ص و م
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 14
b) No of constructions: 11

O those/you, who
consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!
The Fasting: time
bound abstinence of activity relating to food intake and genitalia have been
made obligatory-decreed upon you people exactly as it was
decreed upon the people who existed prior to you.
The objective is that you people
might remain self cautious
and avoid conduct inspired and
governed by emotion in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. [2:183]

The Fasting is during
a fixed number of days; day and night-29 or 30 of the
lunar month.
Sequel to this
imposition he who is suffering amongst you some sickness or is
embarking on a journey may adjourn it.
the adjourned fasting be accomplished to the count during the days of another month.
A compensation; a feed of
destitute is incumbent for deferring fast upon those who have the
strength to bear it in that ailment or journey without detriment
[journeying towards north will rather shorten the Fasting time].
Therefore, whoever
heartily adopted a
better course, thereat, that is much benefiting for him.
And remember that your
observing fasting instead of adjourning it in minor bearable
sickness or comfortable journey
would be far better for you people.
Fasting is certainly
better if you people
have understood-comprehended it [the importance and exaltation of the
Month of Fasting].

month of Ramadan is the month during which the
was compositely; flash descended.
It is a guidance for the people; and distinctly self explanatory verbal passages
were gradually communicated from the miscellany
of Al-Huda'a: the Guide and Al-Furqau'n: the Criterion; the
Separator of right from wrong, fact from
Therefore, whoever of
you finds this month in life he should observe it by fasting.
he who is suffering amongst you from sickness or is embarking on a journey
may adjourn fasting. Thereby,
the adjourned fasting be accomplished to the count during the days of another month.
Allah the Exalted intends easiness for
you people and never intends difficulty-awkwardness for you.
And its purpose is that you
might complete the count of fasting and that you might proclaim and
praise the Sublime grandeur of Allah the Mightiest for having guided you by
sending the Book;
And so that you people
might keep expressing gratitude.

Sexually inciting preliminary activities directed towards your wives
were permissible during the night of the Fasting for you people.
They-respective wives are
apparel for you people and
you are apparel for them.
Allah the Exalted has known-observed that by self
imposed restriction you people diligently kept lessening-suppressing
the rights of your own selves.
Thereby, He the Exalted has paid attention upon you to
move you out of self assumed restrictions and has since removed it; erroneous perception away from you.
Therefore, after this
clarification henceforth-now onwards undertake
mutual-consented intercourse with them in the nights of fasting and you people seek
result [not son or daughter but] that which Allah the
Exalted has written
for you people.
And you people eat and drink
till the white streak has made itself evidently distinct for you
out of the blackish streak; start of the dawn and daybreak.
Whereafter you complete the fast
spatiotemporally moving up to the night-Sun set.
Take note; you people
should not establish intimate mutually consented matrimonial contact-intercourse on visiting them:
wives during the currency of the period you are devotee
in reclusion inside the Mosques.
These are the
limits-restraints-demarcations prescribed by Allah the Exalted;
Therefore, you should not approach their boundaries
This is how Allah the Exalted makes His
verbal passages of injunctions
distinguishing for explicit comprehension of people
The objective of explicit
explanation is that they
might remain conscious of
instructions-guidance for all times-situations and avoid
unrestrained conduct.

And you are directed to conclude the Hajj and
Uemraa:Sacred Visitation
for which ever you had come in reverence
Allah the Exalted.
Thereat, subject to you
having been
blockaded-denied permission to perform it you are only required to deliver
sacrifice is readily available as accompanying garlanded mammals
designated for slaughter.
And you people should not
remove hair-shave heads for such time that the sacrificial mammal might reach the destined point; consumed-distributed.
However, if
someone is sick or is itched-irritated by it in his head necessitating removal of hair or avoidance of
shaving, thereby to avoid the
stated course an absolver is due upon him of choice; fasting, or to gift
something to needy, or do any good act.
Subject to you
are afforded security-permission
for entry, thereat, if some
one wished to avail the benefit of
visit towards Hajj he shall sacrifice what is conveniently available to him.
However, he who does not find to
comply with this injunction he shall fast for three days during Hajj and for
seven days on return to native place.
This will make fast for ten
days completely. This injunction is for him who is non-resident of
Sacred Mosque.
Take note that you people consciously remain mindful
and avoid unrestrained
conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.
And you people know-be
aware that Allah the Exalted is watchful/examines matters minutely till
its logical conclusion. [2:196]

Know it; It has never been permissible
befitting for a true believer
that he might kill a believer except unintentionally and mistakenly.
Take note; Were a believer killed a believer by negligence-mistake:
thereat, the requital obligation is to set free a believing
blood-money; delivery characterized
by exactitude as was declared acceptable, is to be delivered to his: murdered person's family.
It is mandatory
except that they might remit of their own choice.
Further note; If the murdered belonged to enemy nation
but was a believer: the
obligation incumbent upon the slayer is to set free a believing
And if the
person murdered by mistake belonged to a nation-community with whom there is a mutual
treaty between you people and them: The obligation is to submit
redemption money
in full without deformity; what was
agreed is to be paid to his family. And to set
free a
Sequel to this
ordinance; He who
does not possess this to redeem his mistake then continuous fasting
during two successive months is prescribed by Allah the Exalted for
absolving and pardon.
Know it: Allah the Exalted is
eternally the All Knower and the Wise: Knower of

