Prepositional Phrase coupled with possessive phrase

in times before you the Messenger


  • Moreover, Mutta'qeena are those who heartily accept-believe in that which was compositely sent to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and in that which was compositely sent before you.

  • And they have conviction regarding the Hereafter. [2:04]

Syntactic analysis and explanation of Ayah

: Conjunction - appositive and delineation particle: Grammatical Unit 9

: Relative Pronoun, third person, masculine, plural: Grammatical Unit 26

: they heartily believe; Grammatical Unit 27

: Prepositional Phrase. Grammatical Unit 34

: Linkage/Relative clause of preceding Relative pronoun; Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine; Passive; [Form-IV]; [هُوَ] Proxy Subject/Ergative hidden which is referent to preceding Relative pronoun; مصدر-اِنْزَالٌ Verbal noun. Grammatical Unit 35

: Prepositional phrase (جار و مجرور) coupled with (الإِضَافَةُ-اسم مجرور- زمان و مكان/مضاف + ضمير متصل-واحد مذكر حاضر في محل جر-مضاف إليه)  Possessive phrase.


Generally this particle denotes a beginning point related either to time or place. Also, it signifies the beginning point in matters unrelated to time and place, as used in sentence, "It is from Sulaiman".

The prepositions originally designate relations of place, i.e. local relations, but are transferred first, to relation of time, i.e. temporal relations, and next to various sorts of ideal relations conceived under the figure of local relations to which they correspond. The simple prepositions are divisible into three clauses, indicating respectively, motion proceeding from or away from a place; motion to or towards it; and rest in it. The prepositions which indicate motion proceeding from or away from a place are and "aen".

  with pronominal suffixes  , etc designate:

(a) The local point of departure, departure from a place; hence it is connected with verbs which convey the idea of separation, departure, holding oneself or another aloof from any person or thing, liberating, preserving, fleeing, frightening away, forbidding and the like. Hence is  used to signify, on the one hand, by or through, and on the other hand, in place of, instead of. [17:01]

 (b) The temporal point of departure, the point at which an act or state has commenced. When used in this signification, Arab Grammarians call it "denotes the commencement of the limits in place and time" or simply "lil ibteda" to denote the commencement. [17:01]

(c) The casual point of departure, the origin and source of a thing; Grammarians say that in this case is used for assigning the reason.

(d) The distance from a place, person or thing, particularly after words which signify proximity, such as قَرَبَ or دَنَا , to be near, near etc.

(e) The difference between two persons or things which are contrasted or compared with one another. Hence the use of after comparative adjectives; as "he is better than me ". [Remember: If an object is compared with itself in a different respect, the pronominal suffix must be attached to the preposition "they were nearer unbelief that day than belief".

(f) The relation which subsists between the part and whole, the species and the genus; [Rem: When  precedes a definite noun, especially in the plural, it often indicates an indefinite quantity or number. Accordingly with an indefinite genitive may be subject of a sentence. In such cases of nominal origin of we see it clearly a substantive, meaning a part or portion. [Rem: After negative particles, and interrogatives put in a negative sense prefixed to an indefinite noun means "none at all" and not "not one". [Rem: When indicates a part of a whole it is said to be used "lil tabeez" to indicate division into parts; when it indicates the parts of which a whole is composed "lil-tarkeebe" to indicate composition.

The function of this is to express the relationship between the part and whole; the member and the body to which that member belongs.

(g)  [للتَّبْيِينِ] The definition or explanation/clarification of a general or universal by a special or particular term, the later being one of several objects that go to make up the former, "therefore avoid the abomination of idols". Its sign is that it is proper to place [الذى هُوَ] in its place.

 (h) The specifying a general term.  

: Noun for time and place: Definite by construct; masculine, genitive + Suffixed Pronoun كَ: Second Person; singular; masculine; genitive state referent for the elevated Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam.

The Root of this time adverb: ق ب ل signifies the condition of two objects confronting - encountering, face to face; or one thing turning towards the other object to become face to face. The time that has passed is in our front.

As time adverb it refers to past timeline. The past is like the facing forward surface for human beings while the future is like a surface on the back not within the view. These phrases cover the entire timeline before the corporeal appearance of the exalted Messenger. Like English word "before" (a preposition and as adverb meaning previously) that indicates sequence of actions, one preceding the other and closely connected with it; the Arabic word: is also time adverb referring to preceding time-frame. It occurs in construct structure - possessive phrase. When used as an object of preposition: it will reflect all the points in time, events, or situations preceding another which relates to its second noun/pronoun in the construct structure. In otherwise identical ayahs, instead of the prepositional phrase coupled with possessive phrase, only accusative time adverb: is used:

  • And We did not send in timeline before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] spokespersons except men whom Our Majesty used to verbally communicate.

  • Therefore, you people ask them who were/are given the Memoir/Reference Book if you do not have the knowledge about it. [16:43]

  • People may know the history; We did not send prior to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] spokespersons except men whom Our Majesty used to verbally communicate.

