Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              053

  With Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan [I begin reading Qur'aan] Who is The Infinitely Merciful.           




















































































Have you then seen/noticed the one who has turned away [from Qur'aan] [53:33]

and he gave a little and made himself withhold. [53:34]

[what made him act like this] Has he the knowledge of the unseen whereby he sees [the future] [53:35]

[Read with 87:19]

Or has he not yet been informed about that which was in the Papers/Papyri of Musa [alai'his'slaam]; [53:36]

and of Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam], the one who fulfilled [his promise/word] [53:37]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:164;17:15;35:18;39:07]

that none of the bearer of burden shall lift the burden of another one. [50:38]

[Read with 79:35]

And that nothing [on the Day of Judgment] is for the Man except that for which he made an effort/ [53:39]

[Read with 17:19;76:23]

and that certainly [shall be appreciatively recognized] his effort, it may soon be seen; [53:40]

afterwards he will be requited the recompense in full. [53:41]

And that towards the Sustainer Lord of you is the Ultimate End. [53:42]

And that indeed He is the One Who caused the one to smile/laugh and caused to weep. [53:43]

And that indeed He is the One Who caused the death and will revive life. [53:44]

And that indeed He is the One Who created the pairs, the male and the female [53:45]

 from part of a single sperm when she/that [semen in which it was pushed] is poured/lodged/presented. [53:46]

And that indeed He is the One upon Whom is to create the later creation. [53:47]

And that indeed He is the One Who made someone rich/self sufficient and put someone in hand to mouth state. [53:48]

And that indeed He is the One Who is the Sustainer Lord of Sirius. [53:49]

And that indeed He is the One Who annihilated the earlier civilization of Aad; [53:50]

and Samued, thereby/resultantly He did not give them survival/continuity [of posterity]. [53:51]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 51:46]

And the people of Noah [alai'his'slaam] in aforetimes;

Indeed they were the people who remained becoming more unjust and more rebellious; [53:52]

and the Perverted/Subverted/Overturned City, He dropped it. [53:53]

thereat that veiled/submerged it that [water-Dead Sea] who covered. [53:54]

Therefore in how many of the method of annihilation of the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], you will make yourself worrywart [for people] [53:55]

This the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is an Admonisher/Revivalist/Warner from amongst the Admonishers/Revivalists of earlier times. [53:56]

[Read with 40:18]

The ever approaching [Promised day/point in time] has become imminent. [53:57]

Other than Allah there is none for it the discloser. [53:58]

Do you people then feel strange and unaccustomed about this The Statement [53:59]

and you people laugh and you people do not weep [despite having known this] [53:60]

and you people keep amusing. [53:61]

Therefore [in consequence to the information given-53:57] you people prostrate for Allah the Exalted and you people become allegiants [before it is too late-Please prostrate; prostration will make you nearer to Him-96:19]. [53:62]

54:01-17                        Index/Main Page