Allah the
Exalted will not hold you
people accountable for your
superfluous promissory chatters in sworn circumstances
[since they are mere utterances of mouth of no
But be mindful that Allah
the Exalted will hold
you responsible and accountable for those vows, pledges-promises
which you have solemnly contracted/sworn.
[well thought, determined, intentional]
For reason
of not discharging the pledge, the
expiation-absolving one's self is feeding ten indigent persons the food
of average standard of that you regularly serve your family;
Or provide clothing to them; or free a
Sequel to it; he who has not
yet resources to meet the expenditure; thereat, fasting for three
days is prescribed. [so that in future
you become mindful and heedful]
This is the expiation of your promises when you
have sworn.
And you people protect/honour
your promises/pledges/contracts.
This is how Allah the Exalted
explicitly explicates His
Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal Passages of Qur'aan rendering
each point-concept-situation
distinctly isolated and crystal clear
for you.
So that you might effectively
recognize, acknowledge and express gratitude. [5:89]

O those/you, who
consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!
[in view of prohibition
should not hunt-slaughter mammals when you are on pilgrimage journey.
Take note; if someone of you in such
circumstance hunted and slaughtered
by design:
Then the recompense upon him is
sacrifice of domestic mammal of the
like he hunted and killed:
Garlanded mammal arriving at Kae'bata;
to be adjudged by two persons of justice minded repute amongst you.
Or the recompense upon him as
expiation is feeding of the indigent; or the remission for this is
fasting so that he might taste it as penalty and
rectify-improve-settle his affair.
Allah the Exalted has ignored that what went before times.
However, take note that henceforth if someone transgressed, thereby, Allah
the Exalted will award him punishment/requite
Be aware, Allah the Exalted is the
Sovereign, the Holder of Authority to award due punishment-requite
to criminals. [5:95]

Thereupon, eat fresh dates,
drink water and cool your eyes [by
looking at your son]
Afterwards, in case you come across
an individual human being:
Thereat, you indicate, "I have
vowed for Ar'Reh'maan to
refrain/avoid; therefore today I will not converse with human
beings." [19:26]

Know the
certain fact about those who have these characteristics of conduct:
The Muslim men and the women;
And the
Believing Men and the women;
And the
obediently and respectfully standing Men and Women;
And the
Truthful Men and the Truthful Women;
And the coolly
persistent and perseverant Men and the Women;
And the humble
Men and the humble Women;
And the
generous Men and the Women;
And the
Fasting Men and the Women;
And the Men
guarding their chastity-genitalia and the Women guarding their
And the Men
who frequently remember and mention Allah the Exalted and the like
Allah the
Exalted has arranged for them a preserve and a splendid return/reward. [33:35]
1 |
participle:: Definite; feminine;
plural; accusative. (1)33:35=1
اسم فاعل:معرفہ
مؤنث |
2 |
Active Participle: Definite; Sound plural;
Masculine; accusative; ( مصدر-صَوْمٌ
Verbal Noun) (1)33:35=1
اسم فاعل:معرفہ
باللام- منصوب-جمع
سالم مذكر
3 |
Verbal Noun: Definite; nominative. (1)2:183=1
باللام:مرفوع |
4 |
Verbal Noun:
Definite; genitive. (1)2:187=1
باللام:مجرور |
5 |
Verbal Noun: Definite; accusative.
باللام:منصوب |
6 |
Verb: Imperfect; second person; plural;
masculine; Mood: Subjunctive by Subjunctive Particle أَنْ
indicative by elision of نَ; and [و]
Subject pronoun, in nominative state;
مصدر صَوْمٌ-باب نَصَرَ Verbal Noun.
فعل مضارع
منصوب بِأَنْ
و علامة نصبة حذف النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع
مذكرحاضر |
7 |
Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. (1)19:26=1
مصدر::منصوب |
8 |
Verbal Noun: Indefinite; genitive.
مصدر::مجرور |
9 |
Noun: Indefinite; accusative.
مصدر::منصوب |
10 |
Prefixed conjunction
which shows cause/reason
and effect + Verbal Noun: Indefinite; nominative.
(1)2:196(2)4:92(3)5:89(4)58:04=4 حرف
فَ +
مصدر:مرفوع |
11 |
Prefixed conjunction
which shows cause/reason
and effect +
[لام الأمر] Imperative Particle
+ Verb: Imperfect; Third Person;
Masculine; Mood: Jussive;
Subject pronoun hidden + Suffixed Pronoun: Third person; singular;
masculine; accusative state, referring to Time Adverb; مصدر صَوْمٌ-باب نَصَرَ Verbal Noun.
حرف فَ
+ لام الأمر+
مضارع مجزوم/الفاعل:ضمير
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم في محل نصب مفعول به /واحد
مذكرغائب |
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