  • Therefore, you people ask them who were/are given the Memoir/Reference Book if you do not have the knowledge about it. [21:07]

Recurrence: (1)2:4(2)3:184(3)4:60(4)4:162(5)6:10(6)6:34(7)6:42(8)10:94(9)12:109(10)13:32(11)13:38(12)15:10(13)16:43(14)16:63(15)21:25(16)21:34 (17)21:41 (18)22:52(19)28:46(20)30:47(21)32:3(22)35:4(23)39:65(24)40:78(25)41:43(26)42:3(27)43:23(28)43:45=28

  • Moreover, Mutta'qeena are those who heartily accept-believe in that which was compositely sent to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. and in that which was compositely sent before you.

  • And they have conviction regarding the Hereafter. [2:04]

  • Thereby, if they have contradicted you, it is not unusual since the Messengers sent in timeline before you were also contradicted publicly.

  • They had came to them with unprecedented displays and boldly written Messages; and the Book characteristically enlightening-reflector of visible life ensuring light. [3:184]

  • Have you marked conduct of those who falsely assert to have accepted believing in that which is compositely sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and in that which was compositely sent in times before you?

  • They intend they might govern their matters towards refractory state of no limits, measure and bounds. The fact remains that they were certainly commanded to the effect that they might avoid such refractory conduct.

  • And Ash'Shai'taan: the Satan: Defiant-Refractory desires and intends that he might stray them to the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [4:60]

  • But as for the the people amongst them who have in-depth objective knowledge, and the believers:

  • They willingly accept-believe in that (Grand Qur'aan) which has compositely been sent to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. And they believe in that which was compositely sent in times before you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].

  • And they are steadfastly maintainers of the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance;

  • And they are willing payers of Az-zaka'at: financial liability for economic uplift of society;

  • And they truly believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.

  • The aforementioned are the people whom We will keep rewarding abundantly and magnificently. [4:162]

  • Know the past; the Messengers deputed to nations in timeline before you the Messenger were indeed taken non seriously jestingly;

  • Thereby those of them who scorned; that hemmed them by which they were amusingly joking. [6:10]

  • Know the past history; the Messengers; who were deputed to respective nations in the timeline before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], were publicly and vehemently contradicted.

  • Thereupon, they remained steadfastly coolly perseverant upon that which people had denied and contradicted, and to their teasing, irritating irrational response till such time the help of Our Majesty had reached them.

  • [let them say whatever they conjecture] And there is none at all who could alter the words of Allah the Exalted.

  • And certainly some news about the history of deputed Messengers have since reached you. [6:34]

  • Know the certain fact of history; Our Majesty had indeed sent the Messengers to different nations/generations who flourished in times before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam],

  • Thereupon, We purposely seized them with crisis and economic adversity.

  • The purpose was that they might render their selves to humbleness. [6:42]

  • Therefore, if in the past life you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] had responded skeptically regarding their ambiguous, unconfirmed assertions, about which We have since compositely sent to you: Therefore, subsequent to this communication, question-confront [with the revealed information] those who were reciting to people the Book in days before you started reciting Qur'aan. 

  • Indeed the Infallible Doctrine-Discourse of Reality-Profitability and substance of permanence: Grand Qur'aan has since arrived to you, revealed by the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger.

  • Therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] should not henceforth remain worrywart for such people of Book. [10:94]

  • And We never sent as the Messengers even before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] but the Men whom We communicated verbal messages.

  • They were living amongst the residents of certain cities.

  • Is it for reason that they have not traversed in the world/land;

  • Whereby they may see the remains/archeological evidences as to what was the end of those who were before them [and take heed/lesson]

  • Be cognizant, the Home of the Hereafter  is the best for the people who endeavoured to attain salvation.

  • Is this neglecting the Hereafter for reason that you use not intellect to differentiate? [12:109]

  • Know the past; the Messengers who were deputed  before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] to different nations were indeed taken non seriously jestingly;

  • Thereby, I gave respite for those who deliberately refused to believe; afterwards upon expiry of appointed term of respite I seized them.

  • Eventually, let people take lesson by traversing in land, how was My conclusive punishment? [13:32]

  • And We had certainly sent Messengers before you the Messenger (Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam).

  • And We had declared for them wives and progeny.

  • Know it; showing to people an unprecedented display was not at the choice and discretion of a Messenger, except with the prior explicit sanction of Allah the Exalted.

  • A book was there for guidance: knowledge: Life Manual for each period of time. [13:38]

  • And indeed We had sent Messengers [and the Awakener/Book] in times before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] amongst people of varying identities. [15:10]

  • And We did not send before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] spokespersons except men whom Our Majesty used to verbally communicate.

  • Therefore, you people ask them who were/are given the Memoir/Reference Book if you do not have the knowledge about it. [16:43]

  • It is a fact that Our Majesty did not send in times before you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] any Messenger but We verbally communicated to him:

  • That "None at all in miscellany of iela'aha: deities that are uncritically admired, adorned and worshipped is alive or organizes, administers or sustains others except Me the Solitary Sustainer Lord, the Absolute. [Messenger was advised to ask people] Therefore, you people should be subject -subservient - allegiant to Me alone." [21:25]

  • Let it be publicly known, Our Majesty did not render perpetual living for a man [including Messengers 21:08] who existed in times before you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]   .

