively a Unique Group, distinct and exalted from all members of
rational species. We are not given the exact number of Men who are the
Members of this Unique Group. However, we are informed that Allah the
Exalted has granted distinction to some Members of this Group upon its
other Members.

Can a person of
ordinary prudence think of more conspicuous distinction of a Member of
this Unique Group than him who is declared:

"The Authenticating Accomplisher of
those who are declared Chosen, Dignified and Elevated Sincere Allegiants of Allah the Exalted."?
The original
purpose of a seal, and act of sealing on accomplishment or finalization
of something is to signify completion, approval, sanctity, genuineness,
originality, and to legitimize and authenticate. Therefore, the Active
is that Man who affirms, authenticates his entire group

Take note: What they
did when a Messenger [Muhammad
about whose
arrival they had the prior information
from Allah the Exalted,
came to them as
Testifier-Affirmer-Certifier-Sanctifier-Authenticator for that which
was with them:
influential Elite-religious group; amongst the People whom the Book had
earlier been given, placed away the Book of Allah the Exalted behind
their backs-deliberately discarded the covenant written therein.
They did it
posing as if they were not aware of the dictates of the Book of
Allah the Exalted.

And they used to say among themselves:
"Should we must become deserters of our various iela'aha:
gods, deities
for a delusional poet?" [37:36]
No, they falsely slander; he is
neither possessed nor a poet, the fact is that he has come with a Miscellany of Proven-Absolute Facts: Grand
And he-Muhammad
has since verbally affirmed-authenticated all
those who were sent as Messengers to various nations in timeline. [37:37]
It is also an Active
participle used as descriptive term for adjectival portrayal of the
Messenger Muhammad
Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam. It is derived
from Verb of Form-II]; مصدر-تَصْدِيْقٌ
Verbal noun. It signifies the Man who verbally
affirms-certifies-authenticates. And the act done by him is
Verb: Perfect; Third person; Singular; Masculine;
[Form-II]; hidden pronoun refers Muhammad
and the Object of Verb are:
Men who were sent as the Messengers of Allah the Exalted to various
nations in the timeline".
All that we have
studied is succinctly and comprehensively inbuilt in the superb
Possessive Phrase

: Muhammad
is the
Authenticating Accomplisher of
those who are declared Chosen, Dignified and Exalted Sincere
Allegiants of Allah the Exalted.
We have read the
judgment of Allah the Exalted about this unique group of people that
they are perpetually the best and exalted as against all the people in
the timeline. None else did, nor will ever rise to their exaltation.

has yet another unique honor. Some of his
believers and followers stand elevated to an ascension that none in the
timeline till Last Day will equal them. They are declared as all time
great against all people who lived or are living after the Conquest of
Mecca-the mother of the Cities notwithstanding any quality they might

who had spent before the event of the Conquest
of Mecca
and confronted war
do not and will never
equate in timeline with any one amongst you people.
They are the people who are comparatively great.
greatness is with regard to their elevated rank-ascension
in contrast to all the people who did
the same act of spending and confronting war in time and space in time-line
after the Conquest.
Though Allah the
Exalted has promised an appropriate-proportionate reward for all others.
[Refer 57:10]
Some of the
Psychological manipulators; who applied all techniques at their command
to distort and change the perception of others about the superb
possessive phrase:

naively forgot to manipulate and distort the meanings and message of
this Ayah in their translations and exegeses. They falsely and
deceptively self proclaimed a elevated rank of "nabi" and "rasul",
forgetting their own translation that they could not even attain status
equivalent to that of the followers of the Exalted Messenger Muhammad
Allah the Supreme Sovereign has adjudged about Muna'fi'qeen
that they are truly the fools

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