  • Is it then if you would have died natural death: would they people be living perpetually - for indefinite period? [21:34]

  • Know the past; the Messengers deputed to nations in timeline before you the Messenger were indeed taken non seriously jestingly;

  • Thereby those of them who scorned; that hemmed them by which they were amusingly joking. [21:41]

  • Take note: We never sent a man before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] appointed as Messenger; nor We sent to the world an Elevated and Chosen Distinct Person except at a specific point in time when this had already occurred:

  • Shai'taan: the devil-minded in Human and Jinn species had displayed and popularized fabricated fascinating stories mingling and jumbling them in the message of Him the Exalted.

  • Thereat, by sending the Messenger, Allah the Exalted kept replacing the falsifications which Shai'taan was popularizing.

  • Thereafter, Allah the Exalted confirms and establishes the verbal informative passages of the book of Him.

  • Remain cognizant; Allah the Exalted is the Fountain and Setter of knowledgescience of visible and invisible domains, realities, considerations; and is the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realm. [22:52]

  • And nor you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] were physically present on the side of At-Tur when We called [Mūsā alai'his'slaam after having left Madyan]

  • But [communicating these facts by sending Grand Qur'aan] is a Mercy and grace from your Sustainer Lord

  • So that you may revive/admonish the Nation [Bani Iesma'eile-] to whom no admonisher had come in times [many generations] before you [Muhamad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] [Read with 36:06; 62:02; also 6:92,42:07]

  • So that they may conveniently save it in memory/remember and recall to narrate. [28:46]

  • And indeed We had certainly sent Messengers before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] to their respective nations;

  • Whereupon/for reason [people had corrupted the Message/Book left by earlier Messenger] they came to them with evident/ distinct/ unprecedented [miraculous] displays.

  • For reason [of persistent contradiction] Our Majesty awarded punishment to those who committed crimes;

  • And this has been an obligation/incumbent upon Our Majesty that We help deliver/rescue the believers.[30:47]

  • Contradicting it, do they keep saying to people: "He: Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] has drafted and compiled it: Qur'aan with his own effort, perception, knowledge, understanding?"

  • No, their perception is wrong, he is not the author; the fact is that it the Infallible Doctrine-Discourse revealed by the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger.

  • The objective is that you might revive/admonish the nation: Bani Iesma'eile-the Gentile to whom no admonisher had come in times - generations before you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

  • So that they people may guide themselves aright. [32:03]

  • And in case they publicly contradict what you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have stated to them [the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan/Allah] then/thereby [do not feel grieved] it is a fact that in aforetimes before you the words conveyed by Messengers were publicly contradicted.

  • Be mindful that all matters are returned-presented for settling-decision-finality by Allah the Exalted.  [35:04]

  • And indeed We did communicate to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and to those Messengers who were in times before you to declare:

  • "Beware of this strong pledge; should you associated partnership with Allah the Exalted, certainly your effort will become voided, weightless froth, destructive. And certainly you will be one of those who cause loss to their selves". [39:65]

  • And indeed We had sent as Messengers in aforetimes before you;

  • About some of whom We have narrated to you and about the events of some of whom We have not narrated to you. [Similar information in 4:164]

  • And it has never been for a Messenger that he may bring a demonstrative unprecedented sign except with the prior permission of Allah the Exalted.

  • Thereupon [on expiry of  respite period] when came the Command of Allah the Exalted, the matter was finalized/ decided on the basis of proven fact

  • And at that point in time the conjectural conceptualists and scum mongers were at loss. [40:78]

  • They-the elite who have purposely refused to accept Qur'aan do not slander for you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] except that which was said against the Messengers sent aforetimes before you.

  • Let the people know it that indeed the Sustainer Lord of you-Mohammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is certainly the Oft Forgiving; but is equally-simultaneously certainly severe in awarding punishment-takes the matter to its logical conclusion. [41:43]


  • Like the alphabet and diacritical marks; Allah the Exalted verbally communicates [His Parlance-Book] to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]; and likewise was conveyed to those Messengers who were before youHe the Exalted is the Pervasively dominant and the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realm, visible and invisible. [42:03]

  • And in the same manner We did not send an Admonisher/Awakener before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] in a community/city except whom the ruling elite of it said/responded,

  • "We had certainly found our fathers on a pattern and system,

  • And certainly we are consciously copying following their legacy and symbols/traditions." [43:23]

  • And explore, from the record/history incorporated in Qur'aan whom We sent aforetimes before you from amongst Our Messengers

  • As to whether other than Ar'Reh'maan [Our Self], did Our Majesty ever declare others as various iela'aha: godheads to be worshipped? [43:45]

Progressive number of grammatical units: =  + 28

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